Rettig not happy on sideline talking to coaches. After lengthy conversation with McDaniels he hugged Rettig as if to console him.
I had my eye on them the whole time. I did not have the same impression
at all. After half time Rettig was passing the ball and seemed to be
enjoying him self and having a good time with everyone. Then coach
came up and they seem to be enjoying themselves. Sure I saw the hug but
it did not impress me it was a hug of consolence. How would you know that?
Now everyone is making comments about why he was mad. No way was
he mad. they were right in front of me. Then when the plays began he was really into it. giving signals, and cheering. And absolutely acting professional
all the way. leading the cheers really into the game.
Now i'll give my impression of what's going on. I feel that Flood wanted to
go with Laviano but the 1/2 game suspension happened. To me Rettig
was great, some really nice passes on the money.
I have been on Flood side 100 percent since the beginning not a basher,
at all. But to be fair Rettig should have played with Caroo. He is not the one
that messed up. He was a victim of Laviano's screw up. And no way
should the head coach make Rettig the victim because someone else screwed up. Laviano broke the rules and get's to play with not only
the best receiver, but also 3 other suspended players. Rettig played his
first minutes of collge football without 9 suspended players. He showed leadership,guts, running ability etc. No way he should not start the 2nd game
but I got this awful feeling in my gut. Flood wants Laviano to start.
To me this was a embarassing week, let's show the players, the fans,
and the media and all, the staff is very serious about the what happened,
and Rettig gets the chance, he deserves, and Laviano is the one that
has to prove himself..False ID's and drinking during preseason does not
show QB leadership. We condoned drunk driving, and all kinds of bad behavior, Give the job to Rettig until he screws. up. Wheather it's bad grades,
fighting, or just not doing on the field.