OT: Your stories of a brush with famous people.

I’ve sold houses to about a dozen DC sports figures from various teams.

Probably the most famous was John Carlson
One more...

One night I went late to rent a video and get Chinese takeout - both in same shopping area.
I rented "The Lion King" and got to the Chinese place 15 minutes before closing.
I got home and realized I forgot the movie in the takeout place but it was too late to go back

I went to the Chinese place early the next day and they had the vid so I was lucky.
As I was leaving I saw a long line outside a home center next place over (pre Depot days).
I asked people what line was for, and they said James Earl Jones was inside signing copies of his new autobiography

So there I was with my rescued "Lion King" movie and the effin Lion King himself was right there.
Of course I stayed on line to meet Jones, and I met a friend getting her book signed for a charity raffle.
I explained to her how I happened to know Jone's neighbor up in Pawling NY.

When we got to the table my friend mentioned to Jones that I knew a stockbroker neighbor of his. Jones mentioned his name to me and we spoke about that and some other things we had it common. So there I was talking to Darth Vader all because I left a video in the Chinese place. Jones was great and very much the common man type.

Worth a mention that Jones was ROTC at Michigan and became an Army Ranger (he like being in Pershing Rifles Drill Team and Scabbard and Blade Honor Society). A lot of the old great actors had military experience

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Talked to Geno Aruiemma for 5-10 minutes after a Rutgers - UConn game back in the mid 2000s

Funny as hell and a fellow Italian - much different than his persona on tv

Also my buddys sister played on the Nova team that upset uconn at the Rac in the big east finals
Me and two work colleagues spotted Bobby Knight in the Auckland airport back in the mid 90’s ( I think 96). I was terrified of the guy so I wasn’t about to bother him but my work buddy yelled out “Hey Bobby - are you down here scouting” - much to my surprise he walked on over, shook all our hands and told us he was down there for a fishing vacation with his sons.
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So ... I live in NYC, so have a fair number of fun interactions. Still, here are a number:

1) Brooke Shields: In the early to mid-1980's when I was in college or just out, I was on Amtrak coming North from the South, and a tall, slender, strikingly pretty young woman with very heavy eyebrows got on the train with a heavy duffel bag, and sat in the open seat next to me (I was on the aisle - for leg room, and she wanted the window seat). I help her put her duffel in the rack above us, and on and off for the next hour talked to her, until the train arrived in NYC. I never asked her name, and she never offered it, but it was clearly Brooke Shields ... I am pretty sure she was more comfortable talking to a stranger her own age (well I was a couple years older - she was at Princeton and may have been only 19 or 20 at the time) when that person did NOT impose on her pr press her for her name. I do remember her talking a lot about her half/step siblings, especially about her brother.

2) Heidi Klum and Seal: Heidi lived in the same building in which my apartment is, and after she met Seal he lived there also. I had numerous conversations with her and Seal, have had drinks in her apartment, once when struggling with both my young kids and several bags of groceries enjoyed Seal (the nicest guy, by the way) coming into the building at the same time, and scoop up both my kids (he is a big guy) and help me into our apartment. We were not friends, but I would say we were more than casual acquaintances.: True neighbors.

3) Antonio Fargas (Huggy Bear on Starsky and Hutch): Okay, not a major star, but even so ... Was on a cross-town bus in NYC across from him, and I greeted him, telling him I enjoyed him in Starsky and Hutch. He was delighted, saying, "How nice - no one ever recognizes me , so thank you for saying hello."

4) James Gondolfini: Met him while he was playing with his toddle kid in the local playground. My young kids were in the playground as well - I merely said hello when his kid and mine were all in the sandbox together. He was friends with a friend of our in the neighborhood and was visiting the neighborhood. Around the same time, Ricki Lake also spent a fair bit of time with her kid at the same playground.

5) Julianne Moore: I often saw her walking in my neighborhood - but that is a sighting, not an encounter. So ... her son played basketball (was a preferred walk-on at Davidson, FYI). He also played high school basketball in NYC - playing against my son's high school team each season (out of conference). At one game, I was in the stands having an enjoyable conversation with a parent from the opposing team, we were next to each other in the bleachers ... and of course, asking which player was her kid, and she asking which was mine, and both of us complementing each other's son ... Her son was WAY better than mine, BTW - he was the star on his team while my son. though he played a lot, was just the 6th man on his team. We talked for more than an hour. After the game, my son came up to me all excited and asked what Julianne Moore was like . I asked why he asked, since I did not know her. He looked me like I was an idiot (which I was, of course - being a parent of a teen) and told me I had been talking to her all game, LOL! I was completely oblivious, just focused on the game, and sharing the game with another parent. Yes, what an an idiot I am! When I did see her in the neighborhood a couple of times I did greet her - and she did remember who I was.

6) Hugh Jackman - and his now soon to be ex-wife, Deborah: This is a good one. A friend invited us to a benefit on hunger (it turned out it was the organization that had pulled in Deborah and Hugh - it was really Deborah's thing more than Hugh's). Anyway, they were both there, of course. At the cocktail hour, my then wife kept staring at Hugh - who she reminded me lived in our neighborhood. I encouraged her to go say hello, and we both walked over (me giving my wife moral support). When she introduced herself as neighbors, Hugh lit up abd called HIS wife over and we talked for the next 10 minutes or so. THEN ... the very next morning, my wife was walking our dog, and ran into Hugh walking HIS dogs (they had 2). He immediately recognized her and came over to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek - made her day. We ran into Hugh many times over several years, and sometimes walked our dogs together ... Those in NYC understand dog-walking culture: Its us against the world, and people get to know their acquaintances' dogs better than the people.

In business, I also had the opportunity to mee many well-know investment world people (once talked to Ivan Boesky on the phone - before his arrest, but later realized it was while he was taping people as a snitch for the Feds - my boss was friendly with Boesky and asked me to pass along to Boesky our technical indicator charts - nothing insider about that, FYI).
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Oh, one more: my next door neighbor is Brian Leonard.
Years ago, Stefanie was our W.B. Mason (I think it was that) sales rep who used to visit our office from time to time. I don't think they were married yet, but could've been.
I've been in higher ed communications for most of the last 25 years, so that has given me proximity to a number of interesting folks, one way or another.

About 20 years ago, I was the liaison waiting for RFK Jr. at an event where he was the keynote speaker. I was supposed to lead him backstage. He got out of his car/limo, a sweaty mess with his top button undone and the knot of his tie about four inches down from his collar. I greeted him and in a nonthreatening way, almost like he was hanging on to me, grabbed the front of my shirt and said, "Get me a Coke." (I'm pretty sure he said a Coke.)

Once I stepped outside for some air toward the end of a post-commencement luncheon. I was alone when Richie Sambora, who had received an honorary degree, stepped outside for a smoke. Offered me one, which I declined. We shot the shit for five minutes before heading back inside. Good guy, down to earth.

A while back, I was at an alumni event for one class's 50-year reunion. I was scanning the room for one guy in particular, standing on my toes to get a good look. When I went back down on my heels and returned my gaze to eye level, a guy whose head I had been looking over was actually standing right in front of me, offering his hand. "Hi, I'm Hugh Cregg," he said. Most of the world knows him as Huey Lewis.

I sat at lunch tables with Spike Lee (a dick, which was disappointing, because I enjoy his work), Anderson Cooper (who was really engaged and glad to be there), and Harlan Coben, who really just wants an audience. I've never read any of his books, but as a conversationalist, he's all right.

One time it was a normal work day and I was sitting in my office when Jim Breuer poked his head in and asked if I knew where he could find so-and-so.

One summer day, I was mowing my front lawn when a car pulled over to my curb and rolled the window down. I approached and it was Steve Adubato Jr., who was late to a wedding and wanted my help with directions to The Tides in North Haledon (this was pre-GPS). He's more New Jersey famous than universally famous, but I certainly knew who he was.

And I had a pre-arranged 15-minute phone conversation with Stephen A. Smith a few years ago, an interview for a story. He was actually thoughtful and reflective, and not the bombastic character he plays on TV.

I'm leaving a few out and forgetting some others, but these are the ones I think of first. Oh, and I ate dinner two tables away from Richard Nixon when I was a teenager at the old Scordato's in Hawthorne, but that's not really an interaction.
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Way back in the day of The Sopranos I was at the RU bookstore and I left to go to the Feron Deck by that Mexican restaurant. There were three people ahead of me getting on the elevator and when one of them turned around it was Michael Imperioli. I didn't know what to do so I said nothing lol.
I used to see Federico Castellucio (Furio on the show) around New Brunswick when I was there (1999-2003). I believe he owned one of the bars or restaurants off Albany St
A funny story with Phil Simms - My office was out for one of our "Friday" lunches at the River Palm in Paramus. Owner, sales guys and my assistant. We are at our table and Phil walks in with some guy who had dark hair and was maybe 5ft 10 or so. Better looking then Phil though. We all mention that Phil came in and my Assistant asked who Phil Simms is and we told her. She asked if we thought he would give her an autograph. Of course we told her that he is super friendly and he would be happy to. That she should even ask for a selfie.

She is all excited and ask us- "which guy is it" - And we told her it was obviously the good looking guy with dark hair.

And I swear, she walks over to the bar(and she was a looker) went straight to the short guy with dark hair and tells him how much she loved watching him play and asked him for a selfie...

The guy and Phil both look at our table with half smirks and half "you guys are assholes but this is funny" looks and they play along and let her take a selfie with the dark hair guy. They did buy her a drink and talked to her for about 10 minutes but never gave away the joke.

I often wonder if she ever figured it out. lol
My Dad’s company had season tix for the Yanks in the 60’s and 70’s and was friends with the Yankees ticket manager. He set us up to meet Ted Williams during his last season with the Red Sox between games of a double header. Ted signed a baseball for me, made some pleasant talk with us and shook our hands. My Dad used to say that I didn’t wash that hand for a week!

Belonged to a small hole in the wall gym in Atlantic Highlands in 2000 and saw the Boss ten feet away working with his personal trainer. Everyone gave him space except a few chippies who couldn’t resist.
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No A list stars but I meet a lot of B list celebs at the Jersey shore. I dont ask for autographs and dont go out of my way to talk to them. My whole list is people I just bumped into at bars or around town.

-Ron Jaworski. Nicest guy around. Always friendly.

-Joe Flacco. Friendly. See him 3-4 times a summer.

-Trent Cole. Very cool. He came into an arcade where I was working. I grabbed the house cared and played him a few games. I have a video of me playing him in Pop a Shot.

- Danny Bonaduce. Saw him drunk at the wawa getting food at 2am.

-Tina Yothers from family ties. Cool. Saw her at the bars two weeks in a row years ago. Must have had work done because she looked decent. She used to look like a Cabbage Patch kid but looked much better. Hair dyed jet black and bright blue eyes.

-Darryl Johnson. Saw him this summer. Nice guy.

_John Runyan. Didnt talk but I saw him. Looks like he lost 100 lbs.

-Tim Ker. I was at a college keg party and I was feeling old at 28. 40 something Tim Kerr comes walking in. That was funny.

-John Bolaris. Nice guy. I have his mountain bike. I guess ithe bike and two 18 year old blonds didnt all fit in the Porsche the last weekend of the summer. The bike was left for the trash and I trash picked it. It did need a new tire.

-Vince Papale. The one dick in the bunch. He was wearing a NFLPA jacket in the middle of summer.
So ... I live in NYC, so have a fair number of fun interactions. Still, here are a number:

1) Brooke Shields: In the early to mid-1980's when I was in college or just out, I was on Amtrak coming North from the South, and a tall, slender, strikingly pretty young woman with very heavy eyebrows got on the train with a heavy duffel bag, and sat in the open seat next to me (I was on the aisle - for leg room, and she wanted the window seat). I help her put her duffel in the rack above us, and on and off for the next hour talked to her, until the train arrived in NYC. I never asked her name, and she never offered it, but it was clearly Brooke Shields ... I am pretty sure she was more comfortable talking to a stranger her own age (well I was a couple years older - she was at Princeton and may have been only 19 or 20 at the time) when that person did NOT impose on her pr press her for her name. I do remember her talking a lot about her half/step siblings, especially about her brother.

2) Heidi Klum and Seal: Heidi lived in the same building in which my apartment is, and after she met Seal he lived there also. I had numerous conversations with her and Seal, have had drinks in her apartment, once when struggling with both my young kids and several bags of groceries enjoyed Seal (the nicest guy, by the way) coming into the building at the same time, and scoop up both my kids (he is a big guy) and help me into our apartment. We were not friends, but I would say we were more than casual acquaintances.: True neighbors.

3) Antonio Fargas (Huggy Bear on Starsky and Hutch): Okay, not a major star, but even so ... Was on a cross-town bus in NYC across from him, and I greeted him, telling him I enjoyed him in Starsky and Hutch. He was delighted, saying, "How nice - no one ever recognizes me , so thank you for saying hello."

4) James Gondolfini: Met him while he was playing with his toddle kid in the local playground. My young kids were in the playground as well - I merely said hello when his kid and mine were all in the sandbox together. He was friends with a friend of our in the neighborhood and was visiting the neighborhood. Around the same time, Ricki Lake also spent a fair bit of time with her kid at the same playground.

5) Julianne Moore: I often saw her walking in my neighborhood - but that is a sighting, not an encounter. So ... her son played basketball (was a preferred walk-on at Davidson, FYI). He also played high school basketball in NYC - playing against my son's high school team each season (out of conference). At one game, I was in the stands having an enjoyable conversation with a parent from the opposing team, we were next to each other in the bleachers ... and of course, asking which player was her kid, and she asking which was mine, and both of us complementing each other's son ... Her son was WAY better than mine, BTW - he was the star on his team while my son. though he played a lot, was just the 6th man on his team. We talked for more than an hour. After the game, my son came up to me all excited and asked what Julianne Moore was like . I asked why he asked, since I did not know her. He looked me like I was an idiot (which I was, of course - being a parent of a teen) and told me I had been talking to her all game, LOL! I was completely oblivious, just focused on the game, and sharing the game with another parent. Yes, what an an idiot I am! When I did see her in the neighborhood a couple of times I did greet her - and she did remember who I was.

6) Hugh Jackman - and his now soon to be ex-wife, Deborah: This is a good one. A friend invited us to a benefit on hunger (it turned out it was the organization that had pulled in Deborah and Hugh - it was really Deborah's thing more than Hugh's). Anyway, they were both there, of course. At the cocktail hour, my then wife kept staring at Hugh - who she reminded me lived in our neighborhood. I encouraged her to go say hello, and we both walked over (me giving my wife moral support). When she introduced herself as neighbors, Hugh lit up abd called HIS wife over and we talked for the next 10 minutes or so. THEN ... the very next morning, my wife was walking our dog, and ran into Hugh walking HIS dogs (they had 2). He immediately recognized her and came over to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek - made her day. We ran into Hugh many times over several years, and sometimes walked our dogs together ... Those in NYC understand dog-walking culture: Its us against the world, and people get to know their acquaintances' dogs better than the people.

In business, I also had the opportunity to mee many well-know investment world people (once talked to Ivan Boesky on the phone - before his arrest, but later realized it was while he was taping people as a snitch for the Feds - my boss was friendly with Boesky and asked me to pass along to Boesky our technical indicator charts - nothing insider about that, FYI).
Loved her in Boogey Nights, lol
My Dad’s company had season tix for the Yanks in the 60’s and 70’s and was friends with the Yankees ticket manager. He set us up to meet Ted Williams during his last season with the Red Sox between games of a double header. Ted signed a baseball for me, made some pleasant talk with us and shook our hands. My Dad used to say that I didn’t wash that hand for a week!

Belonged to a small hole in the wall gym in Atlantic Highlands in 2000 and saw the Boss ten feet away working with his personal trainer. Everyone gave him space except a few chippies who couldn’t resist.
My brother and I belonged to the old HEAR Insitute in Red Bank during the 80's. It apparently was the place to be, and we had no idea.... Master of the Universe types from Wall Street. Parking lot of Roll's, Ferrari's, Maserati's, etc.

My brother and Bruce, who was also a member, seemed to have the same workout schedule as lots of times it was just the two of them and maybe a few others in the whole place. He and the Boss would spot each other.

His wife at the time, Julianne Phillips, would be there too. She looked really different in person.
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Saw Bob Menendez at Newark Penn Station waiting for Amtrak train.

Saw Bruce Arena, Jozy Alridore and the Red Bulls team at Penn Station.
I’ve sold houses to about a dozen DC sports figures from various teams.

Probably the most famous was John Carlson
Carlson’s parents are neighbors with my in laws in South Seaside Park, we see him all the time during the summers
Sat at a table in a NY restaurant next to a table with John Lennon and his friends. Just a few days before he was shot.
yI worked at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC for 18 years. Also consulted for a lot of other museums. We used to get to go to the exhibitions before they opened as we would do surveys on what people thought about the exhibition. Once I was at the Museum of Modern Art at a pre-opening visit, and wound up in a room with just four people. Me, Lee Radziwell (Jackie O's sister), Kurt Vonnegut, and Steve Martin. I thought, "They are probably all wondering who the hell I am?"

Had a fifteen minute conversation with Walter Cronkite at The Met as he asked Moms Skillethead and me to lead him out of the museum through back ways so he wouldn't encounter too many people. We talked about Fran Lawrence back when he was in trouble. I told Cronkite that Lawrence probably said exactly the opposite of what he meant. Uncle Walter replied, "That remends of something Barry Goldwater once said to me: "Why can't the press report what I mean instead of what I say?"

Also had brief conversations with Janis Joplin and George Carlin (not together). Both pretty funny, but this post is long enough now.
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yI worked at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC for 18 years. Also consulted for a lot of other museums. We used to get to go to the exhibitions before they opened as we would do surveys on what people thought about the exhibition. Once I was at the Museum of Modern Art at a pre-opening visit and wound up in a room with just four people. Me, Lee Radziwell (Jackie O's sister), Kurt Vonnegut, and Steve Martin. I thought, "They are probably all wondering who the hell I am?"

Had a fifteen-minute conversation with Walter Cronkite at The Met as he asked Moms Skillethead and me to lead him out of the museum through back ways so he wouldn't encounter too many people. We talked about Fran Lawrence back when he was in trouble. I told Cronkite that Lawrence probably said exactly the opposite of what he meant. Uncle Walter replied, "That reminds of something Barry Goldwater once said to me: "Why can't the press report what I mean instead of what I say?"

Also had brief conversations with Janis Joplin and George Carlin (not together). Both pretty funny, but this post is long enough now.
Heard his knows his stuff.
I crossed paths with Lou Pinella in Fort Lauderdale when he was the manager of the Cubs. I was staying at the same hotel for a work meeting and he came out of the hotel bar (maybe around 11 or 11:30). The group I was with had a few baseball fans in it and we gave him a wave and he walked over to us and chatted for a minute... he was really chill. Fast forward to 2 AM and I finally head up to bed and Lou is drinking beers with front office guys from the Cubs. I politely interrupted and asked for his autograph (as a Yankee and baseball fan). Not only does he say yes, he also introduces me to the guys at the table. We probably chat for 1 to 2 minutes and I cut it short because my very loud ("Jersey") coworker now joined in. Realizing it was too much energy for 2 am, I thanked them for their time and wished them all the best the rest of the year (though it felt like I could have chatted for a few more minutes).
My brother and I belonged to the old HEAR Insitute in Red Bank during the 80's. It apparently was the place to be, and we had no idea.... Master of the Universe types from Wall Street. Parking lot of Roll's, Ferrari's, Maserati's, etc.

My brother and Bruce, who was also a member, seemed to have the same workout schedule as lots of times it was just the two of them and maybe a few others in the whole place. He and the Boss would spot each other.

His wife at the time, Julianne Phillips, would be there too. She looked really different in person.
We must have been in there at the same time, several times. Phil and Pat Dunphy owned it until they spilt up. Phil would go on tour with Bruce's Band all over the world.
Can't believe I forgot to post this in my original post. After my ACL surgery in 1984, I'd rehab at The Hear Institute in Red Bank. A state of the art place for all kinds of rehab. They had a direct link to Riverview Medical Center for heart patients, a dunk tank for checking body fat, Cybex machines out the Gazoo, anything you can think of. The owner was hired to go on every tour of Bruce Springsteen's band. I'd see and chat with Bruce, Max and even Clarence as we seemed to be on the same 3 days a week schedule. Bruce there mostly for endurance, and Max to rehab his wrists, not sure about Clemons reason. Met Denny McLain and Bill Mazer at Mickey Mantle's in Manhattan when Bill used to do his radio show for WFAN at Mantles.
Was staying at the newly opened Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas many years ago. My X and I were on east coast time so were pretty much the only ones at the pool at 9:00 in the morning. Some little guy comes swimming over to us to say hello. I hear the father calling "Wolfie" from the other end of the pool and starts heading towards us. I said to my X that looks like Eddie Van Halen" and I think their son's name is Wolfgang. Of course, she is like "no f'ing way". Suddenly, the cabana curtain behind us opens and out comes Valerie Bertinelli ( A childhood crush of mine) and sits down next to me at the edge of the pool to "rescue" us from Wolfie. Talked with them pool edge for about 10 minutes. She and Eddie were as regular and nice as one could imagine. They were just there for a family vacation and I proceeded to see them all week in the elevator, casino, etc. Pretty cool memory.
The other thing was Billy Joel was playing at the concert room that night and he stayed in the room next to us. Heavy security on that floor. Adam Sandler was hanging at the pool and playing with kids calling him Billy Madison. Really regular guy with no attitude. Bartender told me I just missed Jack Nicholson. Star struck weekend for sure.
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used to see celebs regularly at work when a daily cable morning show was shooting on the floor below me, we were separated by a staircase.
Saw Maroon 5 and Adele before they were famous. My favorite artists though was Dropkick Murphys doing their Christmas song live
Biggest celeb was probably Stallone. Didn't meet him but saw him in person.
My co-worker helped P Diddy find the bathroom.
Then a bunch of random encounters from Keifer Sutherland to Nick Lachey (next to him at a urinal).
Johnny Reznik (Goo Goo Dolls) lives in Westfield. I've seen him a bunch of times at Target and ShopRite in Clark, Kings in Garwood. Low key but he's unmistakeable in person.
used to see celebs regularly at work when a daily cable morning show was shooting on the floor below me, we were separated by a staircase.
Saw Maroon 5 and Adele before they were famous. My favorite artists though was Dropkick Murphys doing their Christmas song live
Biggest celeb was probably Stallone. Didn't meet him but saw him in person.
My co-worker helped P Diddy find the bathroom.
Then a bunch of random encounters from Keifer Sutherland to Nick Lachey (next to him at a urinal).
Not an encounter but late 80's early 90's- worked at the NBC data center. We would run payroll and expense checks. We would see weekly expenses for Bill Cosby for various party expenses and such and it seemed strange that America's Dad would be running up 100k or so a week for parties...little did we know lol
It turned-out he was a pro boxer (Renaldo Snipes) who had fought Larry Holmes for heavyweight title.
He had scarred hand and I asked what it was.
He said that was where Holmes had stabbed him with scissors after the fight.
Larry is my neighbor. Really nice guy. Don’t see him around much any more, though he still owns the home. I think he spends most of his time in Florida. Saw him in December. He is aging really well. Still looks great.

1991, my fiancé now wife was Christmas shopping in Lord and Taylor at the Bridgewater Commons. At some point in the evening I was done. I was leaning against the landscape wall outside of the lower entrance to the store. Some other dude came along, obviously as exasperated as me. I glanced over as he leaned against the same wall next to me. It was Tom Brokaw. We exchanged hellos and that was it.

Wife and I bumped into Elliott Spitzer in Central Park a few years ago. Didn’t say anything.

Took a leak next to the guy that played the principal in Saved by the Bell (Dennis Haskins) in Planet Hollywood in Downtown Disney. Wife thought I was nuts until he got up on stage and led the whole restaurant singing the theme song.

Daughter and I bumped into Mario Andretti in a mall in the Lehigh Valley. He was not nice.

Had a beer with the guys from Blue Oyster Cult at a bar in Allentown, PA. They were quiet. Nobody bothered them. It was after a bar show. The place emptied out and only a handful of people were left.

Darryl Dawkins used to coach a semi pro basketball team in Allentown. Used to bump into him often at the local Wegmans. Another nice guy. Always said hello. His daughter was in my daughters lacrosse league.

Finally Ice T sat at the table next to me at the Liberty House last summer. I was too scared to say anything. Actually recognized his wife first.
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