OT: November 22, 1963


Heisman Winner
Aug 30, 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
The date of probably the most examined, most analyzed and most studied murder in world history. Everyone has a theory and everyone has an opinion as to what happened, how many shots and/or shooters there were and what was the motive for the crime.
At least the last three presidents have had it in their power to release more information but have decided against doing so. Anyone who had any type of important role on this day is long dead and gone. I don't think we'll ever get a full story because it might shake the foundation of the country itself.
Whenever a crime is committed one of the questions that needs to be answered is who has the most to gain by the crime. In this case a lot of people had a lot to gain which makes it so difficult. I have my own opinion on this but I won't get into that.
I only hope before I leave this earth we can know the truth about this day. What happened, who was involved and why?
What if we already know?

What if the only thing they are holding back is just personal stuff, damaging to the victim's reputation and memory? iirc, it was Jackie who wanted everything sealed for 75 years.. which has yet to pass, right? But it is getting there...

I wonder.. is there anything else we did not know about for a hundred years?

I recall someone in the military telling me that we had troops in Russia during the Revolution there. This was in the late 80s iirc. He said they were in the Pacific ports holding them for teh White Army. At the time I was like.. WTF... really? I trusted this man's trust in who told him, etc. I do not think it was widely known.. nor, I think, was it supposed to be known, afaik. Maybe it was known, but to few. I don't know.

Doughboys fight Russian Army
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What if we already know?

What if the only thing they are holding back is just personal stuff, damaging to the victim's reputation and memory? iirc, it was Jackie who wanted everything sealed for 75 years.. which has yet to pass, right? But it is getting there...

I wonder.. is there anything else we did not know about for a hundred years?

I recall someone in the military telling me that we had troops in Russia during the Revolution there. This was in the late 80s iirc. He said they were in the Pacific ports holding them for teh White Army. At the time I was like.. WTF... really? I trusted this man's trust in who told him, etc. I do not think it was widely known.. nor, I think, was it supposed to be known, afaik. Maybe it was known, but to few. I don't know.

Doughboys fight Russian Army
The date of probably the most examined, most analyzed and most studied murder in world history. Everyone has a theory and everyone has an opinion as to what happened, how many shots and/or shooters there were and what was the motive for the crime.
At least the last three presidents have had it in their power to release more information but have decided against doing so. Anyone who had any type of important role on this day is long dead and gone. I don't think we'll ever get a full story because it might shake the foundation of the country itself.
Whenever a crime is committed one of the questions that needs to be answered is who has the most to gain by the crime. In this case a lot of people had a lot to gain which makes it so difficult. I have my own opinion on this but I won't get into that.
I only hope before I leave this earth we can know the truth about this day. What happened, who was involved and why?
I was just a kid, but I seem to remember the shooter as being a guy named Oswald....Lee Harvey Oswald.
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I was just a kid, but I seem to remember the shooter as being a guy named Oswald....Lee Harvey Oswald.
One of many theories. But the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 thinks otherwise.
From the National Archives:
The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
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I am definitely not a conspiracy theory person but this book on the history of the CIA and it’s possible role is fascinating and very well written: “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles and the Rise of America’s Secret Government”, By David Talbot. A great read.
One of many theories. But the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 thinks otherwise.
From the National Archives:
The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
I wonder if Liberals think whoever actually killed The President Of The United States is more dangerous than Jan6th and obviously as a country killing a President,his brother then a peaceful spokesman for the black community was more dangerous to our democracy, just saying.
I wonder if Liberals think whoever actually killed The President Of The United States is more dangerous than Jan6th and obviously as a country killing a President,his brother then a peaceful spokesman for the black community was more dangerous to our democracy, just saying.
The killing of those 3 leaders in my opinion were caused by very troubled and unstable people who very much fit the profile of potential political assassins especially Oswald. There is a lot of well researched information about that. There is a history of conspiracy theories and distrust of government and authority going all the way back in US history, those ideas became very acute during the tumultuous decade of the 1960s. I highly recommend “Case Closed” by Gerald Posner regarding the JFK murder. As for Jan 6th, 2021 - I’m 64 and for me it was one of the most upsetting , saddest and heartbreaking events regarding the US that I recall.
Some conspiracies happen in a newly organized pattern. I know it's easy leaning left and saying how someone thinks. Righties insist nobody gets expected results.
“We’ll laugh again. But we’ll never be young again.”

Forgot who said it, but it’s pretty close.
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Since 1976,I've carried in my wallet a $5 US NOTE to remind me of the evildoers.
One of many theories. But the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 thinks otherwise.
From the National Archives:
The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
Based on false audio evidence introduced during the investigation by the Committee. First they assumed it was a continuous dictabelt recording, it was not. The "sounds" of so called shots actually came well past the time of shots fired and it isn’t gunfire at all. This news came out by a 2003 investigation.
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The date of probably the most examined, most analyzed and most studied murder in world history. Everyone has a theory and everyone has an opinion as to what happened, how many shots and/or shooters there were and what was the motive for the crime.
At least the last three presidents have had it in their power to release more information but have decided against doing so. Anyone who had any type of important role on this day is long dead and gone. I don't think we'll ever get a full story because it might shake the foundation of the country itself.
Whenever a crime is committed one of the questions that needs to be answered is who has the most to gain by the crime. In this case a lot of people had a lot to gain which makes it so difficult. I have my own opinion on this but I won't get into that.
I only hope before I leave this earth we can know the truth about this day. What happened, who was involved and why?
The truth is already out there. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK by himself. The comments by conspiracy theory nuts that is was a hard shot to make is laughable by anyone that has visited the Texas School Book Depository know how simple that was.
Every conspiracy book has two things in common. They are all flawed but more importantly they were written to make money.
And 3 years later a great Rutgers engineering alumni was born. My best bud. Just sent him happy birthday wishes.
The date of probably the most examined, most analyzed and most studied murder in world history. Everyone has a theory and everyone has an opinion as to what happened, how many shots and/or shooters there were and what was the motive for the crime.
At least the last three presidents have had it in their power to release more information but have decided against doing so. Anyone who had any type of important role on this day is long dead and gone. I don't think we'll ever get a full story because it might shake the foundation of the country itself.
Whenever a crime is committed one of the questions that needs to be answered is who has the most to gain by the crime. In this case a lot of people had a lot to gain which makes it so difficult. I have my own opinion on this but I won't get into that.
I only hope before I leave this earth we can know the truth about this day. What happened, who was involved and why?
Oswald shot Kennedy and Kennedy died. That's the story. Anything else is stupid nonsense.

But what is true is JFK wearing that back brace on the day likely contributed to his death. Why did he have that back brace on? He was ho'ing around a few days before and slipped on a pool deck, which aggravated his old WW2 injury.

Amazing how big world events come down to basic day-to-day randomness.
The truth is already out there. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK by himself. The comments by conspiracy theory nuts that is was a hard shot to make is laughable by anyone that has visited the Texas School Book Depository know how simple that was.
Every conspiracy book has two things in common. They are all flawed but more importantly they were written to make money.
^^^^^ Truth
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Oswald and Ruby tie into the Russians, both sides of the Cubans, the mob and the CIA. There's also the LBJ theory, but to me that seems least likely. Oswald as the lone gunman gains an ounce every year that no other evidence come up. Personally I think it was elements of the CIA (Dulles) to promote the military industrial complex, hard line on Cuba, and Vietnam involvement.
Oswald and Ruby tie into the Russians, both sides of the Cubans, the mob and the CIA. There's also the LBJ theory, but to me that seems least likely. Oswald as the lone gunman gains an ounce every year that no other evidence come up. Personally I think it was elements of the CIA (Dulles) to promote the military industrial complex, hard line on Cuba, and Vietnam involvement.
Never really bought that one.

I think at the time he felt like a lot of people who once they got over the shock it turned to rage.

The truth is already out there. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK by himself. The comments by conspiracy theory nuts that is was a hard shot to make is laughable by anyone that has visited the Texas School Book Depository know how simple that was.
Every conspiracy book has two things in common. They are all flawed but more importantly they were written to make money.
Good thing he used his box of Magic Bullets that enter, exit, enter another body, exit, make a u-turn, enter again, and remain lodged in that final body part in pristine condition.
Good thing he used his box of Magic Bullets that enter, exit, enter another body, exit, make a u-turn, enter again, and remain lodged in that final body part in pristine condition.
Umm it's not magic, it called ballistic evidence and was reproduced in the early 2000s. Amazing that people can not understand that bullets can actually pass thru people. Wow what a crazy thought. And they don't always pass through cleanly.
Good thing he used his box of Magic Bullets that enter, exit, enter another body, exit, make a u-turn, enter again, and remain lodged in that final body part in pristine condition.
LOL. Perfect example of how media can influence people to believe nonsense.
FYI - the bullet moved in a straight line and caused all those injuries due to how JFK and the Gov were seated at that moment:

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One of many theories. But the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1979 thinks otherwise.
From the National Archives:
The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The Committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
At the very very least
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JFK was the mob's president - having got him elected via Chicago corruption
He wasn't really a good president contrary to the presslore
Khrushchev saw JFK as weak after a meeting with him - that set-up the missile crisis (JFK made concessions to USSR to end crisis).
I've always thought Oswald - a communist who went to Russia and married a Russian - was the killer.
Oswald's family admits he was the killer
The murder happened at height of Cold War.

LBJ was a rube whose "Great Society" was a massive boon to US communist movement via non-profits, and infiltration of education and media (as encouraged by Alinsky).
I can see where US enemies would love LBJ
The "Greatest Generation" was confounded over how many of their kids turned on them as the corrosive "counter culture" (KGB nurtured) erupted.

Contrary to populkar belief, people can be made to do things against their will ("Manchurian Candidate" is accurate in hypnotic principle) so I'm wary of appointed fall guys
Sirhan Sirhan belives he was "manipulated" and I don't know if he was but it can be done
Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn dedicated their communist manifesto "Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism" to Sirhan so obviously they weren't Kennedy fans.

As for Jan 6, I would hope for a real investigation instead of deeply flawed, partisan, show trials.
Why did Pelosi turn down National Guard and why were doors opened to let people in out-back while Antfia acted-up in front?
Why were people taped calling for incursion into the capitol not arrested, and why are people still being held?
Why did media and pols report 5 people killed by protestors when none were?
Even AOC lied about being in the building.
BLM riots were much worse

Alas, its more important to investigate how US gov is currently working with cartels to get 6-10 million people into the country illegally gov is denying people fuel, borders, effective policing, free spech, intentionally crippled budget, broken military etc etc
The big picture is pretty dire, and future people will wonder how US got so stupid (1 in 7 on meds helped).
Interesting that the rifle he ordered and is said to have used was different than the those in senate review and the national archives

Oswald was the patsy
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JFK was the mob's president - having got him elected via Chicago corruption
He wasn't really a good president contrary to the presslore
Khrushchev saw JFK as weak after a meeting with him - that set-up the missile crisis (JFK made concessions to USSR to end crisis).
I've always thought Oswald - a communist who went to Russia and married a Russian - was the killer.
Oswald's family admits he was the killer
The murder happened at height of Cold War.

LBJ was a rube whose "Great Society" was a massive boon to US communist movement via non-profits, and infiltration of education and media (as encouraged by Alinsky).
I can see where US enemies would love LBJ
The "Greatest Generation" was confounded over how many of their kids turned on them as the corrosive "counter culture" (KGB nurtured) erupted.

Contrary to populkar belief, people can be made to do things against their will ("Manchurian Candidate" is accurate in hypnotic principle) so I'm wary of appointed fall guys
Sirhan Sirhan belives he was "manipulated" and I don't know if he was but it can be done
Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn dedicated their communist manifesto "Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism" to Sirhan so obviously they weren't Kennedy fans.

As for Jan 6, I would hope for a real investigation instead of deeply flawed, partisan, show trials.
Why did Pelosi turn down National Guard and why were doors opened to let people in out-back while Antfia acted-up in front?
Why were people taped calling for incursion into the capitol not arrested, and why are people still being held?
Why did media and pols report 5 people killed by protestors when none were?
Even AOC lied about being in the building.
BLM riots were much worse

Alas, its more important to investigate how US gov is currently working with cartels to get 6-10 million people into the country illegally gov is denying people fuel, borders, effective policing, free spech, intentionally crippled budget, broken military etc etc
The big picture is pretty dire, and future people will wonder how US got so stupid (1 in 7 on meds helped).
Anyone who really thinks there was a lone gunman and all the information has been presented to the public are morons. Riddle me this then, why has all the information been sealed for 75 years? What is so explosive that this should be kept from US citizens?
Anyone who really thinks there was a lone gunman and all the information has been presented to the public are morons. Riddle me this then, why has all the information been sealed for 75 years? What is so explosive that this should be kept from US citizens?
The morons are those wearing the aluminum foil hats that believe the jokers who made up crap to sell a fantasy book. So gullible.
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USMC rifle team couldn't replicate the shot in testing as the untouched rifle was found to not be sighted in and a loose mount.

So so many oddities
Anyone who really thinks there was a lone gunman and all the information has been presented to the public are morons. Riddle me this then, why has all the information been sealed for 75 years? What is so explosive that this should be kept from US citizens?
The morons are those wearing the aluminum foil hats that believe the jokers who made up crap to sell a fantasy book. So gullible. PT Barum loves you all.
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The morons are those wearing the aluminum foil hats that believe the jokers who made up crap to sell a fantasy book. So gullible.
Exhibit #1 when looking up the term moron. that magic bullet goes through bodies, I get that, now explain how a shot from the back,throws his head back Ace.
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USMC rifle team couldn't replicate the shot in testing as the untouched rifle was found to not be sighted in and a loose mount.

So so many oddities
Untouched rifle?? The oddities is people believe this crap.
Exhibit #1 when looking up the term moron. that magic bullet goes through bodies, I get that, now explain how a shot from the back,throws his head back Ace.
Another stupid thing people do not understand. It's more common then you think. The bullet isn't pushing his head. It's going through it. And explodes out the other side like a rocket launch. You just don't want to believe it but nobody uses that theory anymore just the morons.