The First Game Statue


Heisman Winner
Dec 28, 2007
Just a thought - this is not really happening or anything, just wanted to see what folks think if this had been done:

With the Victory Statue going in by the Stadium, how would you have felt if it had taken the place of the First Game Statue and the First Game Statue to was relocated to CAC in front of the Gymnasium, to commemorate College Field?
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Would have been neat to see a "pop up" (temporary) commemorative museum of sorts near or in the College Ave parking lot including a recreation of the first field. Not the whole parking lot just a section with temporary displays/structures.

Relocation of the birthplace statue could be a neat feature along with images of location and historical games and items like the cannon we used to "steal" from Princeton for example. It'd be neat to have old style helmets and balls that could be used for photo shoots, etc. Cost is always a concern and it could likely be recovered from selling of commemorative birthplace product.

Keep the "Birthplace" open for a season or two being sure to promote it to visiting fans with different product based on visiting teams history and games at the birthplace.
Statue should stay. We need to add a large stone monument, like the one for Mason Gross, in front of the field to the right of the Barn. The stone etching should look like the classic first game painting that was commisiomed by Chevrolet.
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We have so few things we do as tradition. The first game statue should stay put on the Scarlet Walk & with our players walking by it before each game.

When I have visitors I always make a point of taking them to the statue & explaining its history. I would hate for that to go away.
Yeah, you guys convinced me the statue should stay put. I just was hoping for something on CAC to commemorate the actual location. There’s a bronze plaque there now, but it’s a tiny little thing.
How bought a nice 8' high granite football on the spot with names , etc carved n? Could be a nice class gift or fund raised. No idea what that would cost..
Why did we need another statue? We already have one.

Not sure if serious, but it wasn't a matter of need per se. Just that the private donors thought it would add to the football gameday experience so they approached the athletic dept and had it commissioned on their own dime. The one next to the stadium is historically themed while the new one is a lifelike version of the mascot on horseback. If done well, it should be impressive, even moreso than the first game statue IMO.
Why did we need another statue? We already have one.

we don't need another statue. The Garutti's wanted to give RU a statue. They travel to every game...home and away...148 games in a row and counting. They go into each away game town early, tour around the stadiums and see what other schools have. It's something they felt RU was missing so they decided to donate the victory statue. They should be applauded for their commitment and generosity to Rutgers.

Sarge wrote about the whole thing here:
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There is plenty of room for a very nice memorial in front of the College Avenue Gym Annex

At the corner of College Ave and Senior St.

I would go with something akin to the moment in Boston to the 54th Massachusetts.


Obviously replacing the soldiers with the players something like the Friedburg painting.
There is plenty of room for a very nice memorial in front of the College Avenue Gym Annex

At the corner of College Ave and Senior St.

I would go with something akin to the moment in Boston to the 54th Massachusetts.


Obviously replacing the soldiers with the players something like the Friedburg painting.

I created a design last year and tried to push the idea.. met with someone in the athletic department about it and needless to say... nothing

The whole memorial would have easily been done in time for the November reveal.
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I created a design last year and tried to push the idea.. met with someone in the athletic department about it and needless to say... nothing

The whole memorial would have easily been done in time for the November reveal.

Did you offer to pay for the whole thing? Or you wanted them to pay for your idea?
There is plenty of room for a very nice memorial in front of the College Avenue Gym Annex

At the corner of College Ave and Senior St.

I would go with something akin to the moment in Boston to the 54th Massachusetts.


Obviously replacing the soldiers with the players something like the Friedburg painting.
Nice - and in theory, using today's technology, it's not unachievably expensive. After licensing the image of course, it can be uploaded and reproduced on wax using a CNC router machine. Or conversely it can be built up using 3-D printing technology and wax substrate rather than polymers. Then use traditional lost-wax method to cast the bronze. You no longer need a team of artisans carving by hand over the course of a year. The whole thing can be literally done in a week.
Nice - and in theory, using today's technology, it's not unachievably expensive. After licensing the image of course, it can be uploaded and reproduced on wax using a CNC router machine. Or conversely it can be built up using 3-D printing technology and wax substrate rather than polymers. Then use traditional lost-wax method to cast the bronze. You no longer need a team of artisans carving by hand over the course of a year. The whole thing can be literally done in a week.

Thanks, That is interesting, I did not know that. I am only vaguely aware of 3-D printer technology and computer controlled router/automated milling. Actually had to look up what "CNC" was.

I was wondering where we'd find somebody like Saint-Gaudens, Daniel Chester French, Gutzon Borglum. Seems I worried needlessly.
There is plenty of room for a very nice memorial in front of the College Avenue Gym Annex

At the corner of College Ave and Senior St.

I would go with something akin to the moment in Boston to the 54th Massachusetts.


Obviously replacing the soldiers with the players something like the Friedburg painting.
How much would you guess this would cost?
How much would you guess this would cost?
The Shaw memorial is something along the lines of 11x14 ft. It's huge. Price of copper in the bronze alloy is crazy these days, but I commissioned a bronze memorial bas relief plaque two years ago...couldn't have been more than 14x24 was about $1700. This of course doesn't translate linearly as I'm sure the casting needs to be thicker. But regardless, I would think we're not talking millions here.
Thanks, That is interesting, I did not know that. I am only vaguely aware of 3-D printer technology and computer controlled router/automated milling. Actually had to look up what "CNC" was.

I was wondering where we'd find somebody like Saint-Gaudens, Daniel Chester French, Gutzon Borglum. Seems I worried needlessly.

I linked a cool video of an example of this process. Once the image is settled, the routers just go at it, all day all night. Of course, this isn't real art, but just a cheap facsimile. Nothing like the process of a brilliant artisan like Saint-Gaudens.
Did you offer to pay for the whole thing? Or you wanted them to pay for your idea?

Not only would we be able to easily raise the money for it, I’d pay for a good portion of it. Total cost is less than 300k

Instead, they told me about all the other things they are doing to celebrate the 150th. All things that will come and go and nobody will remember. It’s what happens when you don’t have true Rutgers people in the administration and in leadership positions throughout the university
You'd think a few Princetonians would want in on this also?
You'd think a few Princetonians would want in on this also?
The word few is very accurate. Most alumnus and administrators want nothing to do with helping Rutgers do anything with celebrations even though they part of the first game.
The word few is very accurate. Most alumnus and administrators want nothing to do with helping Rutgers do anything with celebrations even though they part of the first game.
Agreed. Though if for no reason than that they would do something on their own campus. Even if the first game didn’t occur on their campus, they lay claim to being part of the first game.

That said, they’re a bunch of yellow belly bastards. They’ll go to Army, but not up the road to us.
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and yet people are fixated on blaming Hobbs and Ash for Princeton not wanting to play us
I created a design last year and tried to push the idea.. met with someone in the athletic department about it and needless to say... nothing

The whole memorial would have easily been done in time for the November reveal.
Did you every speak, or have contact, with Antonio M. Calcado?
He seems to be a big part of all things physical plant and planning at RU.

Many years ago I went to a public meeting he chaired about the then new plans to revitalize College Ave. (Well before converting the NB Theological Seminary property and the DEVCO Yard) It was mostly 5th Ward NIMBYs complaining about RU.

At one point I made a very brief case for before you go off building new buildings please consider replacing the terrible College Ave Facilities garage located on Easton Ave to something more street and retail friendly.

Now, I understand correlation is not causation, and I'm not so vain, or naive, to think my comments moved anyone to do such an obvious thing. But within two years the old building was gone. It was a part of getting the private NJ Bookstore out of the footprint to make way for the Gateway.

I know it was vacant for a while after the bookstore closed. And you can make the case an abandoned store front is not much of an improvement. But I think some retail has back filled in? I haven't been by recently and don't know.

And speaking of folks with influence of course there is Chris Palladino. But don't know if DEVCO would be interested unless part of a larger development of theirs.