Is going to be greatly affected by the way the athletic department chooses to handle this situation after the season ends. Now obviously this can go 1 of 2 ways we either get rid of flood or we keep him. But whatever the atheltic department chooses to do they have too make this decision fairly quick after the season ends. This decision should take no more than two weeks to make. They either think flood can have a bounce back year next year or they don't. If they do then within 2 weeks after the season ends we should hear them say flood will be brought back. Or if they don't then we should hear flood is being released within 2 weeks after the season ends. But either way i (and many other fans) don't want to see rutgers drag their feet through this a drag this on for months. We saw what happened when schiano decided to move on in February. We were left with little options to fill the position. Bottom line whatever they decide to do needs to be made public quickly after the season. That way we can either get the max amount of time to find a new coach or so flood can "recruit" having the kids know he will be here next year. Many of you know where i stand on this but i will not make this about flood. This is about the athletic department showing some leadership and acting quickly and efficiently to make our future known instead of having recruits donors and fans trying to guess what the hell we are doing.