Wisky-GB...Wisky-Milwaukee, gone?


Gold Member
Nov 11, 2002
Noticed this the other day watching them play other B1G schools. And made me think of it seeing the Master Plan thread...

It seems they are going with just the place they are in instead of "Wisconsin-here" for the name.

Thoughts on Camden and Newark doing something similar? Could they pull it off or is the stigma too strong to use the city name alone?

Even noticed it on the arena floor during the Milwaukee game the lack of UW stuff. Unless that is a city owned place?

This post was edited on 12/12 2:01 PM by e5fdny
Originally posted by e5fdny:

Noticed this the other day watching them play other B1G schools. And made me think of it seeing the Master Plan thread...

It seems they are going with just the place they are in instead of "Wisconsin-here" for the name.

Thoughts on Camden and Newark doing something similar? Could they pull it off or is the stigma too strong to use the city name alone?

Even noticed it on the arena floor during the Milwaukee game the lack of UW stuff. Unless that is a city owned place?

This post was edited on 12/12 2:01 PM by e5fdny
No way would they. Also, I think the changes are for sports only. The school for all other purposes goes by UW-Milwaukee. Similar to Charlotte, Chattanooga, Fresno State, San Jose State, etc.

And no way could Newark or Camden just go by Newark and Camden. Way too bad associations with those two cities.
Would be nice. Though remember, TCNJ was Trenton State- and more people know of Camden and Newark as being bad. Though, plenty of Universities have crappy city names in their name- Detroit, St. Louis, Bridgeport, Baltimore, Hartford- which I think is actually in much nicer West Hartford...
Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
Would be nice. Though remember, TCNJ was Trenton State- and more people know of Camden and Newark as being bad. Though, plenty of Universities have crappy city names in their name- Detroit, St. Louis, Bridgeport, Baltimore, Hartford- which I think is actually in much nicer West Hartford...
Detoit, Bridgeport, Hartford, and Saint Louis are private schools. UM-Baltimore generally goes just by University of Maryland (i.e. the University of Maryland Law School, the University of Maryland Medical School). There is a University of Baltimore but its not so widely known and isnt really attracting people from outside of Baltimore.

And like I said - the schools in the OP still refer to themselves as UW-x academically.
Originally posted by derleider:

Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
Would be nice. Though remember, TCNJ was Trenton State- and more people know of Camden and Newark as being bad. Though, plenty of Universities have crappy city names in their name- Detroit, St. Louis, Bridgeport, Baltimore, Hartford- which I think is actually in much nicer West Hartford...
Detoit, Bridgeport, Hartford, and Saint Louis are private schools. UM-Baltimore generally goes just by University of Maryland (i.e. the University of Maryland Law School, the University of Maryland Medical School). There is a University of Baltimore but its not so widely known and isnt really attracting people from outside of Baltimore.

And like I said - the schools in the OP still refer to themselves as UW-x academically.
I know that but it was the first time I saw it listed that way on the floor and the TV.
Apparently it only applies to D-I in Wisconsin, as Wisconsin-Whitewater just tore through Division III football again. And it was Wisconsin-Whitewater every time
Originally posted by BoroKnight:
Apparently it only applies to D-I in Wisconsin, as Wisconsin-Whitewater just tore through Division III football again. And it was Wisconsin-Whitewater every time
Or maybe it's because Green Bay and Milwaukee are known places, whereas Whitewater could be anywhere.
Green Bay and Milwaukee are playing on ESPNU tonight, and I remembered this thread. It's just good branding, right? Like what Charlotte did. Or what ULL keeps trying to do (their uniforms say "Louisiana" but I think that state is far too invested in protecting its sole major brand to let them get away with it on national teevee.) It's a sign that somebody in a leadership position at those institutions wants and was able to obtain more notoriety for their sports teams than what you get when you go by "University System Name" (that's in many cases associated with a flagship campus) dash "City Where The School Is."

It would never make sense for Newark or Camden to do something like this (even if "Newark" and "Camden" were, ummm, neutral concepts.) It probably doesn't make sense for any DIII program to do this--there's just not enough money to be made at that level of athletics to justify the rebranding, I reckon.
I agree that Rutgers-Camden would never do this -- the Rutgers name is vital to the campus, which is one reason the Rowan merger was fought so vigorously. What Rutgers- Newark might do I can't say.