Really, any time I hear a news item that is of interest, I generally google it and try to get a span of different perspectives. The question is, where do I generally hear those news item bits that prompt the additional searches.
various message boards (and social media) with people who post news items
WNYC radio (rarely these days, used to try to spend equal time between CNN/BBC/FoxNews/MSNBC as far as traditional "news" sites... but these days I've dropped MSNBC and FoxNews almost entirely, unless I want to see how their propaganda engines have spun a particular story).
The Daily Show / Last Week Tonight (occasionally, but rarely on TV - usually on the web after they've aired. Also, it's as entertainment/infotainment, where I look up parts of their shtick after the fact online).
I avoid television news like the plague, usually - most especially 24-hour news channels. They are built on sensationalism and appeal to emotion, and are really just trying to keep you from changing the channel so that they can keep their ratings up and their advertisers happy. 90% of the airtime on those shows is just spent rehashing and opining on nonsense - when there is a ton more news around the world they could be covering but ignore.