Safe to say this Professor won't be honored at halftime.

I think I created a mini-firestorm with my prior note. Please allow me this lengthy clarification:

1) There may be some who are taking joy in all this. I truly am not. If Flood is exonerated, I will be very happy to eat crow on this board.

2) I said that if Flood is found to have violated university policy, then he must be suspended. My use of the term "must" was intended to be figurative, not literal. As in "Flood must start Player X" or "Recruit Y is a must get". I did not mean to imply that there is a university mandated policy for suspension. I am sure there is not.

3) I am very sympathetic to the argument that we should refrain from judgement until this is adjudicated by the university, and that there is no purpose to prejudging. My only rebuttal is that there is no real purpose to most of what we do on this board. And a lot of what we do is exactly this: we formulate opinions based on incomplete information.

4) And based on the incomplete information with which we have been provided, I conclude the following:
  • It is highly unlikely that Flood violated NCAA regulations. (GOOD!)
  • However, it is highly likely that he violated University policy (not so good).
5) IF the above if proven to be true, I continue to believe that Flood "must" face a minimum one game suspension. Here is why:
  • The press will have a field day if Flood is found guilty and left unpunished. You may not care. I do. As the adage goes, you don't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.
  • Conversely, if the school does suspend Flood for a game, this could actually be spun into a positive. As in "There is no NCAA violation and no reportable wrongdoing. However, we at Rutgers hold ourselves to our own standards..."
  • If under the above scenario Flood is not suspended, how does he face his team? He imposes discipline, and properly so, when players break his rules. What will they think if their coach breaks the rules with impunity? Do as I say, not as I do? I know of no better way to lose the respect of one's underlings.
  • You may think this was a meaningless technical violation. I do not. My guess is that the rule was enacted by RU in response to the acknowledged ambiguity in the NCAA rule. RU said let's get rid of the gray, let's make it black and white -- just don't do it! And Flood just did it (assuming that he in fact did). That tends to piss people off.
  • Lastly, the inescapable conclusion is that by his actions, Flood did damage to the RU athletic brand. I want to be very clear on this. FLOOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS. The whistleblower is not responsible. The press is not responsible. Flood is responsible. He preaches accountability, and must be held accountable.
That's it for me. Thanks for your comments and for reading this to the end.
No. It isn't clear that he violated University policy. Nonetheless, any suspension is unwarranted as the University has allowed this conduct so past practice dictates no penalty. If anything, the University will have to come out & say this practice has to stop & everyone has to follow the policy.
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The "prof" is a low paid adjunct with no job security, no health insurance, and no prospects for ever getting on the tenure track.

No need to put the professor down when over half of those in higher ed are in this individual's shoes.
No need to put the professor down when over half of those in higher ed are in this individual's shoes.

My post was inartfully worded but I wasnt putting the instructor down. I was replying to the people who want him/her publicly outed/shamed. This person is totally powerless....just trying to scrape by in a brutal academic job market.
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My post was inartfully worded but I wasnt putting the instructor down. I was replying to the people who want him/her publicly outed/shamed. This person is totally powerless....just trying to scrape by in a brutal academic job market.

Thanks for the clarification and I'm sorry for the confrontational tone of my reply. I totally agree with you.
The professor is a spineless turd.

We all know Flood wasn't pressuring him in any sort of way. He didn't have to rat him out. He could have just been a man about it and replied to Flood's e-mail with something like, "I'd appreciate in the future if somebody from academic support would make these inquiries"
The "prof" is a low paid adjunct with no job security, no health insurance, and no prospects for ever getting on the tenure track.
Well like Daulton said in Roadhouse, "There's always Barber College"

He didn't have to cause such a mess over nothing.
Seargent is now saying it was possibly a part-time professor, with comments from the head of the faculty union.

I'm actually getting nervous about this nonsense. Will RU go overboard in its punishment????

Yea any punishment is like whipping Mother Teresa give me a break.
The professor is a spineless turd.

We all know Flood wasn't pressuring him in any sort of way. He didn't have to rat him out. He could have just been a man about it and replied to Flood's e-mail with something like, "I'd appreciate in the future if somebody from academic support would make these inquiries"

Reporting the wrongdoing of someone in a position of power = spineless.

I see that the professor hasn't been publicly named, for fear of backlash.

Rutgers fans might be just as bad as other cfb programs' fans.

This is the big time, I guess.
Just goes to show that being educated and being smart are not always the same thing.
I am not as PO'd about this "prof" as I originally was. They way he is being described above sounds like more of a dope and less of a jerk.

And the jerk is likely the person the dope reported it to...
I think I created a mini-firestorm with my prior note. Please allow me this lengthy clarification:

1) There may be some who are taking joy in all this. I truly am not. If Flood is exonerated, I will be very happy to eat crow on this board.

2) I said that if Flood is found to have violated university policy, then he must be suspended. My use of the term "must" was intended to be figurative, not literal. As in "Flood must start Player X" or "Recruit Y is a must get". I did not mean to imply that there is a university mandated policy for suspension. I am sure there is not.

3) I am very sympathetic to the argument that we should refrain from judgement until this is adjudicated by the university, and that there is no purpose to prejudging. My only rebuttal is that there is no real purpose to most of what we do on this board. And a lot of what we do is exactly this: we formulate opinions based on incomplete information.

4) And based on the incomplete information with which we have been provided, I conclude the following:
  • It is highly unlikely that Flood violated NCAA regulations. (GOOD!)
  • However, it is highly likely that he violated University policy (not so good).
5) IF the above if proven to be true, I continue to believe that Flood "must" face a minimum one game suspension. Here is why:
  • The press will have a field day if Flood is found guilty and left unpunished. You may not care. I do. As the adage goes, you don't pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.
  • Conversely, if the school does suspend Flood for a game, this could actually be spun into a positive. As in "There is no NCAA violation and no reportable wrongdoing. However, we at Rutgers hold ourselves to our own standards..."
  • If under the above scenario Flood is not suspended, how does he face his team? He imposes discipline, and properly so, when players break his rules. What will they think if their coach breaks the rules with impunity? Do as I say, not as I do? I know of no better way to lose the respect of one's underlings.
  • You may think this was a meaningless technical violation. I do not. My guess is that the rule was enacted by RU in response to the acknowledged ambiguity in the NCAA rule. RU said let's get rid of the gray, let's make it black and white -- just don't do it! And Flood just did it (assuming that he in fact did). That tends to piss people off.
  • Lastly, the inescapable conclusion is that by his actions, Flood did damage to the RU athletic brand. I want to be very clear on this. FLOOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS. The whistleblower is not responsible. The press is not responsible. Flood is responsible. He preaches accountability, and must be held accountable.
That's it for me. Thanks for your comments and for reading this to the end.

F the Press coming straight out of Jersey. Take that attitude and they got no juice...
Some look like they consider this a mountain , others feel it's just a molehill being made into one.

Have to wonder who truly feels that Flood is in a lot of trouble over this and deserves harsh punishment.
I think it was an honest mistake and will be told to make sure he follows procedure from now on.
But can see why some are making this into a major disaster, that's the norm around here :grimace: