RIP- Garry Shandling

He was on this season of Seinfeld"s "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" (If you've never seen the show you should it's damn funny and unscripted.) He looked bloated and he mentioned something about a thyroid thing I think. Seemed a bit depressed but still funny.
Can all 3 be connected to Kevin Bacon? RIP Funnyman. On a side note Margaret Cho will be at the Stress Factory this weekend.
He was on this season of Seinfeld"s "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" (If you've never seen the show you should it's damn funny and unscripted.) He looked bloated and he mentioned something about a thyroid thing I think. Seemed a bit depressed but still funny.
Here's that episode. Shandling was joking about his own death in the show.
The Theme song to the Gary Shandling show was very interesting, for those that like quirky theme songs.

and yes Zsa Zsa Gabor is still going strong!!!
I have what I call is my list of "People who are amazingly still alive." The interesting thing about this list is that it doesn't have anybody on it. But, people get removed from it regularly.

You know how sometimes you hear about somebody dying and you say, "Geez, I thought he'd been dead for years." Well, that guy had been on the list of "People who are amazingly still alive" but now is no longer on it because he's gone. Thus, if you know a person is still alive, it isn't really all that amazing. But, if you only realize he was still alive because you hear about his death....

It's kind of the Schroedinger's Cat of lists.
I have what I call is my list of "People who are amazingly still alive." The interesting thing about this list is that it doesn't have anybody on it.

How does your list not have Keith Richards and Courtney Love on it?

Lemmy would have been a solid choice too.....
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How does your list not have Keith Richards and Courtney Love on it?

Lemmy would have been a solid choice too.....
Ah! Different definition of "amazingly." Difference between, "Geez, I didn't know that" amazing, and "My God, how can this possibly be" amazing.:smiley:
I have what I call is my list of "People who are amazingly still alive." The interesting thing about this list is that it doesn't have anybody on it. But, people get removed from it regularly.
This is a Yogi-ism if I've ever seen one!
Ya know, I never realized that Shandling had been in the Avengers movies: he plays the Senator that tries to get Tony Stark to turn Iron Man over to the government.
He was one of the most innovative comedians of his era. Truly funny guy. His two series, "It's Gary Shandling's Show" and "The Larry Sanders Show" were both great and pushed the envelope of what comedy could be. I'll aave to watch the Seinfeld/coffee episode.

Reportedly died of a heart attack.
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Great stand-up guy from the 70's. Good shows too - loved Larry Sanders. He seemed to disappear after that. Saw him interviewed several years back - seemed a bit of an oddball but I think a lot of comedians are. Funny guy - RIP
He was one of the most innovative comedians of his era. Truly funny guy. His two series, "It's Gary Shandling's Show" and "The Larry Sanders Show" were both great and pushed the envelope of what comedy could be. I'll aave to watch the Seinfeld/coffee episode.

Reportedly died of a heart attack.

The Seinfeld 'Comedians in Car' segment was kind of eerie in regards to how much Shandling talks about his own death in it.
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