quite a marked change in pace of game...its bigly to RU's advantage...keep it in the 60s
Is this the Mike Greenberg hour? Enough already.Like I really want to hear what Mike Greenberg has to say here...
You must be trolling at this point.Ok. So they make some mistakes. Doesn't make them awful.
They are saying the wrong players names. They are saying a guy scores a basket when he's not even on the court. It's been at least 4x already.
Ok. Maybe it's tough to see. I don't know. IMO I have heard a lot worse
The announcers suck so bad they've let Mike Greenberg take over the telecast.Got to be careful with the fouls. We know what type of disadvantage we're at in a FT competition
how long are they going to keep that douchebag on the play by play...holy crap
Screw that you better break out the defibrillator.well here we go