Why the f do you retire from being the most interesting man in the world is a better question. That's the easiest gig going.
Yeah, he ain't cuttin' it. Let's see him play a french horn at someone's hotel door!I find the new most interesting man....gangly, awkward / his "riffs" like kicking a coconut for a field goal in the middle of an aborigine sacred ground is in poor taste.
My vote is NYCBanker. Nobody comes up with off the wall threads like him.
My vote would go to Ash Saturday.My vote is NYCBanker. Nobody comes up with off the wall threads like him.
By the way...is he still alive?
New guy is a former soccer star in Europe (or so I've been told). The old guy is actually Jewish and seems like a good dude. I saw a profile on him last year on something like 60 Minutes
Funny thread. My brother worked on the Dos Equis account for his company. He said that Goldsmith was becoming too expensive and demanding, and also that he is tough to work. For live events they basically had to keep him away from people as he couldn't stay in character long enough.
Brother isn't a fan of simply replacing him and hoping no one noticed, but it was a call above his pay grade.
My vote is NYCBanker. Nobody comes up with off the wall threads like him.
By the way...is he still alive?
That's interesting and makes sense. I was thinking they did some focus groups (qualitative market research) that suggested a younger person was better and made therefore made the move but your scenario makes plausible sense.
He hasn't been here in almost a year and a half. The last known activity was when he wanted to have someone adopt his dog. At the time I believe he was living with his girlfriend, they had a house and a pair of dogs. Nothing really posted since that point.My vote is NYCBanker. Nobody comes up with off the wall threads like him.
By the way...is he still alive?
Funny thread. My brother worked on the Dos Equis account for his company. He said that Goldsmith was becoming too expensive and demanding, and also that he is tough to work. For live events they basically had to keep him away from people as he couldn't stay in character long enough.
Brother isn't a fan of simply replacing him and hoping no one noticed, but it was a call above his pay grade.