Where is the post game interview??


Gold Member
Sep 1, 2016
I seriously can't wait to see what he has to say for himself. If I were him, I'd be hiding under a rock. Please post the link if you see it come up.
On the Radio all he said ( about 9 times) we will look at the tape.
He actually sounds clueless as a HC.
Things can actually spiral badly this year and next.
He kept talking about watching the film. Wasn't he on the sidelines? Clueless.
He kept walking down the sideline away from the Plays. Maybe afraid to watch ?
Uber Meyer is no fool. The guy is ruthless. He knew what he was doing saying we should Ash. Keeping the pipeline wide open for our boys to ship out west.
Ash actually said he inserted Lewis because the team was t moving the ball and needed a spark.

The second time he was in that is patently false.

I'm not sure Ash knows what he is looking at. Any real coach can dissect and comment on what is happening in real time.

For Ash to say that is mind boggling. The second time Lewis came in the team was moving the ball.
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