The Darnell Davis Sack

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore

Kind of similar to:
Great play but a recovery would have been nice. If I was the Eastern Michigan QB would be looking out for him next week.
Great sack. This was one where there would be a good chance of targeting. But he managed to follow proper tackling protocol, wrapping around upper chest area rather than go up high, helmet to helmet, which might be the natural tendency. Good tackling technique. Clean hit- the way it needs to be done in this day and age - and relatively safe one for both him and Browning.
Sitting low in 125, I thought his helmet with his head inside rolled off his shoulders
I used to sit pretty low in 122, and George Johnson had a similar sack coming off the edge in the 2009 opener against Cinn. If you remember their QB was a lefty, so big man was coming from his blind side and absolutely blew him up. Everyone in the stadium saw it coming, I swear even the ref was like "watch out!!!". Terrible outcome that game, but that was a pretty great moment.