Rarest Play In Football

I doesn't matter where the kick was blocked. It's a safety because the ball was carried out of the end zone and then back in the end zone where the ball carrier was tackled. Had the ball been blocked into the end zone and not brought out, there would be no score, just an unsuccessful extra point attempt.
Drop kicks are allowed and still happen - just this past weekend Tulane started their game against Houston with a drop on-side kick, and almost recovered it.
Why wouldn't it have just been a normal 2 point safety? If the player ran out of the end-zone, then was tackled back in the end zone - seem like a safety to me.
Found this in Wikipedia

Conversion safety[edit]
In American football, if what would normally be a safety is scored on an extra point or two-point conversion attempt (officially known in the rulebooks as a try), one point is awarded to the scoring team.[21][22][23] This is commonly known as a conversion safety or one-point safety[24] and it can be scored by the offense.[21][23] There are at least two known occurrences of the conversion safety in Division I college football – a November 26, 2004 game in which Texas scored against Texas A&M, and the 2013 Fiesta Bowl in whichOregon scored against Kansas State.[25] In both games the PAT kick was blocked, recovered by the defense, and then fumbled or thrown back into the end zone.[26] Coincidentally, play-by-play commentator Brad Nessler called both of these games.[27] No conversion safeties have been scored in the NFL since 1940, although it is now slightly more likely after the rule change in 2015 which allowed the defense to take possession and score on a conversion attempt. Before 2015, the only scenario in which a one-point safety could have been scored in the NFL would have involved the defense kicking or batting a loose ball out the back of the end zone without taking possession of it.[28] After the 2015 rule change, a one-point safety can also be scored after the defense takes possession and fumbles out of their own end zone or is tackled in it after leaving it, as in the NCAA.
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The rarest play in college football has not yet happened. If the kicking team on an extra point somehow winds up all the way back at their goal line and unsuccessfully tries to make it out of the end zone, it's a one point safety awarded to the original defense on the play. 6 points to the offense for the touchdown but 1 point awarded to the defense on the one point safety. Theoretically, if that's the only point the defensive team scores on the day, it would be the first one point game since early football scoring between 1869 and 1883.
The rarest play in college football has not yet happened. If the kicking team on an extra point somehow winds up all the way back at their goal line and unsuccessfully tries to make it out of the end zone, it's a one point safety awarded to the original defense on the play. 6 points to the offense for the touchdown but 1 point awarded to the defense on the one point safety. Theoretically, if that's the only point the defensive team scores on the day, it would be the first one point game since early football scoring between 1869 and 1883.

Let's say you just scored a TD with 3 seconds left but are still down 4. Why wouldn't you jump offside 19 or 20 times in a row and then take the TD/safety netting you a 1 point win?
Let's say you just scored a TD with 3 seconds left but are still down 4. Why wouldn't you jump offside 19 or 20 times in a row and then take the TD/safety netting you a 1 point win?
The team is not awarded an abbitional 6 points.

Team A scores a touchdown making the score Team A 6 Team B 0. Team A is somehow tackled for a safety (Team B blocks kick returns the way back to the 2 but fumbles were Team A recovers at the 1 yard line but is then tackled in their own endzone) Team B would be awarded one point for the safety making the score Team A 6 Team B 1.
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I think the free kick with no one on the field is just as rare.
The team is not awarded an abbitional 6 points.

Team A scores a touchdown making the score Team A 6 Team B 0. Team A is somehow tackled for a safety (Team B blocks kick returns the way back to the 2 but fumbles were Team A recovers at the 1 yard line but is then tackled in their own endzone) Team B would be awarded one point for the safety making the score Team A 6 Team B 1.

This makes way more sense. Reading comprehension is apparently not my strength at 4am.
Drop kicks are allowed and still happen - just this past weekend Tulane started their game against Houston with a drop on-side kick, and almost recovered it.

Drop kicks are still allowed.... but, I think some people may actually be referring to the "Fair Catch / Free Kick" which comes up every once in a while. those are kind of cool and pretty rare....