Politi blasts Paramus Catholic and Harbaugh

Certainly this is the image that you want burned into your memory when you are sitting there ...
commemorating your child's High School Graduation
and celebrating all of their academic hard work and preparation to move on to higher education.

there are 415 candidates for graduation - so, something like 80%+ of the graduating class DOES NOT play on the football team - yes it is a strong football High School program - but there may be a lot of parents sitting there steaming that their kid's four years of diligent academic work is going to be co-opted by this grandstanding & crass voracious attention-glutton.

That extreme close up of Steve is hard to watch. But I have to agree with him. I said it before, and this has nothing to do with Harbaugh bashing--the over emphasis on football and athletics at some of these schools is not good. Yes, I guess it increases enrollment, and that's what matters to private schools--but what message will he send to the students at large? And Steve nails it--why is Harbaugh (or why would Saban or some other coach) do this?--for the love of the school and education?
I would imagine a discreet, yet substantial "donation" to the school would be involved.
Won't give him a click. I guess Harbaugh must have "stolen" a UNC recruit.
Certainly this is the image that you want burned into your memory when you are sitting there ...
commemorating your child's High School Graduation
and celebrating all of their academic hard work and preparation to move on to higher education.

there are 415 candidates for graduation - so, something like 80%+ of the graduating class DOES NOT play on the football team - yes it is a strong football High School program - but there may be a lot of parents sitting there steaming that their kid's four years of diligent academic work is going to be co-opted by this grandstanding & crass voracious attention-glutton.

I would think its probably closer to 5% on the football team. I don't know how many kids are on a high school team, but it can't be more than 80? Right?
If Schiano had been invited to speak at New Rochelle HS would anyone have complained?

I really cannot figure out why our fans continue to kick and scream about this. This is a private HS, they can have anyone they want come.

If Ash has 10 wins this year and is invited to speak at a Michigan HS, no one would question his ethics.

We are behind the 8 ball in NJ because of Flood. Stop whining, casting aspersions on other coaches that ran circles around him, and hope Ash changes things so he will be the one sought after.
If Schiano had been invited to speak at New Rochelle HS would anyone have complained?

No one would complain about Harbaugh speaking at a HS in Toledo, about an hour from the Michigan campus.

If Ash has 10 wins this year and is invited to speak at a Michigan HS, no one would question his ethics.

Want to bet?

We are behind the 8 ball in NJ because of Flood. Stop whining, casting aspersions on other coaches that ran circles around him, and hope Ash changes things so he will be the one sought after.

Is there anything you won't blame on Flood? Superstorm Sandy? 9-11?
I assume it's less than 5% of graduating seniors. Many on the varsity team are also juniors and stud sophomores. That's how I remember it from my days at bergen catholic.
Has PCHS ever had a guest speaker at their HS graduation before??

This can't possibly have anything at all to do with sports and football....the PCHS principal said so. is it possible that PCHS put a whole bunch of names for guest speakers into a hat and magically Harbaugh's name got picked? [roll]
1. Since I was in HS, I thought commencement speeches were a joke. For the life of me, why would any pay to hear anyone speak? I truly, to my core, don't understand why they exist. A total waste or time and money (except for the party benefiting (by some kid of kick back) by having the person coming in to speak).

2. Harbaugh is a leader like any other out there. Quiet frankly, he's a proven winner. What's the problem? Is he worse than a politician who would otherwise speak?
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all part of the RG package. Wait until they officially announce PC is playing a game at the Big House. Or is that public already?
Hilarious how the trolls on that site are actually sticking up for PC here.

A nice way to tear off their veneer about Rutgers needing to care only about academics. Truth is, they hate because they are scared, not because of some high minded pursuit.
If Schiano had been invited to speak at New Rochelle HS would anyone have complained?

I really cannot figure out why our fans continue to kick and scream about this. This is a private HS, they can have anyone they want come.

If Ash has 10 wins this year and is invited to speak at a Michigan HS, no one would question his ethics.

We are behind the 8 ball in NJ because of Flood. Stop whining, casting aspersions on other coaches that ran circles around him, and hope Ash changes things so he will be the one sought after.
First, yes I would question why the Head Football Coach of the New Jersey State University, Rutgers went to another states College to speak!
Second, Schiano was the Head Coach of the New Jersey State University, Rutgers! And, yes I would expect him to visit multiple HS's in New Jersey, with the occasional speech to the student body.
Apples and Oranges!
This definitely carries a heavy stench of shamelessness and misplaced priorities.

In challenging myself to consider whether I would feel the same way if it were Chris Ash giving the commencement address I don't think I can honestly say I'd feel the same way. But I'm quite sure I would feel that way if the RU HC were giving the commencement address at a FB factory school half way across the country to which his only connection is football.

I wonder how Michigan alums feel about this?
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If Schiano had been invited to speak at New Rochelle HS would anyone have complained?

I really cannot figure out why our fans continue to kick and scream about this. This is a private HS, they can have anyone they want come.

If Ash has 10 wins this year and is invited to speak at a Michigan HS, no one would question his ethics.

We are behind the 8 ball in NJ because of Flood. Stop whining, casting aspersions on other coaches that ran circles around him, and hope Ash changes things so he will be the one sought after.
You're off by a mile in every aspect. Suppositions. The attitude in NJ that allows this Harbaugh folly to happen existed long before Coach Flood. That's one of the reasons why major Div-1 programs pick off major NJ talent every year with impunity and why Harbaugh wants Michigan football front-and-center in Paramus. You'd probably be OK with Harbaugh replacing Bill Moyer at Rutgers commencement.
Hilarious how the trolls on that site are actually sticking up for PC here.

A nice way to tear off their veneer about Rutgers needing to care only about academics. Truth is, they hate because they are scared, not because of some high minded pursuit.

...many of them 'hate' probably because they are projective malcontents whose view of Rutgers was formed during the late 80's/ early 2000's and they don't want anything to change that 'status quo' in their minds because they've invested too much effort onto developing it. Those that 'benefit' from the status quo are the most resistant to changing it.

Joe P.
It is obviously a quid pro quo. Paramus Catholic has been good to Harbaugh, so he is returning the favor . As shameless as it all is, Harbaugh is pretty high profile and may even have something valuable to say...he seems like a lunatic, but has been highly successful, is very high profile, and hopefully he can express the value of hard work, passion, etc. Someone like Harbaugh is probably better than most.

We all know that there is zero chance he would speak at Shore Regional's graduation unless they had a few kids on their football team he liked, but it is a nice get for PC.

Personally, I would be fine with Ash giving a speech at a local high school, but the reality is that he would likely only do it for a school with a good football I'm not sure that it is all that different.

And when did graduation speakers at high school become a thing? I recall maybe a speech by the principal and the valedictorian and that was all.
If Schiano had been invited to speak at New Rochelle HS would anyone have complained?

I really cannot figure out why our fans continue to kick and scream about this. This is a private HS, they can have anyone they want come.

If Ash has 10 wins this year and is invited to speak at a Michigan HS, no one would question his ethics.

We are behind the 8 ball in NJ because of Flood. Stop whining, casting aspersions on other coaches that ran circles around him, and hope Ash changes things so he will be the one sought after.

I really cannot figure out why you continue to post and make a fool of yourself.
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Poor kids today. Back in my day we had some nobody who knew to keep it short so we could get on the road to Staten Island's Christmas Tree bar for the graduation party. Legally since the drinking age was 18 in N.Y.
High school graduation speaker? C'mon. When I graduated high school, the speakers were (I think) the principal, the president of the BOE, and the valedictorian (who was just trying to prove they actually WERE as smart and insightful as they are made out to be.......and usually failed).
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High school graduation speaker? C'mon. When I graduated high school, the speakers were (I think) the principal, the president of the BOE, and the valedictorian (who was just trying to prove they actually WERE as smart and insightful as they are made out to be.......and usually failed).

Same here but I didn't go to a fancy private school that cost as much as college so parents expect a famous speaker.
I look at private schools as individual businesses that could care less where they are actually located. Bad enough we have public schools that show little pride in NJ. Anyone who thinks they are not pumping up their football programs is just naive.
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No one would complain about Harbaugh speaking at a HS in Toledo, about an hour from the Michigan campus.

Want to bet?

Is there anything you won't blame on Flood? Superstorm Sandy? 9-11?

No RU fans would complain anyway.

This would not be happening if our recruiting hadn't taken a complete and total nosedive and the program driven into the abyss in every way.
Why? What is unethical about it?

No there is no difference. In fact, when our camps were closed in Florida no one was agreeing with it with here. Everyone said (correctly) that the Florida schools were acting like babies for complaining.

Why- because we made a power play, a good one, and a bunch of people we disadvantaged acted butt hurt over it. Which is exactly what our fans are doing now.
First, yes I would question why the Head Football Coach of the New Jersey State University, Rutgers went to another states College to speak!
Second, Schiano was the Head Coach of the New Jersey State University, Rutgers! And, yes I would expect him to visit multiple HS's in New Jersey, with the occasional speech to the student body.
Apples and Oranges!

Why, we don't only recruit NJ. We have a banner at Yankee Stadium.

Harbaugh does events in MI too.
You're off by a mile in every aspect. Suppositions. The attitude in NJ that allows this Harbaugh folly to happen existed long before Coach Flood. That's one of the reasons why major Div-1 programs pick off major NJ talent every year with impunity and why Harbaugh wants Michigan football front-and-center in Paramus. You'd probably be OK with Harbaugh replacing Bill Moyer at Rutgers commencement.

Really? I'm sorry, I missed when Lloyd Carr, Jim Tressel, JoePa (among others) were coming to NJ, say, 2005-11, to give speeches? Would not have happened because we commanded some respect.

I was in Michigan Stadium for the RU game, and that is NOT why they are able to lure NJ talent. It is because they win, have the biggest stadium in CFB, a nice campus, and some of the best academics in P5.

Did the Cuse and Temple coach come here and give speeches? No but we managed to lose ground against them in the past few years, unbelievably.

This happens because we told America that we are a program in freefall. We used to be ones in Florida and making serious plays and getting players with offers from the big boys. What happened?
Sorry. I didn't mean to say that it was unethical. I'd question the judgment of the High School.

The reality is, at a lot of NJ parochials, it is about sports. The public schools around Paramus are all pretty good. It is not about going there to get into a better college or something.

So that meets their goals. I don't think any HS owes us (or anyone) allegiance, certainly not private schools.

The truth is even the people going there for academics are likely more interested in Catholic colleges in anyway.

If say, Giovanni Rescigno's HS invited Ash to speak, would it be bad judgment on their part? I don't understand. This is a free country. If RU figures are invited to speak in Paramus or Ann Arbor or Pyongyang, I want them to go. We are not going to gain any ground by crying over the NJ parochials. We only made ground in the late Schiano years with some after winning and some assistants who were dynamic recruiters. That ground is lost. That our fans are saying we should "protest" will not get those recruits to come here. No one wants to talk about that, because that is the hard question and there are some ugly realities there which based on his comments Ash has confronted. Our fans need to do the same.
I really cannot figure out why you continue to post and make a fool of yourself.

Hey remember when we went to a bowl game last year and Flood was never getting fired? Your comments are hilarious. You couldn't predict blue sky or green grass.
Duggan wrote an article on why the NCAA says it is OK. From the NCAA rules:

Outside a Contact Period. In football, a coach may speak at a meeting or banquet at a prospective student-athlete's educational institution outside a contact period without such attendance being considered an evaluation or a visit to a prospective student-athlete's educational institution (except for dead periods per Bylaw, provided:

  • The meeting or banquet is initiated and conducted by the educational institution;
  • The coach does not make a recruiting presentation in conjunction with the appearance;
  • The coach does not have direct contact with any prospective student-athlete (or a prospective student-athlete's parents or legal guardians) in attendance; and
  • The coach does not engage in any evaluation activities
I would question, however, if speaking at a HS graduation is a "meeting" because, unless food and drink are served it is certainly not a banquet.

Duggan's article:
Hey remember when we went to a bowl game last year and Flood was never getting fired? Your comments are hilarious. You couldn't predict blue sky or green grass.

Wtf does Harbaugh speaking at PC have to do with Flood?

You post ramble after ramble and your arguments are awful.

Thanks for proving my point, yet again.
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Meeting OR banquet. It may be a slight stretch, but I think a graduation can be classified as a meeting.
Meeting OR banquet. It may be a slight stretch, but I think a graduation can be classified as a meeting.

yes, I saw the "or" which is why I questioned if it was really a meeting because it is certainly not a banquet.

And I think it is way more than a "slight stretch" that a HS graduation is a meeting.
I don't believe this is his only commencement speaking engagement at a football factory high school. It's just his way of skirting the Jim "I'm a Douche" Harbaugh rule. He only cares about the 3 or 4 football players he wants at each school, the others he could give two sh*ts about. He should basically start his speech off with kids and parents this speech is not intended for any of you, just the chosen few who we want to play football for us.

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