President Obama @ RU Commencement (merged)

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There should be EXCLAMATION ! marks after RUTGERS and after YEARS on the sign.(PRINTED NOW,AS IF WE DON'T MEAN IT. TOO CASUAL)

Donald Trump, Stephen A. Smith and a retired co-worker have turned me off from exclamation points forever, thanks to their gratuitous overuse of them. Even an exclamation at the of end of RUTGERS on the stadium, wouldn't look right.

Also, it didn't help Jeb Bush win the GOP nomination, did it?

Lol...i think there is a big difference between a us senator and state senator running for president, you know someone that understands the legislative process and a reality TV star.

You might not like Obama, but come on comparing him and Trump is a joke....One is a normal human being who you disagree with and the other is a reality tv show joke gone too far.
Did anyone notice when Barchi was introducing the president, he said this was this most accomplished class in history. He listed some of their accomplishments, among them was the final four in women's soccer and a top ten finish in wrestling. Nice.
C-Span announced the Commencement Address will replay at 6:30 pm eastern time tonight (Sunday).
Not a big fan of Obama and he certainly worked his and the Democrats political views into his remarks but I am fine with his speech and thought he did a good job. There was enough Rutgers specific comments weaved into the beginning and end to keep me watching. I appreciate him coming to speak at the schools 250th graduation.
Hate to say it but pretty good...especially when he said disinviting Condi Rice was "misguided" ...twice.
But bro, what is a "Russsgers"?
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Not a big fan of Obama and he certainly worked his and the Democrats political views into his remarks but I am fine with his speech and thought he did a good job. There was enough Rutgers specific comments weaved into the beginning and end to keep me watching. I appreciate him coming to speak at the schools 250th graduation.

This. He also callled out the left on campus who did not want to listen to Condeleeza Rice.

All in all, everyone will forget about the speech in a few months and only remember that the 44th president of the United States spoke at the commencement. Well done Rutgers and Mike with the a finance degree who was head of the student government.
Don't become a cynic. It is easy to go there, and for many it is the fear of sticking one's neck out and maybe being wrong. Be brave, predict Rutgers to win. Don't give us that "Same old Rutgers" cynical shit line.
Condi put up with he uproar and protests a few weeks earlier at U Michigan for about 100K. At RU she was only getting 35K, probably not worth her aggravation. She should have sucked it up anyway and showed up.

edit- It was U of Minn where she spoke before the RU commencement. Her fee was $150,000. A lot more $$ to take the burden off hearing the boo's. At RU when she backed out, she was only due to get 35K. That's a big difference.
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Independent here who voted for Romney in 2012, and I thought President Obama hit it out of the park. Any GOPers who have a problem with his call for using reason and logic just make themselves look stupid. His comments on Condoleezza Rice were spot on. And I loved that the Student Body President who spoke before the POTUS recognized Eric LeGrand. Great job by all!
Guess you forgot about his time as a state and US senator eh?
You mean the 2.5 years as a US senator before he ran for President? Hardly the stuff of legends. I had the same problem with Rubio. But I have no problem with someone like Trump, or for that matter, H. Ross Perot, who have substantial business experience in running for President.
Very different skill sets are required for running a business vs running a country, in business the goal is profit (often at all cost), in government it is to serve the people. If we run our country like Trump runs his business, we would all be out of a country in no time.
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