Skillet Head

Is this your place? Just wondering.
That's great, but no, not my place! This is my place. Yesterday we had about 200 sheep on the property (down below the house toward the ocean), but farmer who grazes there moved them. Now just three cows! I've got great movies of hundreds of sheep going past my car on the road, but not sure how to post.

So beautiful, I would love to disappear there. Are there hotels around, or do most folks stay with friends, or family?
NZ is super big on tourism, and there are tons of options for visitors. To me, the best would be B&B as the folks are typically super friendly and full of local knowledge.
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is than an ALPACA? looks amazing there.
Yep. They're nice boys and low maintenance. The beach you see is called Murdering Beach due to an unfortunate event that took place there 200 years ago. It's a popular surfing beach when the surf is up, but usually doesn't have a soul on it. There are nice tidal pools off to the left (behind the hill). We own about halfway down to the beach -- the lower half of those trees you see in the distance. It's a great place to live.