Who requested BOG meeting?


Jul 31, 2001
Has it been leaked who actually wants this "emergency" meeting? The SL seems to know the reason for it (not stated in the posted agenda), but I have not read who wants the meeting. Whether the president wants it or perhaps only 2 or 3 members of the board actually want to meet can make a world of difference as to what may happen.
Has it been leaked who actually wants this "emergency" meeting? The SL seems to know the reason for it (not stated in the posted agenda), but I have not read who wants the meeting. Whether the president wants it or perhaps only 2 or 3 members of the board actually want to meet can make a world of difference as to what may happen.

What's the reason?
Is it going to be an open or closed door meeting and is there a stated agenda?
(EDIT: got this straight off the BOG page; my apologies for the error)

This is a regularly scheduled BOG meeting. This is not being held by "special request" or for any other reason.. There will be both open and closed sessions during today's meeting.
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This is a regularly scheduled BOG meeting. This is not being held by "special request" or for any other reason.. There will be both open and closed sessions during today's meeting.
Exactly. They added this closed door session on athletics, but the meeting has been on the calendar for months.
Is the added closed door session the portion that the SL has been recycling articles about?
The meeting wasn't on the schedule as of 9/7 according to Google cache a couple days ago.

Hopefully this is an exercise in expedient due process with all options available to act on by decision makers, but ultimately no earth shattering outcome.
Don't they almost always have open AND closed door sessions at the meeting?

In the past closed meeting were when money was to be a topic i.e. the new RAC is a major finical issue that could hold merit of a closed meeting as none of the BOG like it when their up or down choices on $ votes are seen by the public as we all know the scum liars would publish negative stories on anyone who did not vote to their liking
Thanks guys I looked at the BOG site's calendar and it appears as if it was a regularly scheduled meeting. Appreciate the info!
As I understand it this is a special meeting recently scheduled and the posted agenda on the BOG website does not list a purpose other than a resolution to move to closed session. The SL has reported it as a rare emergency meeting to deal with athletics issue. You would think that the SL source who gave them that info would also know who called for this meeting. I would like to know who it was. I guess we will find out soon enough.
It doesn't look like there are even that many people in attendance. First they make it sound like it must be so important Greg Brown is in attendance and then they figure out he actually isn't and is just calling in along with the vice chair. This what I mean, they want to insinuate things are juicy and something big is about to go down. Even the police thing at practice. It did end up being big news but they were making it sound like Flood was going to get a police escort out after being fired. Typical. I hope they can flush out some of these leaks with the misinformation.

BTW it said part of the meeting was to discuss athletic issues and pending/current litigation. I know the juxtaposition of the 2 make it seem like it's related but does it necessarily have to be? Litigation could be related to something with regards to athletics or something completely unrelated no?
Anyone else think maybe the BOG is approving a $250m upgrade to athletic facilities?

We can dream.