Basketball Penn State defeats Rutgers, Scarlet Knights lost five in a row

Sorry Richard, season might be over. At michigan and at Iowa.
Atrocious effort by team and coaches. They look lost on both offense and defense.
Woof. Bball is fickle and we could go on a run but this is a tough feeling right now

I think we need to play fast inside out. As unusual as that might sound our shooters are not half offense court shooters. If we are going to savage the season, imo, Pike needs to get out of his comfort zone
Sorry Richard, season might be over. At michigan and at Iowa.

Might be?

We just lost to a team with a losing record, just off Covid and not practicing for our 5th loss in a row.

Put a fork in this one. Something is very wrong with this team.
We better hope there's an NIT this year. And hell that we even qualify for it.
"I thought we had some good looks, they just didn't go down."

"I've said it before, you can't defend the foul line."

"Everyone's worried, I'm not worried. We just need to get back to playing Rutgers basketball."

"I really liked our effort in the second half."

What more do you need to see? He's not gonna say anything new at this point.
“I got to figure it out,” Pikiell said. “It’s on me as the head coach. I have to do a better job of getting these guys ready to go. I didn’t, so this 100% on coach Pikiell.”

“Sixteen minutes isn’t enough in a game like this. I thought we played really hard for sixteen,” head coach Steve Pikiell said after the game. “But give them credit, they got off to a good start. We didn’t come out with the energy we needed on the road.”

“We knew they would play a different way than some of the teams we have played,” Pikiell said. “We had a couple of good days to prepare for them too. We didn’t make shots again. Didn’t get off to the kind of start but I still thought we had chances if we could come out in the second half with great energy and we kind of fought back into it.”

“You are going to be frustrated when you don’t make shots and play the way that you like,” Pikiell said. “That’s expected. We haven’t played well and it’s my job to change it. We had guys in the game there at the end who played with great energy. They clawed back in. This team didn’t quit. We just have to play better and they won’t be as frustrated. They weren’t frustrated when we were winning.”

“The narrative of our program has always been that we defend and we rebound,” Pikiell said. “…We got to be more consistent with what we do. I have to do a better job and I do have confidence in our guys.”
"I thought we had some good looks, they just didn't go down."

"I've said it before, you can't defend the foul line."

"Everyone's worried, I'm not worried. We just need to get back to playing Rutgers basketball."

"I really liked our effort in the second half."

What more do you need to see? He's not gonna say anything new at this point.

OMG its the same every game...not good enough
He will never call out players we know that. But he should. The loss isnt 100 percent on him as he says. He needs to make players feel uncomfortable at times. Maybe it will help them Handle adversity better because right now this team can’t handle anything that goes badly, from a miss free throw or missed lay up, to a missed foul call, team sulks, doesn’t run back on D....and yes I am referring to the two biggest name players on this team. Baker and Harper. The last two you’d expect to see that behavior from
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He will never call out players we know that. But he should. The loss isnt 100 percent on him as he says. He needs to make players feel uncomfortable at times. Maybe it will help them Handle adversity better because right now this team can’t handle anything that goes badly, from a miss free throw or missed lay up, to a missed foul call, team sulks, doesn’t run back on D....and yes I am referring to the two biggest name players on this team. Baker and Harper. The last two you’d expect to see that behavior from

Honestly his approach makes sense with a young team but a veteran team like this maybe needs to be publicly challenged.
At this point I could get the tone and content of his comments about 90% right after any game regardless of the outcome. His is not unique in his approach and until the guys covering the team challenge him further (which they won't) these pressers will all sound the same.
I want to hear the question : “coach, how do you stop orchestrating the most disappointing season in rutgers history”?
OMG its the same every game...not good enough
Same press conference every game same crap its on me if I hear that one more time I am going to vomit!! How about we actually hustle box out and rebound the god dam ball just getting killed on the boards every game basic bball BOX OUT
Same press conference every game same crap its on me if I hear that one more time I am going to vomit!! How about we actually hustle box out and rebound the god dam ball just getting killed on the boards every game basic bball BOX OUT

he can’t make them hustle and play hard. The fact that they don’t seem willing to do it for him tells me he’s lost the team. Something bigger has to be going on. No way a team that was built on defense, hustle, and grit, all of a sudden stops playing hard. Johnson zones out, Geo and Harper are dogging it half of the time (again, if it’s due to injury, get them off the court), Mathis is worried about Mathis, and now Young isn’t in the game during crunch time.
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RW90 and Magoo get it. There is plenty of challenging going on in the locker room and practice.

He doesn't have to call out individual players but he can make a statement to the fact that he needs more consistent effort and leadership from his veterans. Somewhere Harper, Geo and Myles need to be called out. They are the leaders and that's where we are falling apart. Young is being forced into that leadership role but he's too inconsistent and Mulcahy is now trying to step up into the void being left by these guys, but Paul isn't ready for that role either. Pike needs to be a stronger leader and get control of this team back from the ineffective leaders.
I heard him say they will be raising a 2020 NCAA Banner to make the fans feel better

lol. A participation trophy would be fitting. We should put one up with an asterisk noting that we would have made the tournament if there was one. While we’re at it, we can put one up this year with an asterisk that says we would have made it if we won 5 more games.
I'm sure the challenging is left inside the locker-room. I don't see any point in public shaming.
When you lose 5 games in a row including to the worst team in the league, you need to switch up the playbook. It’s time too challenge the team in public.
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When you lose 5 games in a row including to the worst team in the league, you need to switch up the playbook. It’s time too challenge the team in public.
I agree with this. We’re not good. We stink. He should be saying that. If we play d and rebound we can be good. We don’t.
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When you lose 5 games in a row including to the worst team in the league, you need to switch up the playbook. It’s time too challenge the team in public.

challenging the team in public is different than calling out individual players. However, I still think it should be addressed within the team. I’ve been waiting for switching up the offense for three years now, but it’s still the same predictable dosey-doh. Some of lack of defense is on the players for their lack of hustle and desire but pike seems unable to motivate them. Similarly, some of the lack of offense is on the team for missing shots but a lot is on Pike for the predictable offense. Plenty of blame to go around here.
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When you lose 5 games in a row including to the worst team in the league, you need to switch up the playbook. It’s time too challenge the team in public.
There's a big difference between calling out THE TEAM versus calling out individual players. I agree on calling out the team, but rightfully with most teams, what happens inside the locker room stays within the locker room.

If public shaming individual players (yes, students not professionals) is required to inspire the team, then we have bigger issues at play then just pride.
challenging the team in public is different than calling out individual players. However, I still think it should be addressed within the team. I’ve been waiting for switching up the offense for three years now, but it’s still the same predictable dosey-doh. Some of lack of defense is on the players for their lack of hustle and desire but pike seems unable to motivate them. Similarly, some of the lack of offense is on the team for missing shots but a lot is on Pike for the predictable offense. Plenty of blame to go around here.
Whoops, what he said... 😚
There's a big difference between calling out THE TEAM versus calling out individual players. I agree on calling out the team, but rightfully with most teams, what happens inside the locker room stays within the locker room.

If public shaming individual players (yes, students not professionals) is required to inspire the team, then we have bigger issues at play then just pride.

Agreed. It's time to call the team out publicly. All of them. That was a weak, uninspired, lack of effort performance.

When that happens, you have big issues. The ole, I need to do better as a coach isn't cutting it anymore. That ship sailed.