Why not surprising, did you expect a lossnot surprising I guess
OK , you're probably not the only one who expected a loss .yes I was.....34-24 half
Copper 3-10
Scaife 4-10
Canty 2-8
Buts Hollivay Parker Sanders 0-5
Thanks for the information.Copper 3-10
Scaife 4-10
Canty 2-8
Buts Hollivay Parker Sanders 0-5
Uh..I posted the final score if you scroll up a bit.Failure to give the final score is as disappointing as watching the men team blow a 16 point lead to the other St.Johns team.
??? whose failure? radio ?Failure to give the final score is as disappointing as watching the men team blow a 16 point lead to the other St.Johns team.