Travkwresting feed

Flo Wrestling seems to have improved a lot in the past few years and have never had a problem with BTNplus, it's great that now Flo carries BTN plus, but Flo price is double the BTN plus price, although the content is enormous w HS, College , International and all sports, not just wrestling.
I fell for Trackwrestling a few years ago, complete and total garbage. I will never subscribe again. They are great to look at the brackets, and to see the live "gametracker." They are not equipped to run feeds, and shouldn't.

I also think Flo sucks for what they are charging. For that price, you need to do better than having Screwy Louie sometimes announcing, sometimes doing nothing, sometimes having random conversations with people sitting near him. BTN may be students, but at least they have a dedicated announcing crew. Even the free feeds offered by various schools are mostly better.

Flo is also terrible for anything they cover if you don't watch it live. Unlike BTN, you cannot log in and watch later that day. You have to wait for them to upload the individual matches, which are sporadic at best.

Neither has any business covering major college matches/tournaments at this point.
I gotta defend FLO here. They are awesome at providing content. And in my experiences, have really improved the quality of service, i.e., limiting the amount of technical difficulties compared to when they first started out. It's been a while since I was unable to watch an event I really wanted to due to technical difficulties. Not saying that is the case for everyone, but I've been very pleased with my decision to subscribe. A lot of their stuff is now instantly archived and searchable.
Give me a break.. I know they have lot of great wrestling content, but at these subscriber rates, they have got to show what they claim they are showing. They are being presented as an alternative to btn2go, and the 2 aren't in the same universe.

From the duals a couple weeks ago that they covered... Flo posted some of our matches against Virginia that evening, but was missing 2 matches (149 and 184). Rather than just show the entire dual, you had to search match by match and keep returning to your search results to watch the 10 separate videos. Of course they are all out of order, but eventually, you realize they are just missing 2. As of the middle of last week, they had added the 2 that were missing, but still had none of the Oklahoma matches.

So I paid to watch 2 duals on Saturday evening, and by Tuesday, I had finally seen one of them. When I went back later in the week, the "video" link out of the "floarena" was been broken, an is still broken today. It just loops you back to the main page. So now we are a week and a half from the event (since I subscribed) and now not only can I not watch the Oklahoma dual, I can't watch any archived video.

If you search "Rutgers" from the main page, it brings you 1100 videos in no particular order (seems to be a them with them). No option to search by date, or to narrow search results. The top videos of the 1100 are dan sidenberg and rinaldi. Only one item on the first page is from this year...with most being from 2010. If you search Rutgers from the events page, it brings you a list of stuff from 2009 and 2010. The top "upcoming" event is an article about Cooperman joining Goodale's staff.

Compare to btn2go - where I have never once not been able to log in and immediately watch any event they covered, live, while in progress, or anytime afterward.
The service certainly isn't perfect, I grant you that, but it really isn't as bad as you're making it out to be, in my humble opinion. Not sure what issues you experienced with the links, as I accessed the site w/o any issues almost all of last week/weekend. They did just roll out an updated format, so I'm sure they are working through some kinks here and there. I do the yearly subscirption, which basically ends up being a little over $12/month. For the amount of content that is available, I think it's worth the cost. To each his own I guess.
The service certainly isn't perfect, I grant you that, but it really isn't as bad as you're making it out to be, in my humble opinion. Not sure what issues you experienced with the links, as I accessed the site w/o any issues almost all of last week/weekend. They did just roll out an updated format, so I'm sure they are working through some kinks here and there. I do the yearly subscirption, which basically ends up being a little over $12/month. For the amount of content that is available, I think it's worth the cost. To each his own I guess.

Are you able to watch the Oklahoma matches?
Or access the archive video portal where you can search for the Rutgers matches?

Maybe its just me or my computers, but I cannot locate any of that content. The floarena links are broken, and I finally went through the results page and got to where videos were linked, and the Oklahoma matches are still not uploaded 2 weeks later. By the time I can watch them, it will be pointless.

To each their own. There is obviously a TON of general wrestling content on the website. My gripe is that they claim to have VOD where you can watch the matches at any time. And the website doesn't really work that way. They have always been extremely bad about uploading content after events are over. If you are just a fan who wants to see the Rutgers stuf, like I do, it makes no sense to subscribe. I am not watching random interviews or technique videos.

Ah well. Can't wait for the 8th. I did use Flo to watch the Iowa NDSU dual last night. Gets me excited for the real season to start.
I’m disappointed to see that the Iowa - Rider match a few days before our Iowa match not on FLO. For 30 a month was hoping to get this. I’ll probably switch to cheaper BTN plus in December, although i may wait til after that Beast and Southern Scuffle. Ironman also on Flo too
I have been happy with the streaming from Flo
The only thing that is a pain is the Event Arena... I have figured it out somewhat. Wish we could combine Flo with trackwrestling.
re: Flo - tournaments are not going to have announcers at every mat. When a guy like Screwy Louie can sit in and do some during a tournament though we are definitely going to take advantage of that. The only tournament I know of with paid announcers for every match is the NCAA Championship.

For the BTN duals, the schools are handling the production for most of them. if they don't have announcers its because whoever was handling the production did not have them. We will have announcers for every dual we produce. everything you can see on BTN Plus you will also be able to see on Flo.

For the complains about videos not being uploaded on time and for the video search function not existing at the moment: you have legit gripes and we thank you for the feed back. we need them to relay to our product and engineering team. we will be working together to provide ALL the features you guys want as soon as possible and have the videos up and easy to find asap. the content team feels your pain, believe me.

for the pricing, FloPro is $150/year or $12.50/month, for not just the BTN plus content, but also premier events like the Scuffle, Super 32, and the Senior World Team Trials (among literally hundreds of others). Plus the catalog of documentaries and premium high school rankings. You also get every other sport site and their content. BTN Plus is I believe $15/month if you go month to month.

BTN has some great product features. I signed up for them last year. its excellent. Hopefully Flo will be right up there soon. But content wise I think Flo provides a much better value, though I am obviously biased.

But bottom line: appreciate the feed back and we will use it to get better!