Wrestling PSU/RU Wrestling postponed (COVID)

Damn that sucks as it's another week without RU wrestling, but it's probably for the better in terms of team performance and perception IMO
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Only date I could see is 2/14 for a reschedule but that might not work with psu wrestling Iowa two day earlier. Or move the Maryland match and give the 3 of us yet another tri-meet. With a month and a half season really not much wiggle room. But then again who knows when psu will be able to wrestle again, their basketball was out 17 days and I don't think they met the tier 1 criteria.
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I could be wrong but I think the Big 10 was allowing a maximum of 1 tri or quad per team this year
I could be wrong but I think the Big 10 was allowing a maximum of 1 tri or quad per team this year
We have a tri and a quad. Not sure where they can fit it in with only a 6 week season and psu bound to miss another match at least.
We have a tri and a quad. Not sure where they can fit it in with only a 6 week season and psu bound to miss another match at least.
I have something mixed up then. I can’t find the source but I remember reading something about tris and quads
Was the match postponed due to PSU Wrestles testing positive or RU?
I think i saw that a few Tier 1 personnel had tested positive for PSU.

From their message boards (Which i thought was funny)
Don’t worry, matter7172 will find a way to blame this on Rutgers
PSU Athletics Dept taking any Covid precautions? Seems like every week another one of their sports teams are shut down.
PSU Athletics Dept taking any Covid precautions? Seems like every week another one of their sports teams are shut down.

Maybe they are making up for the lax oversight of supervision over the years not enforced in the showers, locker rooms and fraternities??
PSU Athletics Dept taking any Covid precautions? Seems like every week another one of their sports teams are shut down.
of course they are but once you have a problem it spreads quickly especially when many of those sports share the same facilities and personnel.