Will There Be a Blackout Game?


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004
With Coach Ash talking about simplifying the uniforms and not having as many uniform combinations, does that mean RU gets rid of the blackout game? I would hope not, as I think that is still a great atmosphere when that goes on the stadium. It was shown well the last few years.
Coach Ash seems all about business. He's going back to a basic uniform because he doesn't care about being flashy. He doesn't care if the players want a blackout or even more, the fans. He wants themto earn everything they are working for and he wants to win first.

I'm all about being the least flashiest team in the Big Ten. Start winning and you can get a alternative uniform or whatever the players may want. Earn it.
I think he'll keep it. The black out game has always been an awesome atmosphere. It looks great on TV.
Why do people think a stadium full of people wearing black is so much greater than a stadium filled with Rutgers fans wearing Scarlet Rutgers gear??
Because it's a stadium filled with black and the players are wearing all black.

Red is a sucky color. Black is awesome. We should just have all black uniforms with all black helmets. Maybe the mouthguards can be scarlet.
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I hope there is a blackout game, since the last few have been good games with great atmospheres. Should there be one, my hunch is that it will be Iowa or Michigan, whichever is scheduled for a BTN Saturday night prime time telecast. I'm hoping for Iowa.
Because it's a stadium filled with black and the players are wearing all black.

Red is a sucky color. Black is awesome. We should just have all black uniforms with all black helmets. Maybe the mouthguards can be scarlet.
So you hate your school color??? Than go root for the Oakland Raiders!
Black is a better color than Scarlet???
So you hate your school color??? Than go root for the Oakland Raiders!
Black is a better color than Scarlet???
RU is not my school. I'm just a fan of the RU FB program. Which would look so much better in all black.
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Why do people think a stadium full of people wearing black is so much greater than a stadium filled with Rutgers fans wearing Scarlet Rutgers gear??
I am ok with black if it is a night game. With so much scarlet in the stadium, the black outs do not work for day games.
What's our record during these black out games? I believe it pretty much sucks. It's a great atmosphere but I can't remember the last time we won one of these. Maybe I'm just getting old but I always remember being pissed when I walked back to the truck wearing black.
What's our record during these black out games? I believe it pretty much sucks. It's a great atmosphere but I can't remember the last time we won one of these. Maybe I'm just getting old but I always remember being pissed when I walked back to the truck wearing black.
Off the top of my head we beat UConn in 12, Arkansas in 13 and Michigan in 14. So we have won three of the last four.
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What's our record during these black out games? I believe it pretty much sucks. It's a great atmosphere but I can't remember the last time we won one of these. Maybe I'm just getting old but I always remember being pissed when I walked back to the truck wearing black.

You're definitely just getting old. Our first BIG win was in black. The year before that we beat Arkansas...
You're definitely just getting old. Our first BIG win was in black. The year before that we beat Arkansas...
And some of our greatest losses were in black. WVU games in the downpour and than in the snow and Louisville for a chance to go to the BCS game.
You're definitely just getting old. Our first BIG win was in black. The year before that we beat Arkansas...
DAMN! :eek: Its been a long day can't believe I can't remember these. If that's the case he damn well better keep the blackout games.
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And some of our greatest losses were in black. WVU games in the downpour and than in the snow and Louisville for a chance to go to the BCS game.
But that has no relevance to the post I was replying to. He said he couldn't remember our last time winning in black. How does someone already forget that exciting Michigan game?
But that has no relevance to the post I was replying to. He said he couldn't remember our last time winning in black. How does someone already forget that exciting Michigan game?
Because I'm trying to forget that the Flood era ever happened. Just like the Giants never hired Ray Handley they forfeited all those games.[winking]
I hope these are over with. Those games would have had a great atmosphere regardless of what the players and fans were wearing because they were usually big games. It wasn't because it was a "blackout game."
If you include Indiana '14, which we wore black but it wasn't a designated blackout, we've won 4 of the last 5 with the black uniforms, and the one we lost: was last year, with interim Norries Wilson as the head coach, against 4th ranked and eventual Big Ten champions and CFB playoff team, Michigan State, our defense was in prison, our best player had spent the last 3 weeks in a courtroom, and after all that, we were still tied with under 2 minutes to go. So count me in for keeping the black uni's !!!
Just to go back to the actual OP, we can have simpler uniforms like Ash wants and still have a black set. Basically what we had in black before the latest change. The matte black helmet is the best one we've ever had.
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Just to go back to the actual OP, we can have simpler uniforms like Ash wants and still have a black set. Basically what we had in black before the latest change. The matte black helmet is the best one we've ever had.
The question is why do we need a black set? If Ash wants classic unis and not multiple unis where is a black set needed? The color-out was made popular by Penn State with the White Out. Why would Rutgers want to follow a stupid tradition that Penn State created?
The question is why do we need a black set? If Ash wants classic unis and not multiple unis where is a black set needed? The color-out was made popular by Penn State with the White Out. Why would Rutgers want to follow a stupid tradition that Penn State created?
No one needs a black set. My point is Ash can want classic, can not want 15 jerseys (his words), and still be okay with black. Red, white, black isn't excessive.
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No one needs a black set. My point is Ash can want classic, can not want 15 jerseys (his words), and still be okay with black. Red, white, black isn't excessive.
Yes it is. Big Ten teams have a standard home and away unis. Simply you have a school color jersey and white pants and you reverse it for away games. That's classic. A power ranger all black isn't classic
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Isn't this more a marketing dept. decision?? Doubt Ash has top say over this.

1) Absolutely a marketing decision. Coaches coach, marketers market, and they support one another.
2) The color uniform the team wears ultimately has no bearing on whether they win or lose the game... But if there is a net negative or positive for the players it's hard to argue against it being, if anything at all, a positive (though unlikely). My point being... Who cares what our record is in black uniforms.
1) Absolutely a marketing decision. Coaches coach, marketers market, and they support one another.
2) The color uniform the team wears ultimately has no bearing on whether they win or lose the game... But if there is a net negative or positive for the players it's hard to argue against it being, if anything at all, a positive (though unlikely). My point being... Who cares what our record is in black uniforms.
The players have no say. Biggest myth on this board. The players wanted to wear black for the first PSU and we're told no.
The players have no say. Biggest myth on this board. The players wanted to wear black for the first PSU and we're told no.

None whatsoever, but depends on the coach ultimately. If there's a groundswell of players requesting to wear a certain uniform for a certain game some coaches may decide to oblige them.

Regarding hosting a Blackout game, it's a marketing decision and the head coach (depending on the school) has some influence on determining the game, solely because typically that means the team wears black for that game, which he ultimately has to be okay with.
None whatsoever, but depends on the coach ultimately. If there's a groundswell of players requesting to wear a certain uniform for a certain game some coaches may decide to oblige them.

Regarding hosting a Blackout game, it's a marketing decision and the head coach (depending on the school) has some influence on determining the game, solely because typically that means the team wears black for that game, which he ultimately has to be okay with.
The Big Ten stopped Rutgers from having a black out. The players, school had no say
Yes it is. Big Ten teams have a standard home and away unis. Simply you have a school color jersey and white pants and you reverse it for away games. That's classic. A power ranger all black isn't classic
Not that your opinion is going to change what the team does, but why do you have to rain on the parade of all the people that find the black-out a fun thing to do? Don't be so selfish. Let others have some fun too.
What's our record during these black out games? I believe it pretty much sucks. It's a great atmosphere but I can't remember the last time we won one of these. Maybe I'm just getting old but I always remember being pissed when I walked back to the truck wearing black.

Last year was the first time we lost the "designated blackout" game... I don't know what it is... But the atmosphere when everyone is in black is just different
Yes it is. Big Ten teams have a standard home and away unis. Simply you have a school color jersey and white pants and you reverse it for away games. That's classic. A power ranger all black isn't classic
Michigan, Nebraska, Northwestern, Illinois, Iowa, etc etc. all have alternate uniforms. In fact, only team I can think of without an alternate uniform is PSU. I get the whole classic look but it's doesn't mean you have to be Boring.
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Last year was the first time we lost the "designated blackout" game... I don't know what it is... But the atmosphere when everyone is in black is just different
So many on here are in favor of going back to s more boring uniform style . Why? So we look like Nebraska ? We can change the current unis without being totally boring and irrelevant .
I can go either way with this. The blackout is fun if done right but then I always go back to the 06 L'Ville game and the sea of red rushing the field that is played over and over and realize I love how that identifies us.

I also "get it" about marketing but to think the marketing dept has total control on this just doesn't make sense. You really think if Ash wants something or doesn't want something, he doesn't just go to Hobbs and Hobb goes to Barchi.
And if the B1G says something to a school, you really think the marketing dept can over rule them? Maybe in theory but not in real life.