OT: The New Ivies

Ill debate that statement all day

And I’ll repeat it for the umpteeth time - if the regular, non-insane students are peacefully protesting, why are they not denouncing the lunatics?

Great question.

It begs the question as to what kind of "very fine" person attends a rally "for a statue" where "Jew will not replace us" is chanted?

Anyone know?
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Maybe Eric Adams, Gavin Newsome and Chicagos will take a queue out of Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott’s book

Start with a tear gas and rubber bullets, arrest people who are breaking the law and do not release them within 24 hours, while protecting the students who attend the universities and act enforcing laws

Chances are they won’t, as they haven’t done so so far, and their policies and procedures for allowing lunatics and bad actors to rule the day, at the expense of good people and law, abiding citizens and students alike, seems to be their bread and butter

The Constitution remains in effect In CA/NY/IL.

It doesn't in FL or TX.

That is the main difference.

Big gov Abbott, when he's not banning porn, abortion or weed sends his "gazpacho" to to beat peaceful protesters. Even right wingers were horrified at the obvious 1A violation.

Hopefully you wake up before the Constitution is "terminated"
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Again, I have denounced what happened in Charlottesville and on January 6.

Both were reprehensible and disgusting, and regardless of my political views, and who I vote for, I do not support either one of those instances.

I’ve voted based on policy, not feelings. I also vote based on what I believe is best for our present and future, not on who I like to be friends with or hang out with the drink beer.

It doesn’t make me wrong, but that’s how I do things

It is reflective of your morality if you can vote for someone who excuses the murder at UVA and the Constitution abrogation and violence of Jan 6.

"But I want a tax cut" or "pro life" so I am going to discard the lives ruined by those terrorist attacks is abhorrent.
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The Constitution remains in effect In CA/NY/IL.

It doesn't in FL or TX.

That is the main difference.

Big gov Abbott, when he's not banning porn, abortion or weed sends his "gazpacho" to to beat peaceful protesters. Even right wingers were horrified at the obvious 1A violation.

Hopefully you wake up before the Constitution is "terminated"
Texas is being invaded
There’s no two ways about that

We can argue constitution all day, but at the end of the day, law and order is ruling the day on college campuses in those two states
Not to those that watch Fox News everyday. It is fact.

The CEsspool has threads that say "watch Fox at 11AM" on a weekday. They don't even work.

They just want a feed of what they want to hear and can't even condemn Charlottesville and Jan 6 but call protests filled with peaceful, often Jewish students as prejudiced.
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good job you found one incident from 6 years ago? Its a small minority.

Well it's definitely a minority who vote for the guy who called it "very fine people"

But the supporters are not small. It's why so many collapsed on the Capitol steps.
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It is reflective of your morality if you can vote for someone who excuses the murder at UVA and the Constitution abrogation and violence of Jan 6.

"But I want a tax cut" or "pro life" so I am going to discard the lives ruined by those terrorist attacks is abhorrent.
Questioning my ethics, values and morals, when you vote for somebody who certainly has other views, many of which I find abohorent, doesn’t speak to anything other than the fact that we live in the greatest country in the world and are free to vote for whomever we please

The one thing I do know that is at the end of the day, Jesus Christ will judge living and the dead

And we’ll all have to answer to Him who is the final judge
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No, we would do what we did in urban warfare in Iraq. We went door to door in cities to kill insurgents. Israel didn’t want to risk their soldiers. Instead they just shelled civilians in one of the most densely populated areas of the world.

that sucks for them, maybe don't randomly attack your neighbor if you don't want to get punched back. When you rape women and put babies in ovens you don't get to dictate the rules of the payback
Texas is being invaded
There’s no two ways about that

We can argue constitution all day, but at the end of the day, law and order is ruling the day on college campuses in those two states

Uh...did you miss the right to protest in the 1A?

The DA had to dismiss all the charges against protesters because they broke no laws.

Aren't you supposed to be against big government?

Florida....too easy. Which "anti woke" law ended in federal court should we start with? You tell me happy to go through the list.
It is reflective of your morality if you can vote for someone who excuses the murder at UVA and the Constitution abrogation and violence of Jan 6.

"But I want a tax cut" or "pro life" so I am going to discard the lives ruined by those terrorist attacks is abhorrent.

Well sufferin' strawman Sylvester.
that sucks for them, maybe don't randomly attack your neighbor if you don't want to get punched back. When you rape women and put babies in ovens you don't get to dictate the rules of the payback
I would guess you are a “ Might Makes Right “ proponent?
Uh...did you miss the right to protest in the 1A?

The DA had to dismiss all the charges against protesters because they broke no laws.

Aren't you supposed to be against big government?

Florida....too easy. Which "anti woke" law ended in federal court should we start with? You tell me happy to go through the list.
As of stated, there is a right to protest without committing crimes

Nobody has a right to invade our country

Personally, I like how Abbott and RDS govern

Seeing the amount of people that have moved down to Florida and Texas, respectively since the pandemic, I would imagine a lot of others think the same

Neither of them are perfect
Far from it

But when you combine the tax breaks with the weather, and the laid-back personality of the Residents down there, it’s a no-brainer why Team Smooth will be making the move as well.
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Well sufferin' strawman Sylvester.

Where is the strawman? It is 100% real.

Do we have a political "leader" who said:

- There were "very fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville? And, please, tell me how those there "for the statue" responded when chants of "Jew will not replace us" broke out?

- That those in jail for beating the police on Jan 6 are "hostages"?

Now you want to talk about protesters, many of whom are Jewish, who held a Seder and Shabbat services in the camp and say they hate Jews?

Should we get into Kanye and Nick Fuentes because it somehow goes even MORE downhill
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Well something like 40% of the country disagrees. And most of the posters in this thread crying about Columbia would disagree too.
I’m not in those 40%
And couldn’t care less with those 40% believer don’t believe

I vote based on my feelings
Not what others think or believe
As of stated, there is a right to protest without committing crimes

Nobody has a right to invade our country

Personally, I like how Abbott and RDS govern

Seeing the amount of people that have moved down to Florida and Texas, respectively since the pandemic, I would imagine a lot of others think the same

Neither of them are perfect
Far from it

But when you combine the tax breaks with the weather, and the laid-back personality of the Residents down there, it’s a no-brainer why Team Smooth will be making the move as well.

No doubt many people hate the Constitution. We saw that on Jan 6.

What crimes were committed in Texas? Please cite the law that the students broke, and explain why all the charges were dismissed?
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Questioning my ethics, values and morals, when you vote for somebody who certainly has other views, many of which I find abohorent, doesn’t speak to anything other than the fact that we live in the greatest country in the world and are free to vote for whomever we please

The one thing I do know that is at the end of the day, Jesus Christ will judge living and the dead

And we’ll all have to answer to Him who is the final judge

Well I certainly do like where Jesus spoke about accepting the stranger and taxing the rich.

I do think those who say they believe in his words while ignoring those commands are a fascinating bunch.
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No doubt many people hate the Constitution. We saw that on Jan 6.

What crimes were committed in Texas? Please cite the law that the students broke, and explain why all the charges were dismissed?
The only one I’ve seen dismissed is the assault charge against the photographer

The latest headline I saw was an additional nearly 80 people or arrested during a second crackdown

I’m not going to go law for law on what was and what wasn’t committed, I’m going based on what I see
Well I certainly do like where Jesus spoke about accepting the stranger and taxing the rich.

I do think those who say they believe in his words while ignoring those commands are a fascinating bunch.
Ignoring his commands is foolish, and makes us all inherent hypocrites because nobody is perfect

Attempting to live a faithful life while honoring our Lord and savior is the goal of every Christian that I know
I’m not in those 40%
And couldn’t care less with those 40% believer don’t believe

I vote based on my feelings
Not what others think or believe


I believe in the Constitution

I believe those who chant "Jew will not replace us" are not very fine

I believe those who beat the police belong in jail

I believe when Jesus says welcome the stranger and the rich pay their fair share

I believe that rape is wrong

I believe telling your Christian VP to throw votes in the garbage is wrong

I believe stealing classified documents and waving them around on tape saying "I could have declassified" is wrong

I believe refusing to pay your vendors is wrong

I believe praising Hezbollah is wrong

I believe having dinner with antisemities is wrong

I believe women control their own bodies

So it is a pretty easy choice for me.
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The only one I’ve seen dismissed is the assault charge against the photographer

The latest headline I saw was an additional nearly 80 people or arrested during a second crackdown

I’m not going to go law for law on what was and what wasn’t committed, I’m going based on what I see

Ignoring his commands is foolish, and makes us all inherent hypocrites because nobody is perfect

Attempting to live a faithful life while honoring our Lord and savior is the goal of every Christian that I know

Well, I would agree. For the actual Christians.

The ones who say they are but then raw dog a porn star while their wife is home with a newborn? Them I question.
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I believe in the Constitution

I believe those who chant "Jew will not replace us" are not very fine

I believe those who beat the police belong in jail

I believe when Jesus says welcome the stranger and the rich pay their fair share

I believe that rape is wrong

I believe telling your Christian VP to throw votes in the garbage is wrong

I believe stealing classified documents and waving them around on tape saying "I could have declassified" is wrong

I believe refusing to pay your vendors is wrong

I believe praising Hezbollah is wrong

I believe having dinner with antisemities is wrong

I believe women control their own bodies

So it is a pretty easy choice for me.
Agree with pretty much everything except for the last point, except in cases of incest, rape, or if the woman is in danger of dying

This post is kind of my point, though, as I think most people typically have the same ethics, values and morals, and we all get caught up in the semantics of this and that

If people sat down and talked things out, and reasonable conclusions and compromises were made with putting the greater good of society at the forefront, the world and those of us living in it would be a much better place
Well, I would agree. For the actual Christians.

The ones who say they are but then raw dog a porn star while their wife is home with a newborn? Them I question.
I don’t know anyone, Christian or not, that condones that type of behavior
Bad analogy. Is the US sending military aid to China? I must have missed that. Over 14,000 children killed in Gaza - many by bombs funded by US. Hamas is heinous terrorist group that killed 1/10 of that number on October 7th. Israel needs to be better . A very large number of Israeli Jews agree.
Our country gives China most favored nation trading status so we are economically supporting China.

Oh, and where did that 14,000 number come from, Hamas?
If you go to the CEsspool there is a thread calling for RU students to be shot.

Very sad.
I do not go on the current event board because I’m primarily here to talk about football

I understand why they have that board and don’t begrudge anyone that chooses to go on it, but transparently, going on there brings me down and puts me in a place I do not like to be at
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Agree with pretty much everything except for the last point, except in cases of incest, rape, or if the woman is in danger of dying

This post is kind of my point, though, as I think most people typically have the same ethics, values and morals, and we all get caught up in the semantics of this and that

If people sat down and talked things out, and reasonable conclusions and compromises were made with putting the greater good of society at the forefront, the world and those of us living in it would be a much better place

Well in Texas there isn't even that...but in any case, the evidence IMO points in the other direction, or at least, very loud minorities of people who some won't condemn are causing a problem.

It is very rare to see people on one side condemn Jan 6 or Charlottesville. Personally, I have no issues with violent- actually violent, not like TX- people being arrested and charged but that doesn't seem as universal as you are portraying.

I am for our justice system whether you're a student or sleeping in court. I wish that were more universal.
I do not go on the current event board because I’m primarily here to talk about football

I understand why they have that board and don’t begrudge anyone that chooses to go on it, but transparently, going on there brings me down and puts me in a place I do not like to be at

Well we agree again! I just wish that anyone proposing violence, especially attributing it to our fans, saw consequences.
The average protester wants peace and the end of hostilities.
Their protesting about what's happening in Gaza is worth listening to.
As for divesting from Israel by American Universities, the protesters shouldn't generalize, just take what should be ended in an individual bases.
Outside agitators aided by some student radicals have made the protest look antisemitic .
Student leaders must take back control and if they can't, leave that protest and start podcasts stating their point of view without trying to intimidate people into agreeing with them.
Many opposed to the protests really don't care about the fate of Israel, but being pro Israel and anti Palestinian helps their political agenda.
Liberal or conservative posters here need to agree on one thing Hamas must be destroyed and even though Israeli settlers on the West Bank kicking out the Palestinian occupants of land there so Jewish settlements can take it over is not a reason to feel Hamas had even the slightest excuse for what they did Oct.7, but that land grab needs to be discussed and opposed once Hamas bites the dust.
Also a two state solution must be implemented or terrorism will always have an excuse and be used to commit terrorists acts. Which have been going on since the State of Israel was formed and by Jewish terrorist groups before that trying to force a Jewish nation of Israel to formed so the Jewish people could have a safe haven.
Using the biblical Israel as the right to be a nation again was the rallying cry for the return of Israel into the world .
Israel has a right to exist and destroy all threats to it.But as a nation, must look at it's past and understand a Nation of Palestine should have a right to exist as well .
Terrorist acts by either side should not be condoned in the fight for forming or protecting a country

Israel has been plagued with terrorism ever since Haganah, The Irgun and " Lohamei Herut Israel Lehi" committed acts of terrorism trying to force the English to leave Palestine (where they governed under a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been conceded by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918.) so a State of Israel could be formed.
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Our country gives China most favored nation trading status so we are economically supporting China.

Oh, and where did that 14,000 number come from, Hamas?

Are you seriously arguing American students don't protest China?

Your media just doesn't tell you.

Israel killed its own hostages and aid workers by its own admission.

Does pro life not apply to Palestinian children?

I support the right of Israel to exist. But Israel deserves major scrutiny for its conduct and its own citizens protest it literally every day. You wouldn't call them anti semites but if it's Jewish American students holding Shabbat in a camp, they are called Hamas.
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