Rutgers students can win $1000 at the Norfolk State game

Really cool idea and has been getting a lot of nice PR.

Kids are going to be pumped and raging before that kickoff! Imagine being a freshmen and this is your first game - pretty cool
Lets go Grant!

PS: what if we start the game kicking off?
"First kickoff it receives"

I don't know if Norfolk's kicker is any good, but Grant is going to be returning this from 9 yards deep if he has to.
Great promotion for all involved, BTW. I'm assuming Autoland insured this and I don't know the rate schedule but probably didn't cost more than $5K. That's good bang for the buck and would have a monster return if it actually hits.
Good use of funds.

Also, a borderline lottery for going to a game? I thought we were "big time."
My buddy just sent me the link for this because I didn't believe him at first. Great idea for a promo and great way to get the students in their seats early! We all know the difference between a noon start against a team like Norfolk versus an 8pm game when OSU or MSU come to town.

Also, if the students leave early it probably means we're up by 30+. That is something I'll take any day :raised_hands: