Your leader is Trump, who is completely lawless and self-serving. He tried to upend a free and fair election and pussy whipped the entire Republican establishment into going along with it. The idea that Republicans respect the Constitution and Democrats don’t or the left doesn’t is such complete horse shit I don’t know how to respond.
Actually the GOP establishment (and Fox News) hate Trump.
The NeverTrumpers in GOP are more toxic than the neo-Marxist Dems.
Remember Al Gore calling for investigation of 2000 vote and getting it?
After 2020 there were states that found a lot of irregularities (like blocking GOP observers and 3AM ballot trucks arriving in pol machine cities).
There was never a move to "overturn" election - the move (following a C19 law) was aimed to let states investigate results because officials were being blocked from examining ballots and procedures - unlike Gore.
A main problem was that GOP leaders wanted Trump ripped-off so they could go back to ripping-off treasury. They pretended to "investigate" law changes made before election - often without state legislatures approving.
The problem now is that the wrecking ball in DC is leveling the country in all aspects.
We were told big orange was insane, would wreck economy and cause WWIII.
Of course he didn't but now their are kooks/radicals in DC wrecking economy, border, legal system, military etc. Millions of strangers let in by invitation and design.
They want US overextended in wars and debt while sleepers pour in over border even more than they were.
I don't think people realize how bad things are.
The debt bomb is headed to blow and the ME is going to pull the whole world into biggest war in history.
If the Straits of Hormuz get buggered-up while refineries burn and US reserves are half gone (as intended) we might not even be able to pay for gas - then economy crashes while debt continues to surge (US paid 650 billion just on debt last year).
RFK is a real Dem but the people wrecking US by design are something else and often on the take.
Trump can be an A-hole but he brakes up the uniparty cartel - and he's way ahead in all polls and demographics.
Don't follow any MSM including FOX - they've lied about Ukraine winning for months and got 1000s killed.
We are on the highway to hell on steroids because the conflict will come home - no TV wars.
Both parties are broke with one insane (mutilating kids etc)
Col Douglas Macgregor: "Avoiding Armageddon Now Is Hardly Possible"