My friend has a personalized license plate with GFYIs GFY one word ??
To best understand New Jerseans, one should undertake a scholarly study of the collected works of Kevin Smith known as the "Mall Rats" series of movies (Jay and Silent Bob, et. al.).As a non-native, I think I would go with the word "brash." For the first few years I thought everybody here hated me. Eventually I learned that Jerseyans are kind and thoughtful, but they have a hard shell, so it's not immediately apparent...
Yo Mr dbag - it's the "Clerks" series and it's "Jerseyans." Ahhh fuhgeddaboudit!To best understand New Jerseans, one should undertake a scholarly study of the collected works of Kevin Smith known as the "Mall Rats" series of movies (Jay and Silent Bob, et. al.).