Slightly O/T: Attended the Rose Bowl for the first time


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2001
I was not able to chime in on yesterday's Rose Bowl game thread since I actually attended the game. My son graduated from PSU this past May and we jumped on the opportunity to go. My hope is that we one day get to see Rutgers in the Rose Bowl and now having been there I would highly recommend attending as it is a special experience. This was my 8th bowl game (7th with my son) and let me tell you, all others pale in comparison to the Rose Bowl.
You get a tremendous sense that this is a big event, and this was enhanced by having USC in the game. PSU travelled very well and it seemed everyone in the crowd was wearing the colors of one of the schools. We attended the official PSU tailgate party and the vendor, Prime Sports, did a great job. Despite a big crowd there were plenty of tables and chairs and many food and drink stands so there were never lines. Entry into the stadium was made easy since the bag check took place outside of the stadium as you entered the Fan Fest/ Official tailgate areas. Sure the stadium is old but it was not uncomfortable. Both school bands were top notch. It seemed that USC's band plays their fight song for any play that gains positive yardage.
The game itself was epic. The USC QB and Barkley are 2 early entries on the 2017 Heisman watch list. For 30 minutes, Penn State was the best team in the country not named Alabama but the game is 60 minutes. USC's defense came up big when it counted and they deserved the win. The refs made some questionable calls but to me they went both ways.
Haven't been to LA in a long time but really enjoyed ourselves. Stayed with a buddy in Redondo Beach 2 nights then moved to the Manhattan Beach Marriott for 2 nights. Drove all over LA without hitting any traffic, probably due to the holiday. PSU Pep Rally was held at LA Live at the Staple Center and that was a great area with multiple bars/ restaurants. Everywhere we went in the city we ran into Penn State fans.Thing was that we saw no one wearing USC apparel until we got to the game.
We did not get to the parade which starts at 8 AM. The hotel we stayed at was also used as part of the PSU travel package and the people who were attending the parade were being bussed to Pasadena at 4:30 AM to get to their grandstand seats by about 6:30 for the 8 AM parade start. We drove and despite leaving at 6:30 AM we did not get parked until after 8 and felt it was not worth the effort since its tough to get a viewing spot at that late hour.
2 funny things: on Friday night we went to dinner at the Rock and Brew in Redondo Beach. Turned out to be a big Michigan bar with a Michigan flag hanging on the wall and "Hail to the Victors: playing on the house PA. Every TV was tuned into the Orange Bowl and the very pro Michigan crowd went wild throughout, so it was pretty cool to watch them deflate at the end as FSU pulled it out.
Second, I guess you cant go to LA without a celebrity sighting. My son is a fan of Billy Burr, the writer/comedian/actor. Evidently Burr has podcasts that he listens to. So my son made a point of telling me that Burr attends the Rose Bowl with his buddies every year. Sure enough we walked past his tailgate and got to say hello. I only know the guy from Breaking Bad where he played one of Saul Goodman's henchman (the red haired guy in the episode where Ted Beneke breaks his neck).
All in all a great trip and a very entertaining game.
Thanks for posting Glad you enjoyed LA. Some people give it an undeserved bad rap. IMHO if you don't like LA it just means you didn't go to the right parts. Manhattan Beach is the best beach town in all of SoCal--we go there a lot. pretty much every pro athlete who lives in LA has a house there.

Did you make it to Lawry's ? The traditional Rose Bowl restaurant where they have the Beef Bowl. Real old school and delicious prime rib and yorkshire pudding

LA LIve is a great complex. Staples and the theaters there are 1st class facilities. Real shame they didn't build the football stadium there (they were supposed to) but oh well the one in Inglewood where the Rams and almost certainly the Chargers will play is going to be amazing (and hopefully will host a B1G bowl)

Never been to a football game at the Rose Bowl (been to several other events) but as a venue it is hard to beat. Right in the middle of a very upscale residential neighborhood, not the place you'd expect a massive stadium. It is old but still great. you guys got crappy weather for the most part--this has been a very rainy month (shocking for us) but usually with the sun and the San Gabriel mountains it can't be beat. The concourses are all outside the actual stadium.
Some bogus calls for Penn State, late hit was a joke as the kid jumped over McSorley.
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Thanks for the good report. I am very eager to get out to that venue. Hopefully for a RU Rose Bowl appearance.
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Sounds like you had a great time.

Hopefully some day Rutgers will play at the Rose Bowl.
Will UCLA still be playing at the Rose Bowl in a few years when we play them OOC? Not the actual bowl game but a trip I was hoping to make just for the experience.
Will UCLA still be playing at the Rose Bowl in a few years when we play them OOC? Not the actual bowl game but a trip I was hoping to make just for the experience.

I forgot about that, so yeah Rutgers will play at the Rose Bowl stadium 2020 no matter what.
Real RU fans don't let their kids grow up to attend PSU! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just kidding. I'm glad you had a great time and thanks for posting.
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I tailgated the game but didn't go in. It was annoyingly cold but still a fun time. The B-2 flyover was awesome - they had to fly a little low since the cloud deck was lower than anticipated.

Oh, and fight on.
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Thanks for the report. In-laws saw the floats the day before up close somewhere although they were still partially wrapped. I was surprised to see that campers were a thing for watching and attending the parade and bowl. Saw pictures of campers right along parade route.

2020 UCLA game is an interesting possibility.

This years rose Bowl was a great game. Its was high scoring but did not look like awful defensive play. Lots of offensive talent in that game. That's the best I've seen McSorley play. Ref's goofed on a couple plays but ok overall. The late hit looked worse in real time then on replay. The one TD pass it did not look like he had control going out but it was close and a great throw.
No hookers? No blow? :cool2:

Seriously glad you got to go. I was "at" the 2006 National Title game (Texas vs SC), however didn't have a ticket, and the tailgate experience was arguably the best I ever had. Granted, there were 50,000 Texans there, along with 20,000 women from the greater LA area, but awesome regardless!
Interesting that Darnold went to very few camps. Also interesting is that kid's immediate area produces some pretty amazing QB's. Specifically USC QBs. Leinart, Palmer, Sanchez, Johnson all from the same area. Throw in the whole county and you can add Barkley, Marinovich and I am sure others. Must be something in the water there or more likely, the professional training those guys get from a young age, along with progressive and advanced offensive coaching/systems. Of course, the weather lends itself to this.