WrestleStat Dual Comparisons | Week 13 2020

Grello and Esposito our for bothIndiana and Purdue. Probably replaced by Scott and Esposito
Wonder if it’s possible we see Turley at 174 for one of the two duals
Hope RU fans don't look past Indiana and their 0-5 record. Very scrappy team that will come to wrestle. Some quick thoughts.

125 - Liam Cronin only has a 7-11 record but just beat #6 Devin Schroder from Purdue, also has win last season against #7 Michael DeAugustino from Northwestern.

133 - Cayden Rooks just got pulled out of RS and will come hard for 7 minutes. Sammy needs to be the bull in this match and don't let up.

141 - Eddie Bolivar has been getting the starts after having his RS pulled. JoJo should have no problems in this match.

149 - Graham Rooks (RFR) just beat round of 16 guy Griffin Parriott Purdue. Also has 2 wins against Yahya Thomas who is real tuff from Northwestern. Don't take this kid litely.

157 - Fernie Silva probably the best kid in the country with a 7-13 record. RU fans should remember this kid for giving Ashnault a scare in the dual last year. Ashnault won the dual 8-7 (Ash beat him up in the Big10's). Fernie just lost an overtime match to #6 ranked Kenall Coleman Purdue.

165 - We should be very happy that both Indiana and Purdue are weak at this weight. RU needs Donner to be 2-0 this weekend.

174 - Jacob Covaciu is much approved, Grello beat him last year but I would have predicted a win here for Indiana regardless of who we had wrestling this weekend.

184 and 197 RU should be looking for bonus in these matches.

285 - Jake Kleimola just made the move up to 285, Correnti beat him 7-4 last year in the dual at 197. I see this match as a toss up.
Yes Indiana is getting much better and 125 and the Rooks brothers and Silva are tough. Don’t sleep on them.
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Your review scares me. It is probably accurate.
Yeah I tend to show the worse case scenario. I think we win the match just don't want the fans to see a guy like Aguilar have a close match with a guy with a bad record and not realize that the guy is very good. And like Bill said the Rooks brothers are tough kids and will come the whole 7 minutes. And Silva with a really bad record is really good on his feet just can't seem to get the wins.
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Yeah I tend to show the worse case scenario. I think we win the match just don't want the fans to see a guy like Aguilar have a close match with a guy with a bad record and not realize that the guy is very good. And like Bill said the Rooks brothers are tough kids and will come the whole 7 minutes. And Silva with a really bad record is really good on his feet just can't seem to get the wins.

Big test for Aguilar this weekend. Both good, bigger 125lbers. Cronin wrestles a lot like Aguilar. Maybe because they are both from CA. Both Cronin and Schroder are good scramblers and very aggressive on their feet. Cronin has a very good gas tank. Aguilar needs to keep good position from neutral and use that aggression against them. First takedown will be important in both matches but especially against Schroder who is excellent on top. Should be fun matches that will be important for seeding at the BIG Tournament. 125 is turning into a solid weight in the BIG. #1 Lee, #6 Schroder, #7 DeAugustino, #13, McKee, #14 Aguilar, #24 Cardani, Cronin and true freshman, Barnett from Wisconsin are all very tough. A good weekend and Aguilar puts himself in good position for the 2 or 3 seed at the BIG and avoids Lee until the finals.