PJ Fleck


May 1, 2014
Hey guys, I am in no way trying to say Flood should be fired, as i think he's done as good of a job a coach can do in his situation. But lets just say in a couple years he does get fired. Would the current RU admin break the bank for a coach like PJ Fleck. If you don't know who he is hes the head coach of Western Michigan. Everyone in the coaching world has him pegged as the next great young coach. The guy is just a tireless worker. He currently has Western Michigan as the number 15 recruiting class in the nation. Which is just a miracle for any MAC school. I think a young, fiery, balls to the wall coach is exactly what Rutgers needs. He would fire up the locals, and a guy wired that way will keep a significant amount of the in state talent in NJ. What are your thoughts on something like that.

DISCLAIMER: I love coach flood and want to see him succeed at RU, this is just a what if scenario
How about this.... If you are going to talk about coaching vacancies at Rutgers, phrase it as follows, "As we all know, Kyle Flood will have job offers if he increases his win total in each of the next two years. If he were to leave....."
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Umm, no thanks. I'd rather have Schiano back if we reach that point.
Can Fleck string together a few winning seasons first? He also needs to get his crap in order he won't get hired by anyone especially RU. Banging your boosters wives isn't exactly a good business decision
If PJ Fleck wins 9-11 games for the next 3-4 seasons, yes I would take him. Western MichigN recruiting class is #39 right now at the beginning of the season when some teams only have 1 or 2 recruits. Let's wait till Feb and I'm sure they will be around 60-90 rank.

As I mentioned previously, Flood is not going anywhere for at least 4-5 years even if we only have 2-3 wins per season. It takes 3 bad seasons to start the ball rolling and after last season 90% of the fans and 100% of the decision makers like Flood.
wow ok i had no idea Fleck had a history at Rutgers. I understand it is still early in the Crootin Season but that's still pretty impressive.
If RU doesn't plan to reach for a higher quality HC than what they have now and certainly than PJ Fleck they should drop to D1AA.
When it starts with hey guys not trying, you know the OP is trying.
Dave, I like Flood too. It's just recruiting is almost its own sport altogether. Look at Brady Hoke he caught fire on the recruiting trail even though he was a horrible game day coach. Coach Flood was killing it in the recruiting trail also. I remember the "Rutgers is Joining the Big Ten" announcement dropped and Flood was killing it with recruits and RU was a hot commodity in the minds of recruits. Then the RU "scandal" happened and ESPN overhyped it, like they always do everytime a Big Ten school is involved. That completely destroyed all the momentum RU and Coach Flood had going into that last season in the AAC. A part of me still believes that's the thing that destroyed, or at least hampered the momentum of the RU football program. God Espn pisses me off. Anyway this is only the view of an tOSU fan who's a Jersey native.