OT: Official 2021 NY Mets Season Thread

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This is becoming a sh*t show. I've cheered for this organization since the day I was conceived, but at what point does it become too much of a 3 ring circus?
Between these nimrods, the Giants, and Dolan, I’m hating Pro Sports more and more in that IDGAF
And the Braves are about to have another rough road trip. But it looks like it'll be Philadelphia that benefits from it. Ugggh! And so sick of the we just have to get one tomorrow/we're still in it. Now 2-5 on this last stand homestand before the coffin really gets closed in Boston and Milwaukee. As I looked ahead last month I looked at this as an opportunity homestead while the Braves would be out West. Well so much for that. Just end this season already.
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There’s your reason to fire Rojas. Because of his BS moves and BS hitting coach Quackenbush (or wtf his name is), Mets would be in first place right now if they won half those games.

See you in 22.

Mets get to 3 games back of the Braves, sweep all 3 and lose the division to The Phillies by 1 game, lol. Tough being a Mets fan!!!!!!
Time for the team to go into full-out tank mode.

As we know, the Mets will get the 11th pick in next year's draft as compensation for not signing Rocker. If the season ended today, they'd pick 11th and 13th.

HOWEVER, if they sign a qualifying free agent, they'd lose their second pick in the draft. In this example, pick #13. A major disincentive to signing a qualifying free agent.

HOWEVER, if they can tank badly enough to sneak into the top ten in the draft, such that they are picking 10th and 11th, then everything changes. By rule, the compensatory pick is nonforfeitable. So if their second pick is the compensatory pick (pick #11), they get to keep both! They'd then lose their third pick instead, which would be pick #40-something. This could make it more likely that the Mets would be a player in the premium free agent market.

Plus, given the AL wild card race, do we really mind the Mets losing to the Sawx?
Time for the team to go into full-out tank mode.

As we know, the Mets will get the 11th pick in next year's draft as compensation for not signing Rocker. If the season ended today, they'd pick 11th and 13th.

HOWEVER, if they sign a qualifying free agent, they'd lose their second pick in the draft. In this example, pick #13. A major disincentive to signing a qualifying free agent.

HOWEVER, if they can tank badly enough to sneak into the top ten in the draft, such that they are picking 10th and 11th, then everything changes. By rule, the compensatory pick is nonforfeitable. So if their second pick is the compensatory pick (pick #11), they get to keep both! They'd then lose their third pick instead, which would be pick #40-something. This could make it more likely that the Mets would be a player in the premium free agent market.

Plus, given the AL wild card race, do we really mind the Mets losing to the Sawx?
Holy crap.. had no idea the rules around that stuff were so involved. You blew my mind that.. A: such rules exist and B: that you (or anyone) knew this.
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Time for the team to go into full-out tank mode.

As we know, the Mets will get the 11th pick in next year's draft as compensation for not signing Rocker. If the season ended today, they'd pick 11th and 13th.

HOWEVER, if they sign a qualifying free agent, they'd lose their second pick in the draft. In this example, pick #13. A major disincentive to signing a qualifying free agent.

HOWEVER, if they can tank badly enough to sneak into the top ten in the draft, such that they are picking 10th and 11th, then everything changes. By rule, the compensatory pick is nonforfeitable. So if their second pick is the compensatory pick (pick #11), they get to keep both! They'd then lose their third pick instead, which would be pick #40-something. This could make it more likely that the Mets would be a player in the premium free agent market.

Plus, given the AL wild card race, do we really mind the Mets losing to the Sawx?
Colorado and the Angels are the two closest teams to “jump” in the draft to get to 10th. That’s if like a team like Detroit doesn’t slip more than we do.
Time for the team to go into full-out tank mode.

As we know, the Mets will get the 11th pick in next year's draft as compensation for not signing Rocker. If the season ended today, they'd pick 11th and 13th.

HOWEVER, if they sign a qualifying free agent, they'd lose their second pick in the draft. In this example, pick #13. A major disincentive to signing a qualifying free agent.

HOWEVER, if they can tank badly enough to sneak into the top ten in the draft, such that they are picking 10th and 11th, then everything changes. By rule, the compensatory pick is nonforfeitable. So if their second pick is the compensatory pick (pick #11), they get to keep both! They'd then lose their third pick instead, which would be pick #40-something. This could make it more likely that the Mets would be a player in the premium free agent market.

Plus, given the AL wild card race, do we really mind the Mets losing to the Sawx?
100% love this. Yup tank the Bosoxs, what heartache, lmfao!!!
I was going to say SEE YOU IN 2022. But if they hire Sandy Protege Beane and Melvin like some reports are saying, it’s going to the the same old same old. You KNOW Protege Beane and Melvin will be influenced by President Sandy. So what’s the point?
The Tank is in high gear, obliterating anything in its path.

In other news, Noah Syndergaard pitched a clean opening inning for Syracuse tonight. I suspect he'll do that once or twice more this week, and then have a final week cameo with the big club. He is only throwing fastballs and change ups - no breaking stuff.
The Phillies may need the Mets to sweep the Braves on the season's last weekend.
I can't see that happening. And the Phillies will have enough trouble that weekend with the Marlins, who always play the Phillies tough. The Phillies need to sweep the Pirates this weekend (the Pirates also give the Phillies trouble) and hope that the collapsing Padres can at least win the series with the Braves before next week's Phillies-Braves series.
Those Boston alternate Yellow uniforms are hideous.
Change the yellow to orange, and I'll happily take them as Met alternates.

BTW, the color scheme is a homage to the Boston Marathon, which colors are yellow and blue. I had no idea that marathons had colors but apparently they do. The uniforms were introduced earlier this year on Patriots Day weekend. The team has had a winning streak in those unis, so I guess they're riding that wave as long as they can.
It's time to rebuild from the ground up.
Won't happen. Not Cohen's style. And even if it were, you can't rebuild from the ground up when you're saddled with over $125M next year in just seven (largely untradable) guaranteed contracts. That $125M alone would put the Mets right in the middle of the MLB salary pack.
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