I spent Thur -Saturday spending way too many hours on my recliner with ESPN on the TV and my laptop and tablet open with multiple windows.
I snuck in a Happy Hour on Thur w my wife, son , his gf, and her father, so I really didn't miss any action. But my car rarely moved until Sunday. I followed RU Wrestling twitter , along with the NJ Wrestling Forum on Facebook, to see as much 'banter' as possible.
Sleep ? - I was So revved up from the action, wound up falling asleep after 1am each night when I normally go to sleep around 11:30.
I commend ESPN for good coverage, especially their mat side announcers calling the play by play and color. Explaining some of the penalties and review process . The color guys around the Arena like Billy Baldwin and Kessenitch (sp?) had some good interviews and some boring interviews. I did like the Matt Millen one.Kurt Angle one was so so, good to hear from David Taylor and Kyle Dake.
The announcers grabbing the winners coming off the mat, out of breath, was a bit much, but the one with Ashnault was terrific.
For those with Flowrestling, they have had some good coverage, their contract allows them access to the wrestlers for extended interviews after the matchs, and also highlight clips of the matches, but not full matches it seems.
I also though James Kratch of NJcom continued his very good coverage of our wrestling team. He gave coverage to Princeton and Rider as well, and to the NJ wrestlers on out of state colleges, which I guess was the right thing for him and his site to do.
ESPN will probably have the replay up for at least a month on their online site. I think YouTube may have all the Finals matches up as well.