That's really the problem right now. As much as I like Julie and think she will do a fine job if ever given the chance, I almost hope at this point for us to clean house. KF and JH, for various reasons (some inarguably of their own making) have just become so incredibly divisive for the fan base. Even before the recent events, most fans had incredibly strong feelings one way or the other as to whether each of them should stay or go. As a result, every little thing that happens triggers a debate about whether each is any good or whether they should be fired. No middle ground. Nothing would be good enough for some, nothing bad enough for others.
I have consistently tried to defend fairness, and letting things play out, but it seems like no matter what happens, everyone wants to make even the smallest negative a cause for firing. Every decision is evidence of utter incompetence. At this point, even if it is unfair, I cannot help but hope for a clean start, so that the fan base could hopefully be more united by their successors.
In reality, I suspect this season is the end of KF, but not Julie. Julie will then have a chance to hire a head football coach, which will be a very large opportunity for her. If she can line up the donors to make a big move, I am hopeful it will go along way toward changing people's minds about her. An AD who will have proved her worth, and a fresh start with a new football staff. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing.