This year's team

What about my comparison of total assists by those playing point? If Paul played with both JMike and Derek this year, how many assists do you think he’d have?

Mulcahy/Spencer/McConnell/Simpson averaged 12.6 assists and 6.4 turnovers last year.

Fernandes/Simpson/Davis/Griffiths are averaging 8.7 assists and 5.7 turnovers.

Taking Simpson and McConnell/Griffiths out of the mix, we get 8.0 ast/3.4 tov from Mulcahy/Spencer last year and 5.2/2.5 from Fernandes/Davis
Let’s not forget Baye and his play at GT. Exactly what we need and would like more than likely held things down during early part of season as mag was rehabbing.

I think this team will be much better by end of January and will peak in last 10 of season…what that leads to, no idea…

Obviously had cam stayed that would have been big, and I still think Paul could have done well here this season in a Kyle Anderson type of role as first off bench…
Let’s not forget Baye and his play at GT. Exactly what we need and would like more than likely held things down during early part of season as mag was rehabbing.

I think this team will be much better by end of January and will peak in last 10 of season…what that leads to, no idea…

Obviously had cam stayed that would have been big, and I still think Paul could have done well here this season in a Kyle Anderson type of role as first off bench…

Not everyone is Brian Leonard — willing to take a lesser role for the betterment of the team. That’s no slight to Paul, BL was special, but the point still stands.
said it 1000x better than I could have. Paul stifled team offense. No motion, no passing etc. sucked life out of the offense.

I don’t disagree with Paul assessment regarding the offense. However, he’s not here anymore and there is a new guy here who averages 28 mpg for us. What life is he providing to the offense? Not much at all, he was billed as the engine that would come in and run this team, a dynamic fast player who can score and be a go-to scorer. He has been ok at best, with long stretches of poor play. If this is the best he is going to be here, then this was a swing and a miss. He is going to need to play much better and be much more aggressive in conference play than what we have seen thus far. Is it possible he steps it up and plays up to expectations?? Maybe, maybe not too. Noah has not been a dynamic transfer portal revelation for us so far this year.
I don’t disagree with Paul assessment regarding the offense. However, he’s not here anymore and there is a new guy here who averages 28 mpg for us. What life is he providing to the offense? Not much at all, he was billed as the engine that would come in and run this team, a dynamic fast player who can score and be a go-to scorer. He has been ok at best, with long stretches of poor play. If this is the best he is going to be here, then this was a swing and a miss. He is going to need to play much better and be much more aggressive in conference play than what we have seen thus far. Is it possible he steps it up and plays up to expectations?? Maybe, maybe not too. Noah has not been a dynamic transfer portal revelation for us so far this year.
As PG, no he’s not necessarily expected to be a dynamic scorer. Earvin Johnson and Jalen Brunson aren’t common examples of the position. UMass had a solid PG in our A10 days who hardly ever shot the ball at all.

Sure, we don’t know what Pike’s expectations were for Noah but he sure plays a lot. I would argue we didn’t have a functioning PG at all last year. We had a guy who dribbled the clock away with his back to the basket 18 feet away incapable of the role

We have a lot of depth this year, and I don’t see many minutes for a limited scorer. At least McConnell defended 1 on 1. Paul was a liability on D. Noah may be a liability too, but not as much and running an offense makes up for that. Simpson and Davis don’t run offense either. They are chuckers only looking to outscore each other and vie for PT next year with DH.
As PG, no he’s not necessarily expected to be a dynamic scorer. Earvin Johnson and Jalen Brunson aren’t common examples of the position. UMass had a solid PG in our A10 days who hardly ever shot the ball at all.

Sure, we don’t know what Pike’s expectations were for Noah but he sure plays a lot. I would argue we didn’t have a functioning PG at all last year. We had a guy who dribbled the clock away with his back to the basket 18 feet away incapable of the role

We have a lot of depth this year, and I don’t see many minutes for a limited scorer. At least McConnell defended 1 on 1. Paul was a liability on D. Noah may be a liability too, but not as much and running an offense makes up for that. Simpson and Davis don’t run offense either. They are chuckers only looking to outscore each other and vie for PT next year with DH.

Noah is not running the offense well either. He dribbles from side to side without attacking, dribbles into trouble, does not set his teammates up, his assist to TO rate is nearly equal, and he passes on shots that he should take. On a scale of 1 to 10, he’s been a 5, and I think I am being generous. Davis is a Freshman with no expectation he would come in and run the offense. He has actually been a nice surprise this year with his play. Simpson is a sophomore and has not been great this year either. The coaching staff was expecting Noah to be the guy to lead the offense, based upon his previous college experience. Noah has been mediocre, like a lot of other players this year. Forget about Paul, he’s not walking through that door anymore.
Noah is not running the offense well either. He dribbles from side to side without attacking, dribbles into trouble, does not set his teammates up, his assist to TO rate is nearly equal, and he passes on shots that he should take. On a scale of 1 to 10, he’s been a 5, and I think I am being generous. Davis is a Freshman with no expectation he would come in and run the offense. He has actually been a nice surprise this year with his play. Simpson is a sophomore and has not been great this year either. The coaching staff was expecting Noah to be the guy to lead the offense, based upon his previous college experience. Noah has been mediocre, like a lot of other players this year. Forget about Paul, he’s not walking through that door anymore.
Lead the offense, yes. that doesn’t mean scoring. But who’s he supposed to pass to for the shot ? Cliff ? Hell no.
Lead the offense, yes. that doesn’t mean scoring. But who’s he supposed to pass to for the shot ? Cliff ? Hell no.

He is supposed to lead and score. He has not done well with either. Many others in the past have set Cliff up for easy hoops in the past, Geo, Ron, Caleb, Cam, and heaven forbid I speak his name and clutch my pearls, but also Paul. Noah has zero on court chemistry with Cliff, blame that on whatever you like, Cliff’s fault, coaches fault, whatever, don’t care. Fact is there is nothing there this year as far as lobs to Cliff or dishes to Cliff on drives to the paint from ALL of the guards, Noah included.
Don’t forget, Cliff has received plenty of good passes underneath but he has bad hands and can’t catch them. So while the stats say turnovers those should be assists.

Sure, PM had a lot of alley oops to Cliff for dunks but you can’t blame Noah or the other players for the oars at the end of Cliff’s arms on sweet passes that he muffs
Don’t forget, Cliff has received plenty of good passes underneath but he has bad hands and can’t catch them. So while the stats say turnovers those should be assists.

Sure, PM had a lot of alley oops to Cliff for dunks but you can’t blame Noah or the other players for the oars at the end of Cliff’s arms on sweet passes that he muffs

There are hardly any lobs going to Cliff, especially from Noah, what games are you watching? You make it sound as if he funmbles 2-3 lobs out of bounds every game. Some games the guards don’t even toss one lob up to him, which is ridiculous when you consider Cliff’s best talent is his quick leaping and athleticism. Does Cliff fumble passes in the post? Absolutely, guilty as charged. We don’t need Cliff in the post, we need him in the pick and roll and him and Noah working off one another (Noah lobbing to a rolling Cliff, Cliff screens setting Noah up for open jumpers or drives in the lane to create for himself or others).
There are hardly any lobs going to Cliff, especially from Noah, what games are you watching? You make it sound as if he funmbles 2-3 lobs out of bounds every game. Some games the guards don’t even toss one lob up to him, which is ridiculous when you consider Cliff’s best talent is his quick leaping and athleticism. Does Cliff fumble passes in the post? Absolutely, guilty as charged. We don’t need Cliff in the post, we need him in the pick and roll and him and Noah working off one another (Noah lobbing to a rolling Cliff, Cliff screens setting Noah up for open jumpers or drives in the lane to create for himself or others).
not what I said. Mulcahy lobbed to him.all Cliff can do is flush.

This group feeds him in the lane with other passes and he can’t catch the ball