Sandusky scandal cost Penn State quarter billion dollars


Hall of Famer
Jan 23, 2004

The scandal’s overall cost to the school has reached at least $237 million, including a recent $12 million verdict in the whistleblower and defamation case brought by former assistant coach Mike McQueary, whose testimony helped convict Sandusky in 2012.

The university has settled with 33 people over allegations they were sexually abused by Sandusky, and has made total payments to them of $93 million.

Former Penn State President Graham Spanier, former Athletic Director Tim Curley and former Vice President Gary Schultz are accused of not responding properly to McQueary’s 2001 complaint that Sandusky was sexually abusing a boy in a team shower. They are also accused of putting children in danger.

I would assume Penn State is paying legal fees for the trial of Penn State President, AD, and the VP which still has not gone to court.

The scandal’s overall cost to the school has reached at least $237 million, including a recent $12 million verdict in the whistleblower and defamation case brought by former assistant coach Mike McQueary, whose testimony helped convict Sandusky in 2012.

The university has settled with 33 people over allegations they were sexually abused by Sandusky, and has made total payments to them of $93 million.

Former Penn State President Graham Spanier, former Athletic Director Tim Curley and former Vice President Gary Schultz are accused of not responding properly to McQueary’s 2001 complaint that Sandusky was sexually abusing a boy in a team shower. They are also accused of putting children in danger.

I would assume Penn State is paying legal fees for the trial of Penn State President, AD, and the VP which still has not gone to court.

But Penn State Football has nothing to do with Sandusky.
The penalties will only be enough when it bankrupts the school and it's finally turned into an institution of higher learning.
When top recruits stop going to PSU then I will be happy.In other words this information has very little impact on football.
Great, another PSU thread that the dinner guests will get on and tell everyone to STFU because everyone who don't like Penn State are haters. We get it... There was a football coach who did what he did and the football administration did just enough to hide this from mainstream media for decades. No need to post this every other day.
Fact: Sandusky is in solitary confinement and moved quite often in an effort to stop a group of prisoners from brutally killing him. Members of a white supremacist gang in jail have gone as far as trying to bribe guards for a shot at Sandusky. These guys will stop at nothing and IMHO it's only a matter of time before they get to him. To make matters worse it has gotten back to the general prison population that guards have labeled Sandusky a model prisoner, allowing him special privileges (unlocked cell, secured walking area, unlimited reading material and TV) which I find sickening and a blatant contradiction to the intent of solitary confinement.
Fact: Sandusky is in solitary confinement and moved quite often in an effort to stop a group of prisoners from brutally killing him. Members of a white supremacist gang in jail have gone as far as trying to bribe guards for a shot at Sandusky. These guys will stop at nothing and IMHO it's only a matter of time before they get to him. To make matters worse it has gotten back to the general prison population that guards have labeled Sandusky a model prisoner, allowing him special privileges (unlocked cell, secured walking area, unlimited reading material and TV) which I find sickening and a blatant contradiction to the intent of solitary confinement.
Showering a lone is penalty enough for the POS I think.
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@tico brown , How did you predict that?
Oh c'mon, that's as easy as predicting that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.
But they still went to the Rose Bowl. Anything other than FB doesn't matter at the state penn
Yep, Football is the most important thing in the world to them. And don't you dare denigrate their demigod JoePa!
And i cant wait for the trial on the admin guys to start so this case will rear its ugly head again and hopefully expose even more filth
And i cant wait for the trial on the admin guys to start so this case will rear its ugly head again and hopefully expose even more filth

You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
You are a sick fu*k.
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You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol
Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.

This vs decades of child sex assault coverups by it's football and athletic depts. Sure, that's about equal.

You R Pedd St !
Fact: Sandusky is in solitary confinement and moved quite often in an effort to stop a group of prisoners from brutally killing him. Members of a white supremacist gang in jail have gone as far as trying to bribe guards for a shot at Sandusky. These guys will stop at nothing and IMHO it's only a matter of time before they get to him. To make matters worse it has gotten back to the general prison population that guards have labeled Sandusky a model prisoner, allowing him special privileges (unlocked cell, secured walking area, unlimited reading material and TV) which I find sickening and a blatant contradiction to the intent of solitary confinement.

Let's hope the special privileges exclude conjugal visits. We saw what happened in the past when JoePa allowed him special privileges like access to facilities and team flights to bowl games. Hopefully the guards have more sense and responsibility.
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
This would be posted even if it was school.
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
You always promise you are leaving for good because we are so pathetic. Yet you always come back. How come. Do you not keep your promises?
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You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
I assume you are just flaming, but in case you legitimately do not understand... Yes, our former coach was both unethical and incompetent. We have to deal with the mess he left us both on the field and off. BUT, UNLIKE YOU GUYS, WE DO NOT LIONIZE HIM! (Pun intended.)
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.

and comparing covering up for a child molester to an idiot HC that ignored
his support staffs advise and tried to get a grade change.
By the way that idiot was fired, Penn St honored a pervert with Coach Emeritus status.
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Ha, yup. I'm not looking to debate this entire case again, but I think my comment was fair. It's been more than five years since the scandal broke, a large portion of the charges have been dismissed, and C/S/S still don't have trial dates. Anyone holding their breath better have a really strong lung capacity.
Ha, yup. I'm not looking to debate this entire case again, but I think my comment was fair. It's been more than five years since the scandal broke, a large portion of the charges have been dismissed, and C/S/S still don't have trial dates. Anyone holding their breath better have a really strong lung capacity.
Yes your ability to hold your nose so you can ignore the stench coming out of Penn St concerning the cover-up is amazing.
Not many people would feel that's a good thing,:flush:
Smu got death penalty for far less..... psu football should have been shutdown for 5 yrs
Ncaa did not give them the death penalty based on the damage it did to SMU and surrounding area when the penalty was assessed tonthem
You guys are a pretty sad and pathetic bunch. Football is all that matters at PSU coming from a fanbase whose ex-coach tried to change grades to keep the kid eligible? Ignored failed drug tests so kids can play? Lol

Thanks for providing the comedy, never change.
Sure... Kyle Flood definitely allowed a child predator to sexually victimize KIDS for decades, under his watch.

Yup... definitely the same.

The comedy is that YOU think it's the same thing. You allow your kids to have to go through that for the sake of a football program
I'm disappointed, came in here looking for something from Patrick and didn't get it.