Pike Post-Game


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2001
Montclair NJ
It's a truly enlightening interview about how he feels about playing defense first and foremost.
He reminds me of my dad when he used to say, "you'll never drive in as many runs as you'll let in, if you can't play defense"
He almost doesn't want to talk offense, keep shooting, the more you think about offense the less defense you'll play.
The board has been talking about this 2 for 1, I took from Pike, he wasn't even thinking about offense, he was more concerned with the stop.
Meaning, had we scored ( I know Harp missed ) it was the stop he was most fixated on, whether that meant to win or lose he didn't seem to care...LOL.
There’s a lot to that philosophy, offense is being in a zone and feeling it... defense is hard work
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Offense is skill and defense is effort. There is no reason every player shouldn't play as hard as they can. Pikiell makes sure that his players understand that and if you don't play hard you lose minutes. I really don't understand any coach not demanding players play hard. It is something that every player can do.
It's a truly enlightening interview about how he feels about playing defense first and foremost.
He reminds me of my dad when he used to say, "you'll never drive in as many runs as you'll let in, if you can't play defense"
He almost doesn't want to talk offense, keep shooting, the more you think about offense the less defense you'll play.
The board has been talking about this 2 for 1, I took from Pike, he wasn't even thinking about offense, he was more concerned with the stop.
Meaning, had we scored ( I know Harp missed ) it was the stop he was most fixated on, whether that meant to win or lose he didn't seem to care...LOL.
There’s a lot to that philosophy, offense is being in a zone and feeling it... defense is hard work

It’s a problem if coach wasn’t thinking about 2-for-1 or offense generally—or someone on the bench has to for him.
Good post Zap. NW got off 2 good shots Down the stretch and made 1 of them. I’m happy with the win. We came out flat and NW couldn’t miss but we made plays on both ends when we needed them.
Offense is skill and defense is effort. There is no reason every player shouldn't play as hard as they can. Pikiell makes sure that his players understand that and if you don't play hard you lose minutes. I really don't understand any coach not demanding players play hard. It is something that every player can do.
Playing D like that is tiring. It takes away from Offense but it takes much more away from the opposing teams as we have seen all year long.
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It's a truly enlightening interview about how he feels about playing defense first and foremost.
He reminds me of my dad when he used to say, "you'll never drive in as many runs as you'll let in, if you can't play defense"
He almost doesn't want to talk offense, keep shooting, the more you think about offense the less defense you'll play.
The board has been talking about this 2 for 1, I took from Pike, he wasn't even thinking about offense, he was more concerned with the stop.
Meaning, had we scored ( I know Harp missed ) it was the stop he was most fixated on, whether that meant to win or lose he didn't seem to care...LOL.
There’s a lot to that philosophy, offense is being in a zone and feeling it... defense is hard work
Isnt this how Michigan state football team got so good, with a defense first mentality, and if they get lucky with a good quaterback one year-go to the Rose Bowl. Maybe we wont be the USC of the East but we can be the Michigan State of the East as other posters have stated. This is happening now in Basketball and in 2 or 3 yrs in Football?
Sounds a lot like CVS.

We’ve been down this road before.
At some point you need to be able to make a basket.

Sounds like the football board during the vaunted “Kill/McNulty Pro-Style Offense” justifications.
Sounds a lot like CVS.

We’ve been down this road before.
At some point you need to be able to make a basket.

Sounds like the football board during the vaunted “Kill/McNulty Pro-Style Offense” justifications.
I’m thinking it’s Pike’s experience, when you work and concentrate on movement, sets and offense, the results are often you look like the keystone cops tripping over each other and out of sync, when you go from practice to actual game speed and defensive ball pressure.
I think he’s using “ you can’t hit and think at the same time” philosophy
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I get the philosophy, but it should have nothing to do with making foul shots. How can so many players, at least with RU, not be capable of hitting these?
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Sounds a lot like CVS.

We’ve been down this road before.
At some point you need to be able to make a basket.

Sounds like the football board during the vaunted “Kill/McNulty Pro-Style Offense” justifications.
Defense at the expense of offense only gets you so far. To get to that next level you need to be able to score.
We know Tez and Miles can’t make them constantly...who else do you worry about?

I know it's not a huge difference to some, but Tez is better from the FT line this year...55.6 to 64.7 is still enough of a difference given how much effort and energy is required on the defense he plays.

Myles can improve in the offseason on his low post game and an ability to go left or right, which would be worth 2 to 3 points per game. I am not sure we're going to see a sub 40 to 50% FT shooter, get to 65 or 70%.

I also think FT shooting is down in general over the last 4 to 5 years. Whether it's lack of developing a routine or just bad form, I just don't see AAU teams impressing coaches with FT shooting and it's not emphasized on the youth level as much as other things.
Tez has improved at the line since last year - from 55% up to almost 65% this year, so he's trending in the right direction. Myles is a whole other story!
That’s actually a pretty solid improvement in 1 year. Let’s hope he can do that again next year.
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Defense at the expense of offense only gets you so far. To get to that next level you need to be able to score.
We score more than Maryland. They let up less points. Top 2 teams and both are on a roll.

It’s a problem if coach wasn’t thinking about 2-for-1 or offense generally—or someone on the bench has to for him.

No, it's not a problem. He explained it.

There was 48 on the clock when the timeout was called at halfcourt. To get a last possession with maybe 10-12 seconds they would have to get a shot off in about 8 seconds on that possession. That's a RUSHED shot !

Remember, in college they dont advance the ball. So, on that possession they would need to go fullcourt for a last second shot or take 5 seconds to advance it then call timeout. That leaves maybe 6 seconds a for last shot.

Two Rushed Shots to get a 2 for 1.
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