Rutgers Wrestling vs Michigan State - Updates and Results Thread

if you're not going to bother to put spaces after punctuation, please quit posting now.
I saw you post over on the arrogance seems too carry onto every forum,I see.Apparently,someone who has never stepped out on the mat before.I was simply stating the obvious.If you're going too try too look like a hero at my expense,it's "punctuating" not "punctuation".PLURAL,not SINGULAR,there Shakespeare.
d-bag alert. time to use the block feature.

I saw you post over on the arrogance seems too carry onto every forum,I see.Apparently,someone who has never stepped out on the mat before.I was simply stating the obvious.If you're going too try too look like a hero at my expense,it's "punctuating" not "punctuation".PLURAL,not SINGULAR,there Shakespeare.
d-bag alert. time to use the block feature.
Oh boy,another temperamental,whiney boy on a wrestling forum.Toughen up dude,or go over too the and start thread with that other simpleton Jason Bryant.You two can go too the doctor together and get prescriptions for two testicles
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thanks, always nice to meet a fan!

btw I was a 2X district X place winner, no big deal, not trying to brag, just sayin,
Hardly a fan. 2x district place winner is respectable.Just keep your English Teacher 101 comments too yourself and we'll all get along just fine.
lol what does Jason Bryant have to do with any of this?

sorry for starting this whole imbroglio, but if you're going to suggest a senior quit the sport because his effort is not up to your standards you should be able to handle a little criticism of your typing skills.

anywho - Minnesota v Nebraska about to start on btn plus. Will be a good preview for next match. NFL on the tube and B1G wrestling on the computer. Not a bad combo for Sunday.
Hey d-bag, keep on replying and posting to continue proving you're the liar and poser formerly known as RUGrappler89. Every additional non-space after a period and comma adds to the overwhelming evidence that you belong in a mental asylum.

Oh boy,another temperamental,whiney boy on a wrestling forum.Toughen up dude,or go over too the and start thread with that other simpleton Jason Bryant.You two can go too the doctor together and get prescriptions for two testicles
Hey d-bag, keep on replying and posting to continue proving you're the liar and poser formerly known as RUGrappler89. Every additional non-space after a period and comma adds to the overwhelming evidence that you belong in a mental asylum.
Keep posting and living vicariously through great athletes.A poser?? What year are you living in..1995? That word poser is something we said when we where kids.It's nice too be a big mouth on the wrestling boards,with no consequences,huh? Keep living the wrestling dream,ruwarrior.So just block me from you posts,so I don't verbally put you in check on a regular basis...little crybaby.
Huskers pitching a shut out 19-0 so far. Waznek looks like hes going to win at 174 though. a lot of tough decisions, Minny wrestling hard but Nebraska has too much muscle.
Hey mental midget, what exactly is it that your extremely limited brain thinks I am crying about? Go back to pretending you were actually something 27 years ago, RUGrappler89...NOT!

Keep posting and living vicariously through great athletes.A poser?? What year are you living in..1995? That word poser is something we said when we where kids.It's nice too be a big mouth on the wrestling boards,with no consequences,huh? Keep living the wrestling dream,ruwarrior.So just block me from you posts,so I don't verbally put you in check on a regular basis...little crybaby.
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Dudley with a very impressive TF over a very tough Pfarr

edit: btw there are 2 Pfarr's, the better one is wrestling 197 today
Kroells MN with a close win over Jensen NE in OT. Kroells fell behind early but had more gas in the tank. final score 24-10 Nebraska
Hey mental midget, what exactly is it that your extremely limited brain thinks I am crying about? Go back to pretending you were actually something 27 years ago, RUGrappler89...NOT!
Obviously your"brain doesn't thinks',too read a book once in awhile.You need too get girlfriend.You are way to torked up.You are also a young kid too.Seasoned adults don't act like you do.Anyway,are you done being a tough guy? Good,let's talk about RU wrestling and how they are gonna mop up Minnesota.By the way,I'm one of Billy Smith's biggest fans. I find it heart wrenching that he has regressed.My comments are simply too light a fire under his arse.He has all the tools to make it too the finals of the NCAA's,but he has got to get that signature win.If he beats Kroells,and keeps it close with Coon,he will walk through the NCAA's with confidence.
Obviously your"brain doesn't thinks',too read a book once in awhile.You need too get girlfriend.You are way to torked up.You are also a young kid too.Seasoned adults don't act like you do.Anyway,are you done being a tough guy? Good,let's talk about RU wrestling and how they are gonna mop up Minnesota.By the way,I'm one of Billy Smith's biggest fans. I find it heart wrenching that he has regressed.My comments are simply too light a fire under his arse.He has all the tools to make it too the finals of the NCAA's,but he has got to get that signature win.If he beats Kroells,and keeps it close with Coon,he will walk through the NCAA's with confidence.

Billy hasn't regressed.. he just has a mental block against the better guys..He pretty much always beats the guys he should beat...But he tries to be too careful vs. the top guys...
Guessing here, but most likely Creedo still thinks JB is in charge of moderating forums, eventhough he moved on from that role a couple years ago.

Not to mention Jason Bryant is an asset to the sport of wrestling, wrestling is lucky to have guys like Jason around.
How about we don't turn the Other Sports board into a giant pile of crap? Agree?

Some people need to take a step back from the keyboard and think before they post.
Billy hasn't regressed.. he just has a mental block against the better guys..He pretty much always beats the guys he should beat...But he tries to be too careful vs. the top guys...
I don't know what you would call it then,because he was always fired up two years ago,and now he doubts himself.I definitely think it is the senior jitters.He's under alot of pressure too AA,and I think that has gotten to him.Physically,there are not too many gin the land, that could match his strength and agility.I'm interested too see how he does against Kroell's.It's going to be low scoring and may come down to overtime,which worries me.
How about we don't turn the Other Sports board into a giant pile of crap? Agree?

Some people need to take a step back from the keyboard and think before they post.
This is a wrestling forum..right? Are we talking about ballet or something,because wrestling is a tough brutal sport,and most Jersey wrestling fans are tough,gritty and sometimes outlandish with their posts.Hope this forum doesn't turn into, that lost hundreds of members for being more than G rated.Do you like being called a D-bag by some punk,because you spoke your mind about an obvious issue with some of the Rutgers athletes? PhilaFan,isn't Free Speech an Amendable right? Maybe you need posters too tell fans and athletes the "way it is",because that certainly didn't go on at the football forum..and look at that teams results.I agree,college athletes are young men are under alot of pressure from fans,family,coaches and the university,and any added pressure is unnecessary and uncalled for.I will tone it down.
I don't know what you would call it then,because he was always fired up two years ago,and now he doubts himself.I definitely think it is the senior jitters.He's under alot of pressure too AA,and I think that has gotten to him.Physically,there are not too many gin the land, that could match his strength and agility.I'm interested too see how he does against Kroell's.It's going to be low scoring and may come down to overtime,which worries me

Can you name 1 person he beat 2 years ago that he shouldn't have beat? He hasn't regressed..But he hasn't gotten better either against top wrestlers
Not to mention Jason Bryant is an asset to the sport of wrestling, wrestling is lucky to have guys like Jason around.
Obrats,you are absolutely the most respected poster on the board,and probably the hardest working for the program( outside of the coaches and athletes),I beg too differ.I think Jason Bryant is a condescending ,arm chair guru who doesn't add really much too wrestling.I've heard his shows,and he spends more time grilling his guests than talking about the direction wrestling is going.Also,everytime someone would say something past the PG mark,he would threaten with a permanent ban from the forum.Pretty bold,from someone who never stepped on a wrestling mat in his life.
Can you name 1 person he beat 2 years ago that he shouldn't have beat? He hasn't regressed..But he hasn't gotten better either against top wrestlers
You want someone recent? He just beat Larson 8-1 not even 2 months ago and Larson spanked him at Midlands.
PhilaFan,isn't Free Speech an Amendable right?

You don't want to get into a constitutional debate right now, because you'd lose quickly ... free speech has absolutely nothing to do with these boards.

I appreciate that you and the others are trying to get back to just talking about this stuff. This has been one of those boards that don't really need moderated because everybody who's been here is pretty good with being on topic and not getting into it with others.
You don't want to get into a constitutional debate right now, because you'd lose quickly ... free speech has absolutely nothing to do with these boards.

I appreciate that you and the others are trying to get back to just talking about this stuff. This has been one of those boards that don't really need moderated because everybody who's been here is pretty good with being on topic and not getting into it with others.
Don't pat yourself on the back too quickly about constitutional debates.I agree,we need too stay on topic,and avoid confrontation.
ok 1time in 4 years...I rest my case lol
Do you think he's progressed? I don't think so.Physically yes,mentally,two steps backwards.If he had Normandia's drive,and cajones,we wouldn't be having this conversation.We'd be debating whether or not he would place in the top 3,or at worst,low AA
Do you think he's progressed? I don't think so.Physically yes,mentally,two steps backwards.If he had Normandia's drive,and cajones,we wouldn't be having this conversation.We'd be debating whether or not he would place in the top 3,or at worst,low AA

What do you do in a situation where the guy has openly admitted he freezes against better competition? Do we just sit him in a room for days with a sports psychologist?

It's not like we dump the kid. He works his tail off. He is a great person and leader for the team. He often gives us great results (there are a half dozen or a dozen kids he'll struggle against in the entire country, so an AA isn't out of the question based on luck of the draw). We really don't have any other option (don't kid yourself, Normandia is way over his head bumping up to HWY right now).
Do you think he's progressed? I don't think so.Physically yes,mentally,two steps backwards.If he had Normandia's drive,and cajones,we wouldn't be having this conversation.We'd be debating whether or not he would place in the top 3,or at worst,low AA
No I don't think he's progressed mentally... Physically he is a lil bigger and stronger then a couple years ago...But wrestling wise he has stayed neutral... He generally beats the guys he knows he should beat.. Hopefully, something can click in him and he goes out and gets a couple unexpected wins...
What do you do in a situation where the guy has openly admitted he freezes against better competition? Do we just sit him in a room for days with a sports psychologist?

It's not like we dump the kid. He works his tail off. He is a great person and leader for the team. He often gives us great results (there are a half dozen or a dozen kids he'll struggle against in the entire country, so an AA isn't out of the question based on luck of the draw). We really don't have any other option (don't kid yourself, Normandia is way over his head bumping up to HWY right now).
I think that would be a great idea.Listening too the same old voices( ie his coaches and teammates) asking him whats going on,is obviously not working.Maybe he should talk too someone about his mental block.Sports Psychologists are there for a reason..right?Also,I want to address you and others,who referenced that I think Smith should be benched or quit.I never suggested that.I merely said that if he's going too psyche himself out,it's pointless to go out and get beat by an opponent he might actually beat,or at least loose too by a small margin.It brings the team down and it's aggravating too watch.I've seen wng and josh plenty of times voice their feelings about this.They are as close too the program as you can get,besides the staff.Yes,Normandia is too small to wrestle heavyweight,but when he does get out there,he throws everything but the kitchen sink at his opponents.Look,I don't want to bash Billy Smith.I think the kid is super nice,brought some great clutch wins( ie Lehigh and Nebraska are my favorites) too RU Wrestling,and he is a big reason this program is where it is today.Of all the wrestlers on the team,he's one of my favorites( Richie Lewis being another) and I get real bummed out when he looses.
Billy hasn't regressed.. he just has a mental block against the better guys..He pretty much always beats the guys he should beat...But he tries to be too careful vs. the top guys...
Having a mental block and loosing too lesser competition is regressing my man.
For some context, Billy is currently second on the team in wins (not including red shirt wrestlers) behind only Ashnault and third on the team in terms of dual meet points. In reality he's had two bad matches, one against Dhesi (really bad) and Cabell (9-3). Margin of victory in his other three losses was 2 points. If he gets just one takedown in 3 of his 5 losses its a different ballgame. He's right there, just has to breakthrough.

Now its up to the coaches and himself to get where he needs to be.
I am still a huge Billy Smith fan and will always be, win or lose. He is a very smart young man and will be a great teacher, administrator and quiet leader in his future days. He has done many great things for RU wrestling and whether he never wins another bout for us would not make me like him any less.

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