Rutgers Announces its Athletics Creed


Hall of Famer
May 25, 2012
Kinda circa 1956. Sometimes, we can't help ourselves, it seems. Do we have to drink a glass of milk, now?
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Things like this are trivial yet needed. If it's not written down there is nothing to reference. Read it once and move on. No reason to dissect or comment further.
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This is pretty simple stuff. Basically don't be a jackass and support your team. Most fans do this already. The vocal minority do the opposite. This board is sadly a safe haven for the vocal minority to act poorly.

I like the Mods on this board more needs to be done.
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Weak sauce. Sounds identical to what is posted on my son's little league field. Very juvenile and amateurish.
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First thing any goal setting/motivational book will tell you: write down your goals.

There is something powerful in simply stating and seeing them daily.
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I have no issue with this. When it comes to big time college football fan etiquette, its not a bad thing to at least have something to refer to. Especially since a lot of people around here are more accustomed to pro sports.
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Reading between the lines:

- Don't cheer when your QB has to leave the game because of an injury (even if it's when the backup enters the field)
- Don't drop the F bomb as a group chant a couple of hundred times in an evening

I'm curious if big time schools have something like this in place.
what it basicallly infers is that we have a problem here and need to be told how to act...which we dont, its draws attention to behavior which has generallly been fine and no different than any other fanbase
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what it basicallly infers is that we have a problem here and need to be told how to act...which we dont, its draws attention to behavior which has generallly been fine and no different than any other fanbase

Kind of... insulting? How's it going to go over with a bunch of "hardened" Jersey kids? And this creed originating from non-RU alumni but rather outside hires? Just seems a bit much. AD overstepping a bit.
Kind of... insulting? How's it going to go over with a bunch of "hardened" Jersey kids? And this creed originating from non-RU alumni but rather outside hires? Just seems a bit much. AD overstepping a bit.

Read the boards. I dare say most of the non-RU alumni are a heck of a lot more respectful to Rutgers University and it's student athletes than the "loyal sons". Maybe because we choose to be fans rather than feel obligated.

Let's face it. A lot of this has to do with the crap that went on during the Maryland game.
Read the boards. I dare say most of the non-RU alumni are a heck of a lot more respectful to Rutgers University and it's student athletes than the "loyal sons". Maybe because we choose to be fans rather than feel obligated.

Let's face it. A lot of this has to do with the crap that went on during the Maryland game.

A better tact would gave been to coordinate a message via the student body president and alumni president, rather than the AD.
Kind of... insulting? How's it going to go over with a bunch of "hardened" Jersey kids? And this creed originating from non-RU alumni but rather outside hires? Just seems a bit much. AD overstepping a bit.

And tell me, what are these Jersey kids RU is recruiting going to think when the idiots in the stands are booing the players on the field? Will it be "Oh boy, I like the passion" or "what a bunch of a-holes"? Every home game is a recruiting opportunity. People should remember that.
A better tact would gave been to coordinate a message via the student body president and alumni president, rather than the AD.

So your panties are in a bunch because Hobbs isn't an alum? That, as the AD, he had the audacity to suggest a code of conduct to you high and mighty grads?

I know we live in this it's all about me world but get over yourself man. He's doing what's best for the program. Any fool can see that.

BTW, if even a small percentage of the RU alumni gave a crap about this stuff or the school for that matter, RU'd be in a much better place.
And tell me, what are these Jersey kids RU is recruiting going to think when the idiots in the stands are booing the players on the field? Will it be "Oh boy, I like the passion" or "what a bunch of a-holes"? Every home game is a recruiting opportunity. People should remember that.

I'm not promoting or condoning the behavior of hateful fans. I'm not suggesting they shouldn't be called out. I'm merely saying there is a better way to communicate the message to them, especially if you want results.

BTW, I've been to quite a few college FB games away from New Brunswick, and all schools have boisterous fans when things aren't going their way or even when things are going their way--the exceptions are the service academies, for the most part.
Fire Hobbs IMO. Terrible football hire, terrible woman's tennis hire, and now this creed. I pine for the days of Julie and especially Pernetti.
Fire Hobbs IMO. Terrible football hire, terrible woman's tennis hire, and now this creed. I pine for the days of Julie and especially Pernetti.

I hope this is a joke. Otherwise, you're an absolute idiot.
Kind of... insulting? How's it going to go over with a bunch of "hardened" Jersey kids? And this creed originating from non-RU alumni but rather outside hires? Just seems a bit much. AD overstepping a bit.

Oh my god. People on this board really need to get over themselves. Its fine.

A good set of values any fan base should aspire to. Only people here would find fault with something so UNoffensive.
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A better tact would gave been to coordinate a message via the student body president and alumni president, rather than the AD.
I think that's a point worth making and debating, but I don't think it takes away from the Athletic Department making the effort to articulate a set of core values. You can argue over the tactics, but the impulse and the need were clear.
I highly doubt this will change anyone's behavior. Just read the Washington game thread and some of the related post game comments. The range of reactions is quite diverse. That's just the nature of the fan base in this area.