Ticket Age Policy


Gold Member
Nov 5, 2011
Does anybody know at what age young children need to have a ticket to enter the stadium?
If they aren't on your lap 100% of the time they need a ticket.
I don't think we will have trouble finding a seat for him given the opponent and how we've played this year.

Thanks for your responses everyone.
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I believe they changed it to everyone needs a ticket regardless of age. That being said I walked in carrying my little one last week and they didn't ask for a ticket.
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My 3-1/2 year old daughter walked in, with my wife and I (we didn't carry her), and they didn't say anything. Then again, that was during the Flood years. That's a time I don't like to talk about very much.
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My 3-1/2 year old daughter walked in, with my wife and I (we didn't carry her), and they didn't say anything. Then again, that was during the Flood years. That's a time I don't like to talk about very much.

Last year both my 3 and 1 year olds came in free, but when I took my 1 year old to the final home game of the basketball season, they asked for his ticket. I told them I wasn't aware that he needed one considering he was only 1. They let me in without a ticket but told me to keep him on my lap and to make sure I had one next time. I wanted to see if the football policy had changed like the basketball policy.
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This. It's my understanding @mildone has one season ticket but I've seen him with as many as 3 stripers on his lap.

He has 3 of these on his lap?

Ok, so looks like I'm going to need a ticket just to be safe. Does anyone have an extra ticket for the game for my 1 year old? I tailgate in the black lot. Will serve you good food and drink if you can meet up with me and save the day.
Thanks. I've never actually scalped before but my son has a BMX race in Flemington this morning so we will be in the area anyway. Is Scarlet Lot my best bet for finding someone with extras?
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I called last week before the game. 2 and under are free assuming they sit on your lap though as previously mentioned there was plenty of room. Then I asked about discounted tickets for my 4 year old cause I wasn't spending $50 through RU and was hoping to not pay $20 through stub hub. He emailed me a free ticket for him! I think it was future knights day or something.

Also as mentioned previously, in the past we'd just walk in holding them and was never asked for a ticket but the 4 year old is getting big and I was worried he'd make a scene about not having a ticket.

Word of advice, bring some entertainment. The first half sucked so much last week they were bored out of their minds and were causing trouble. We left at the half. Never had them act that way at previous games or other sporting events.
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Thanks. I've never actually scalped before but my son has a BMX race in Flemington this morning so we will be in the area anyway. Is Scarlet Lot my best bet for finding someone with extras?
I've got 4 extras you can have for $5 each if you wanna stop in Bound Brook on your way.
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