I sat next to the Iowa bench a few years back when Iowa visited Piscataway. All I can say are that the Brands brothers are hysterical with the fans sitting near by, joking around, walking around everywhere, yelling stuff to other coaches and even wrestlers, and even the media folks. These guys are a mix of intensity, comic genius, glad handlers and lunatics. For more insight, check out Flo Wrestling's feature 2 part video article on them from last year. They promoted the hell out of it, with Tom (or was it Terry) accidently getting shoulder bumped by another team's much bigger wrestler, he turns around and says ' get out of my way buddy, I'll take you down'. I think it was part joke, ala Vince McMahon.
I also think Richie Lewis's 'twitter ' friendship with Pat Downey, may have caught the Brands Brothers eye, as well, lol.
Now that I think of it, sat by the Wisconsin bench as well, the coach who just announced his retirement, he was great with the fans sitting nearby as well.
I'm sure Diane has some great stories as well, sitting next to the visiting bench, but she's much more tight lipped than I am, lol.