OT: Wimsatt fumble at Ole Miss

I saw the play and it was a legit play on the ball by the defender—lowered his shoulder into the ball. Kyle wouldn’t have held onto that if he’d gotten hit like that.
Kyle would have held on to the ball, and would have also moved forward, typical GW crumbles on contract.
Got stopped in his tracks 😂😂😂, Kyle’s body would have never been in that position, he would have been lower, and used his body to protect the ball.
Kyle would have scored, absurd take with an absurd comparison.
GW didn’t know if he should celebrate the TD or crawl into a hole
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Technically it was not a strip. A strip is grabbing and ripping the ball out of the runner's arm(s). Here, Gavin was not carrying the ball high like he should have and the ball was popped out by the defender's helmet. Ball was held loose and low by Gavin.
No one carry’s it high on goal line runs.
Kyle would have, and would have also moved forward, typical GW crumbles on contract.
Got stopped in his tracks 😂😂😂, Kyle’s body would have never been in that position, he would have been lower, and used his body to protect the ball.
Are you comparing GW to the B1G’s 2nd leading rusher? KM is a beast. His size makes it very hard to get a good shot on him.
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Cmon guys and gals , can’t believe this far in no one mentioned

Girl starting to mouth Mother-f—-er

And Kentucky player saying I don’t know what the hell just happened
Girl has a splint on her pinky and the guy beside her is definitely related to a Manning per ‘23 and Me.’
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He can’t throw. Never ask an athlete to do something they can’t.
I don’t disagree that he can’t throw as a regular QB. As a once in a while plug, he can execute a single rehearsed pass play and be relied on for a throw away to be option two if the play breaks down (see his first career pass as an example). But that’s the extent of it and the Ashokans and Al and whoever else love his game and think we passed up a Heisman can go on all day if he converts an important pass play at some point this season but it doesn’t change the reality of his limited skill set. Hes not a QB 1 - full stop.
Is Kenny Fletcher not getting many chances after the fumble against Va Tech?
Do we really have to compare the two? Two totally different plays and situatiosn. Kenny was carrying the ball properly (high and in both hands), and he had the ball ripped by one Va Tech player while taking a head on collision from the other Va Tech player. Gavin was hold the ball loose and low in one arm.

We are kind of light on TEs, and he is still the best TE we have.

En is doing a great job at EMU. Very happy for him too.
And I'm happy Gavin is playing P5. Would like to see him get more chances. Opinions obviously vary, but that fumble was mostly on Gavin for improper ball carrying and securement. Evan will make mistakes too, that is part of the game. But Evan will have many more plays and opportunities to make those mistakes. We shall see if Gavin's workload increases or decreases. I hope it increases.
Interesting play. If that happened to a player at Rutgers, not sure that player would be given many second chances. Coincidentally, Greg briefly spoke to a group of donors before the Va Tech game, and while I forget the context, he stressed exactly what is in the video and picture I posted above about carrying the ball high and tight.
Fletcher fumbled inside the 10 at Va Tech and was still in there on the next series.

A Kia and a BMW are both cars.
The Tucky fumble was result of a strip and became a live ball and wasn't a "forward lateral" with regard to speculations. While still a fumble it wasn't a "opps" type. Defenders have scholarships too.
Upon further review, KnightShift overrules himself. The Kentucky defender ripped the ball out of Gavin's left harm--did not hit with the helmet. I will take my lashes in the North End Zone of SHI in front of the cannon crew.
And I'm happy Gavin is playing P5. Would like to see him get more chances. Opinions obviously vary, but that fumble was mostly on Gavin for improper ball carrying and securement. Evan will make mistakes too, that is part of the game. But Evan will have many more plays and opportunities to make those mistakes. We shall see if Gavin's workload increases or decreases. I hope it increases.

Me too. I see a path for him to be a key contributor. I don’t see that potential path as any sort of indicator that he should’ve remained our starter though. It’s unfortunate that a faction of our fan base still believes this and will defend everything Gavin does at UK to no end. I can just imagine Ashokan’s thread following AK’s first poor outing.
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Congrats kid. I guess that's why you go back home there rather than going someplace where you can be the guy. To be a part of winning games like that over top 10 opponents.
See above. Fletcher was carrying the ball the way he was supposed to be carrying the ball and he was hit by one player right in the chest and the other player was stripping the ball away.
One thing people have to recognize is that the way RU players carry the ball is unique. I don't see anyone else do it. When a player on other teams fumbles which typically happens in every game; it's not necessarily because they were carrying the ball incorrectly. Especially if it's not counter to the way they are coached. Most often it's because of a helmet to the ball or a good strip by a defender.
Congrats kid. I guess that's why you go back home there rather than going someplace where you can be the guy. To be a part of winning games like that over top 10 opponents.

I don’t think he was “guaranteed” a starting spot anywhere except maybe at a program commiting to the option. Not coming off the completion stats he had.
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My only point is that the defensive players are on scholarship too. They can make plays too. If you can get your helmet or shoulder pads on the ball, the ball will come out. That’s how T Hunter caused the fumble against Baylor to end the game.