Saturday (K)night at the RAC

more importantly what is Hobbs and RU marketing doing to ensure fannies in the seat on Jan 1 vs Penn State at 2:30 PM, a dreadful sentence given to us by the Big 10 of having a home game on that day and in the afternoon. They will need to try and get some families in the building because thats the only demo to pull from that day. Should have made some combo deal with the football game vs PSU
It really will be tough with the game on ESPNU.
I know you remember back in the day, non conference games against the likes of Delaware and Lafayette would draw 6-7K on a Saturday night in December or January.

Wow. I remember those days. You must be as old as I am. . I've been a season ticket holder since 1988.
Unless there's a huge walk up tonight (doubtful) we're not getting anywhere near 5-6K tonight. Just looked on and next to no 300 level seats have moved.

It's too bad - these guys deserve to play in front of a big crowd.
5081 is good !!!

Hey,,we now have the right coach. He doesnt even have HIS guys yet & he is winning.
As we rack up the wins......the fans WILL come out

I look forward to a time when you cant even GET an RU vs SHU ticket at the RAC !

Its going to happen!!!!!!