ImpossibleAgreed. Endowments in the billions ought to go reduce tuition to zero
ImpossibleAgreed. Endowments in the billions ought to go reduce tuition to zero
What do you call stocks and bonds? I say they represent a pool of capital. And they are bought, sold and/or redeemed regularly, which means they will be reinvested. Isn't a loan an investment on the part of a lender? You might like the fact that currently the school have no risk with student loans. I say that with high endowment schools, however you define them, the institution should share the risk with the taxpayers.
You clearly have reading comprehension problems. Your comments are silly and demonstrate all that is wrong with the country. You don’t take information in and assess if your position is still valid. Just stick to your guns with very limited information about how the space works. Instead of taking info in from someone who does know you just keep stating the same uniformed opinions.He doesn't understand that endowment money gets invested in the market.
You clearly have reading comprehension problems. Your comments are silly and demonstrate all that is wrong with the country. You don’t take information in and assess if your position is still valid. Just stick to your guns with very limited information about how the space works. Instead of taking info in from someone who does know you just keep stating the same uniformed opinions.
Lol. By saying they should loan their endowment funds, you brought it up. Even unrestricted can’t be loan out as it support current operating exp and capex.That's a very autobiographical statement, given your constant harping on the restricted part of the endowment which nobody has brought up.