Rutgers Sports Important Part of Raising Money for Rutgers

Saw this in the article:

RWJF is Rutgers' top benefactor; the foundation has given the university more than $80 million in the past decade
That is an amazing amount of money from one foundation. Very impressive of RWJ Foundation. Rutgers is lucky to be in such close proximity to them.
The other thing shown by the article is just how mediocre (to be kind) efforts had been in the past. The fact the President of US Trust had to reach out to the development office to make a gift rather than be courted on a regular basis is more than telling. You think Princeton wouldn't have had ongoing contact with someone like that, even if they weren't in the middle of a major campaign or weren't looking for a significant gift that year?

It sounds like the current group is getting their act together, but they've got a lot of catching up to do.
We all understand this on our boards, but our esteemed leadership doesn't seem to get this. Our elected representatives are clueless also.
Re: Great Article!!!

All of this historical incompetence has to be exposed and people held accountable and fired. Rutgers has functioned like a civil service for 50 years. I am glad we are embarrassed publicly.
Good article. It highlighted some positives and identified some problems. Hopefully, we are on the right path now regarding fund-raising (and athletics).