Small suggestion for the giveaways

I told my kids the cheerleaders have noodle arms and no chance to reach us, even in front row of 200!
G$$ and I sit in Section 112. Most of the time the cheerleaders end up throwing (or handing) the t-shirts, etc. to the opposing team's fans.
Its weird, for the minute of madness Friday night, they had people up in the 200's throwing stuff, at least on the bench side, but last night they did not. Friday I got a free hotdog(not cooked all the way through and cold) and a lanyard up in 214 but nothing to be seen yesterday.
I got a lanyard in the front of the 200s during a Minute of Madness, but that was because the woman with the bag of stuff was within 10 feet of me, so she practically handed it over.
they did come up in the 200's both Friday and Sunday.
Been to both games. They have not gotten close to Sec 203 and the other 200's across the court from the team benches.
Yes during the minute of madness thing they gave my kids something up top. But the cheerleader throw break looked like first ten rows only.where did the tshirt cannon go.