We probably would have dropped the program by now if Flood was still the coach. The program was spinning out of cotntrol.
Allow Ash to produce another 1-11 or 2-10 season and you'll start hearing professors, NJ residents, your new Governor and a few B10 schools calling for the same thing. I'm not kidding either.
Allow Ash to produce another 1-11 or 2-10 season and you'll start hearing professors, NJ residents, your new Governor and a few B10 schools calling for the same thing. I'm not kidding either.

Oh, OK.
Kyle Flood definitely was not the answer and needed to go...long before he was actually terminated. I will say this however, with great surpise...and a bit of nausea, that to-date, HCCA appears appears to-be the better coach Sunday thru Friday, but the nod goes to Kyle on Saturday. Sad indictment of the program.
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Then why would the institution pursue such a reckless course of action!! They could have smacked Kyle's hand, replaced the AD for window dressing and moved on like 99% of other schools. Flood and his assistants would have won at least 5 games last year, potentially six games. They were also working on a shoestring budget which is dear to the institutions heart!!
The "institution" has been shortsighted regarding athletics, and has been a big part of the problem. As far as smacking Flood's hand, there were too many problems with keeping him here given the violations he committed. As for your contention that he would have won five games, that is overly optimistic. He won eight with Schiano's holdovers (primarily the defense), then went downhill from there. Our victory over Michigan was with Hoke as their coach, and even at PSU's lowest point we still lost to them due to lack of offense. Your contention that Flood would have won five or six games last year has to be a troll. Saban wouldn't have won that many games with our roster.
endure to what time period and what cost??. Posters here have detailed the cuts in each season ticket account,long time backers state they dont attend all games,stadium will become empty and recruits will all start to decommit if two win seasons continue for three straight years and NO B10 wins under Ash.
Some RU fans are just conditioned I guess to accept mediocre effort by the RU administration in what then could be just called a clear 'money grab' to gain B10 revenue and not have a plan to re invest into the football program long term.
I'm not sure if your post is directed at me or at the board generally, but I'll respond as though it was directed at me. I didn't say people should enjoy where we are or even where we are heading. I don't enjoy where we are and have no idea where we're heading. I said there were two options, one being rosier than the other--we could either financially die if we'd stayed in the AAC, in which case the administration would be far more likely to pull the plug on football, or accept the invitation to the B1G, in which case we would be a bottom dweller for a while (and maybe a long while), but at least the money from the conference would ensure our survival, which would give us a chance to improve the product on the field and possibly grow the interest in the program. We may never become good, but at least we have a chance to find out. In the AAC we would have maintained virtually no interest in the program even if we were good, assuming the administration didn't kill it due to the expense of keeping it alive.
The "institution" has been shortsighted regarding athletics, and has been a big part of the problem. As far as smacking Flood's hand, there were too many problems with keeping him here given the violations he committed. As for your contention that he would have won five games, that is overly optimistic. He won eight with Schiano's holdovers (primarily the defense), then went downhill from there. Our victory over Michigan was with Hoke as their coach, and even at PSU's lowest point we still lost to them due to lack of offense. Your contention that Flood would have won five or six games last year has to be a troll. Saban wouldn't have won that many games with our roster.
First and foremost he wouldn't have attempted to run an offense that was completely unfamiliar to 100% of the kids in that locker room. Secondly, running the Pro Set he had enough weopons on that team to beat he Iowa without a single doubt in my mind. He would have also worn down and beaten Indiana and Minnesota. Troll you say? Were you at the Illinois game? I read your posts and it's the same old retread of being patient and staying the course. Do me a favor and watch last years Illinois game and tell me with a straight face that Kyle Flood would have fielded such a team. Embarrassing!!! Yes I was there and stayed tonthe end of the game with the other 4000 fans. This was a monumental undertaking for this young man. Now I understand that after 2018 we're on the hook for an addition 2 years.
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First and foremost he wouldn't have attempted to run an offense that was completely unfamiliar to 100% of the kids in that locker room. Secondly, running the Pro Set he had enough weopons on that team to beat he Iowa without a single doubt in my mind. He would have also worn down and beaten Indiana and Minnesota. Troll you say? Were you at the Illinois game? I read your posts and it's the same old retread of being patient and staying the course. Do me a favor and watch last years Illinois game and tell me with a straight face that Kyle Flood would have fielded such a team. Embarrassing!!! Yes I was there and stayed tonthe end of the game with the other 4000 fans. This was a monumental undertaking for this young man. Now I understand that after 2018 we're on the hook for an addition 2 years.
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Allow Ash to produce another 1-11 or 2-10 season and you'll start hearing professors, NJ residents, your new Governor and a few B10 schools calling for the same thing. I'm not kidding either.
Really? The B1G loves us in both football and basketball just the way we are, we provide access to the NY market and at the same time we don't threaten the status quo. Did they get rid of Northwestern after decades of losing football and awful basketball? Of course not, they wanted the Chicago market represented, same with us.
OK KT88..other than Fleck, the name du juour here, who would you have recommended? A coach like Golden who couldn't cut it at Miami? Rhule maybe? How is he doing down at Baylor? People are ready to run Ash out of town because he isn't a "real" coach. I can see where people are frustrated with the play calling on the field, but name a coach at Rutgers who has changed the landscape of Rutgers football the way Ash has. By landscape, I am talking about the improvements made around HPSS and in the program. New weight room, new practice fields, improved recruiting, etc. High profile donors are buying into the program like never before (at least from what we hear). He has a work ethic seemingly comparable to very few. It's a flyer to take a chance on an assistant, but Ash is a work horse it seems. He has recruits buying into the program who could be playing on much more storied fields. The foundation is being set, the house is being rebuilt from Hurricane Kyle, and many are ready to tear it right back down to the ground. On field coaching can be fixed much easier than rebuilding a program which has been leveled by a former coach. Rome wasn't built in a day and Rutgers Football won't be rebuilt in a year and half. Not from what was left over.

Let me guess - you are not a Schiano fan. Even if you hate him you can't really be serious that Ash has done more to change the landscape! And for real coaches you just need to revisit names that were available if RU wasn't it's usual cheap self. Ash is a self inflicted wound. Buying on the cheap. Wow I can't believe I keep running into Mrs. Ash on this Board.
First and foremost he wouldn't have attempted to run an offense that was completely unfamiliar to 100% of the kids in that locker room. Secondly, running the Pro Set he had enough weopons on that team to beat he Iowa without a single doubt in my mind. He would have also worn down and beaten Indiana and Minnesota. Troll you say? Were you at the Illinois game? I read your posts and it's the same old retread of being patient and staying the course. Do me a favor and watch last years Illinois game and tell me with a straight face that Kyle Flood would have fielded such a team. Embarrassing!!! Yes I was there and stayed tonthe end of the game with the other 4000 fans. This was a monumental undertaking for this young man. Now I understand that after 2018 we're on the hook for an addition 2 years.
You are reading into things things that aren't there if you think my posts implore anyone to be patient and that we should "stay the course"--I've never said any such thing and I don't care what others do. I speak indicatively, merely pointing out what is going on IMO, not how people should respond to it. I don't and haven't blamed anyone for dropping their season tickets or for not caring any longer. We have been absolutely embarrassing for three years now, but I will always give a new coach time to get things in order. I gave it to Flood and I'll give it to Ash. My disposition about being in the B1G has been that until we get real money we will be at a disadvantage, so if Ash is a stepping stone toward our next coach, that's the way it goes. But there was a shitstorm under Flood, and if you think he was going to turn us into an 8-game winner with the way the program was going AND the lack of funds, you are the one who is way too patient, albeit after-the-fact.