When did we hire Justin Springer (from Kansas) ?

So there's Kenny Parker, Gary Beemer and now Justin Springer. Is it normal to have three guys in these Positions? I guess footbsll players ultimately spend more time in a weight room than on a football field.
I know for a fact he is related to Gary Schiano. (third cousin,twice removed)
So there's Kenny Parker, Gary Beemer and now Justin Springer. Is it normal to have three guys in these Positions? I guess footbsll players ultimately spend more time in a weight room than on a football field.

Aren't the players allowed to spend time with S&C coaches year round? Whereas other coaches are restricted? Just a thought about the focus on S&C, and why these guys are the most important people all of a sudden.
So there's Kenny Parker, Gary Beemer and now Justin Springer. Is it normal to have three guys in these Positions? I guess footbsll players ultimately spend more time in a weight room than on a football field.

Well 2 sure as hell wasn't working! :grimace:
interesting ... and another S & C coach that knows the ins & outs of field positions

#45 - Line Backer Justin Springer takes Georgia Tech quarterback Joshua Nesbitt off his feet
So there's Kenny Parker, Gary Beemer and now Justin Springer. Is it normal to have three guys in these Positions? I guess footbsll players ultimately spend more time in a weight room than on a football field.

I thought you were going to say "more time in the weight room than in the classroom"!!!
Aren't the players allowed to spend time with S&C coaches year round? Whereas other coaches are restricted? Just a thought about the focus on S&C, and why these guys are the most important people all of a sudden.

yes the restricted contact hours apply to the S&C coach. Coach Meyer has said that is one of the reasons he believes the position is so crucial, and mickey marotti makes 380,000 a year. It isn't just about the physical workouts, but he has to get them ready mentally for what is coming in spring ball by instilling the proper mnd set, team goals, ect. Your S&C worked under Marotti so I expect him to have a lot of the same techniques and philosophies, yu are going to see a arked inprovement on the field with your players.

“And finally, the most important hire I made on this coaching staff, to bring toughness, make sure we're in great shape and get this team ready to go—our strength coach, Mickey Marotti.”
I hope these 4th guys cure the illness of DTs coming in here at 300 lbs and then dropping 70 lbs... or being moved to OL.
Big time programs out a tremendous amount of resources and focus in this area. Alabama just signed their SC coach to some ridiculous contract. Makes sense.
So there's Kenny Parker, Gary Beemer and now Justin Springer. Is it normal to have three guys in these Positions? I guess footbsll players ultimately spend more time in a weight room than on a football field.
Three is on the small side. Most schools have more. These days 4 or 5 is normal. Penn State has 7 for football.