Rutgers won the Fulmer cup. Its official now.


All American
Apr 24, 2010
See calculations and details here >CLICK<.

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Stop with the negativity. No one cares about some made award from reddit. Why do we keep posting this crap. This isn't a shot at you, I just don't get why our fans keep posting this type of stuff
Stop with the negativity. No one cares about some made award from reddit. Why do we keep posting this crap. This isn't a shot at you, I just don't get why our fans keep posting this type of stuff

Because if it happened to any other school like PSU, BC, Syracuse, Temple, or UConn we would be all over it.

It is what it is. It happened.

The calculation and method used for awarding the Fulmer cup is actually respectable.

Its a blind eye on the program nationally. If we choose to ignore it were no better than Penn State.
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I'm not ignoring it. 6 guys got arrested. I'm moving on. Moving on from this is not the same as ignoring what happened at PSU. I'm just tired of this negative crap. I want to talk about WAZZU and PSU. You know writers come here. Why give them this to talk about?
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From reading the methodology it seems that we won fair and square, so it is what it is. No sense whining about it. @jay_hq (with whom I rarely agree) is absolutely right - if any other school had won, it would be posted here, as it has in the past, and we would be laughing about it.

It's only fair that we take as well as we give. That's part of being a grown-up.
Because if it happened to any other school like PSU, BC, Syracuse, Temple, or UConn we would be all over it.

It is what it is. It happened.

The calculation and method used for awarding the Fulmer cup is actually respectable.

Its a blind eye on the program nationally. If we choose to ignore it were no better than Penn State.


The only reason I know about this cup is because it's brought up every time another team is in it.
Embrace it. Woo Hoo! R U R U R! U! USA USA R!!!!! U!!!!!!11!!ONE


1869 National Champs
2015 Fulmer Cup Champs
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Did like the comment from the Michigan fan, though: "Rutgers, in this conference we embarrass ourselves on the field, not off it"
Because if it happened to any other school like PSU, BC, Syracuse, Temple, or UConn we would be all over it.

It is what it is. It happened.

The calculation and method used for awarding the Fulmer cup is actually respectable.

Its a blind eye on the program nationally. If we choose to ignore it were no better than Penn State.

If I were Flood, I'd make an actual trophy for this, and put it on a shelf in the locker room. I'd have the whole team there, then tell them I never want to see another of these in my locker room.

Then I'd literally axe it.
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Rutgers is going to drop back into the holding cell in single safety. Well, I guess if this arrest comes up short he can accept it and plead it out. Alright, here we go. 59-pointer, it's got—no, it does not have the points. And Boggs takes it in the back of the holding cell. He'll run it out to the 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 45—There goes Boggs! (Flood shouts "Oh my God!") Boggs is going to run it all the way back! Rutgers is going to win the Fulmer Cup! Rutgers's going to win the Fulmer Cup! He ran the missed points back! The teamwork bonus did it, he took it all the way to 65 points! [fans streaming onto the field] They're not going to keep them off the field tonight! Holy Cow! Oh, my God! Rutgers wins! Rutgers has won the Fulmer Cup! Rutgers has won the Fulmer Cup in the most unbelievable fashion you will ever see! I cannot believe it! 65 points! And we thought 'A Miracle in San Luis Obispo' was amazing! Oh, my Lord in Heaven!' Dre Boggs just pushed them to 65 points and Rutgers is going to the record books!