The Parker Effect


Heisman Winner
Dec 28, 2007
Can we re-visit this? New 1.5M weight room. Parker's had a year and a half. How are these lines getting dominated by EMU's lines??
Strength and conditioning only gets you so far, talent on the other hand...

Parker is a solid coach.
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They were not getting dominated at the LOS in this game and they were not getting dominated at the LOS against Washington. S&C is actually much improved. Parker knows what he is doing.
Can we re-visit this? New 1.5M weight room. Parker's had a year and a half. How are these lines getting dominated by EMU's lines??
like i said before, we buy into all the bullshit hype
Strength and conditioning only gets you so far, talent on the other hand...

Parker is a solid coach.[/QUOTE]

And you know this how ?
When your Line gets pushed around by a MAC team time to relook at your S&C Coach.
Flood and Ash recruited at MAAC levels. We were in a dog fight with a MAAC team. In second half we controlled LOS more than EMU. Parker is not this teams biggest problem.
Not saying Parker is the team's biggest coaching problem. Not by a long shot. I don't expect our lines to dominate B1G teams' lines, but I did expect them to dominate tonight. Other than two drives, I saw our lines getting beat. No pressure at all on Roback from our Dline. Oline didn't do a great job of protecting Bolin who gets unsettled easily. And many times, our backs were getting stopped at the line. Forget about skill strength for a minute. At best, our line strength were equivalent. That's not good.
Not saying Parker is the team's biggest coaching problem. Not by a long shot. I don't expect our lines to dominate B1G teams' lines, but I did expect them to dominate tonight. Other than two drives, I saw our lines getting beat. No pressure at all on Roback from our Dline. Oline didn't do a great job of protecting Bolin who gets unsettled easily. And many times, our backs were getting stopped at the line. Forget about skill strength for a minute. At best, our line strength were equivalent. That's not good.
We agree on Parker not biggest problem. I think a SC program has cumulative impact. It is seen in years 3-4 the most. Also from condition standpoint we look good in second half(not tailing off) from a condition standpoint. Also 2 string is not as big of a drop off, so we can rotate in/out more guys.

I think we are at better spot now with SC; than we were before Parker started.
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