Stringer's absence (Opinion)

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Hall of Famer
Apr 1, 2003
Remember one thing all you complainers.
Stringer over the years accrued her days she is using now It’s not like she hasn’t earned them.
You might not like it, but not one of you would leave your job because of health concerns and give up the days you saved up for emergency use in the future. Of course some of you might try to make your situation different, but in reality it's not so don't try that BS here.

CVS is just doing the same thing that just about all of us would do if we were worried about our health and making loved ones sick because we felt our work environment wasn’t safe enough .
Many employees in various professions do the same and people understand

As for not allowing a replacement, could be loyalty to a staff member was a consideration and making sure he got his shot was what Vivian desired.
Loyalty breeds loyalty and C.Vivian Stringer has a loyal staff and she rewards that loyalty be being loyal to them and tries to make sure they have a chance to better themselves.

So remember that and know Hobbs is supporting Stringer.

What the usual suspects think, doesn’t mean a thing because they have used anything and just about everything they could think of to claim CVS needs to be history..
This issue just becomes another one for the anti Stringer bunch to try and use for an excuse to make people feel Vivian should be replaced
Amazing to me how many people fail to see the bigger picture here. She is not someone making minimum wage and fighting for her survival, where taking advantage of every last thing that you are entitled to could make or break you. Rather, she holds one of the most unique and hard to come by positions in the country. And she has been paid and treated extraordinarily well for her contributions over many years. While I am sure it must be very hard to walk away from a position like that, if it were me in that situation, my only concern would be leaving the program and my players in the best situation possible. Whether you believe she is entitled to do what she is doing now or not, no one can honestly say that they truly believe that what she is doing is in the best interests of the players and program. The only one benefiting here is CVS. The focus should be on doing the right thing here, not debating technicalities of what she may be entitled to get away with based on some HR rules never intended to really benefit such a unique and privileged position. CVS is a legend and I would love to see her stay involved with the program. But do the right thing and retire so that the players and program can move on. She gets paid the same either way, so this is not about money or entitlement. It is about doing the right thing.
When I retired from RU after 30+ years I probably had about 300 accrued sick days - enough to cover about 15 months had I gotten really sick.
Would you have used them if you got sick and not ready to retire, so you could return to same job at RU ?
Or just walked away without using them and retired because of your health knowing you'd never be able to return to same job, even if you wanted to?

I take it you didn't receive any compensation for those 300 days when you retired and I thank you for your reply.
Even if it disproves my implying no one would leave money on the table if it was coming to them
when they;left their position be it for a leave of absence or retirement.
Other than the subject of this post, anyone think her absence will allow some changes in philosophy here?
Will we see this team play differently?
Would you have used them if you got sick and not ready to retire, so you could return to same job at RU ?
Or just walked away without using them and retired because of your health knowing you'd never be able to return to same job, even if you wanted to?

I take it you didn't receive any compensation for those 300 days when you retired and I thank you for your reply.
Even if it disproves my implying no one would leave money on the table if it was coming to them
when they;left their position be it for a leave of absence or retirement.
I took an early retirement buyout (thank you Gov, McGreevy) so I didn’t have an opportunity to need them. RU pays you for half your days when you retire, with a cap of $15,000. So that’s what I got.
Dont know what I would have done if I really got sick.
My very first boss at RU told me some people just burn their sick time (15 days per year) but it’s good insurance to save them in case you have a real need.
The play did not change under Eatman. Lack of offense and passing the ball around the perimeter until 5 or 6 seconds left in the shot clock and then shoot. There is no go to player on this team. Ball handling was bad with 24 TO. SP was a three guard team all under 5’5” and we were about even on rebounds. Big Ten teams will exploit that. I think this will be a tough year for us.
Remember one thing all you complainers.

CVS is just doing the same thing that just about all of us would do if we were worried about our health and making loved ones sick because we felt our work environment wasn’t safe enough .
Many employees in various professions do the same and people understand

Do you know this to be fact or are you guessing? The contract she was given is ridiculous.
motorb54 said:
"Do you know this to be fact or are you guessing? The contract she was given is ridiculous. "

my reply:
I'm guessing we all would do what CVS is doing if we had a contract with our employer that allowed it and felt the need to stay safe and protect family member's health.
As for contract being ridiculous, we all have our own opinions and sometimes it's not the same as another person's opinion
I don't think it is ridiculous , but haven't seen all that's in it, just reports of contract with some but not all of what that agreement contains in it.
It is the "need to stay safe and protect family member's health" that you keep repeating.
How do you know that is the reason?
It is the "need to stay safe and protect family member's health" that you keep repeating.
How do you know that is the reason?
Guess you didn't see articles that had this in it : "She cited concerns about COVID-19 as a reason for stepping away, a spokesman said. She cares for her 40-year-old daughter who has required special care since contracting spinal meningitis as a toddler."
But I'm sure you did if you read anything reported about the leave of absence.

If you don't think that doesn't mean CVS is trying to keep herself safe and her daughter safe, then believe what you want ,because nothing will and you might not really care about reason, just want to complain about it.
That you only know and I won't guess, I'll just answer the question raised by you and take it that you didn't read about it anyplace except this board
Amazing to me how many people fail to see the bigger picture here. She is not someone making minimum wage and fighting for her survival, where taking advantage of every last thing that you are entitled to could make or break you. Rather, she holds one of the most unique and hard to come by positions in the country. And she has been paid and treated extraordinarily well for her contributions over many years. While I am sure it must be very hard to walk away from a position like that, if it were me in that situation, my only concern would be leaving the program and my players in the best situation possible. Whether you believe she is entitled to do what she is doing now or not, no one can honestly say that they truly believe that what she is doing is in the best interests of the players and program. The only one benefiting here is CVS. The focus should be on doing the right thing here, not debating technicalities of what she may be entitled to get away with based on some HR rules never intended to really benefit such a unique and privileged position. CVS is a legend and I would love to see her stay involved with the program. But do the right thing and retire so that the players and program can move on. She gets paid the same either way, so this is not about money or entitlement. It is about doing the right thing.
What will be the excuse used in 2022 ? Just remember the main thing is the success of the TEAM and PROGRAM… it’s the recruiting of players and not the coach . Too many coaches who get too much credit .
The new coach has to be someone from The Shore who is a young assistant at a major program or a head coach at a successful mid-major. Or someone who has lots of contacts at Shore and other New Jersey high schools. We can’t keep getting kids from Mississippi, Texas, California, Mars, etc. who leave or don’t pan out. Our recruiting in our state is abysmal. It would be like football not even trying to recruit in Bergen County and South Jersey. The new coach has to be willing to give Free clinics around the state and drum up interest in the youth and high school levels. The attendance is a joke for a state of NINE million people and 100,000 or more girls playing basketball. Needs to be seen at major high school games and bring in tournaments, big high school games,All-Star games, and more state playoff games to The RAC.
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I actually remember many of our girls( the best) choosing Rutgers. Don’t Shabazz, Paterson , Trenton etc. play women’s BB?
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The new coach has to be someone from The Shore who is a young assistant at a major program or a head coach at a successful mid-major. Or someone who has lots of contacts at Shore and other New Jersey high schools. We can’t keep getting kids from Mississippi, Texas, California, Mars, etc. who leave or don’t pan out. Our recruiting in our state is abysmal. It would be like football not even trying to recruit in Bergen County and South Jersey. The new coach has to be willing to give Free clinics around the state and drum up interest in the youth and high school levels. The attendance is a joke for a state of NINE million people and 100,000 or more girls playing basketball. Needs to be seen at major high school games and bring in tournaments, big high school games,All-Star games, and more state playoff games to The RAC.
A mix of good sense and what???

Yes, an assistant from a major program or a head coach from a mid-major is probably exactly where Rutgers will look. Unless there is an odd chance to snag someone, such as happened when Vivian was unexpectedly available.

That said, WBB recruiting is not football recruiting. And no major program is succeeding with local talent only. Yes, it would be nice to get a few Jersey girls (and it would help attendance most likely, as well). Part of the issue that Vivian realized early on is that many NJ players have no desire to "stay home", unlike (for example) in the mid-west where it is more common. I just looked at Iowa's roster - 4 players from the state and the entire rest of the roster from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and one from Colorado. This is probably a bit less diverse than many, but illustrates the idea.

I am out here in Arizona and our roster includes 5 foreign players, California, North Dakota, Texas, Oregon (2), Georgia, Nevada, Florida and 2 from Arizona. Extremely diverse.

While it would be nice to see more high school competitions played at the RAC, that has zero to do with the coach and everything to do with what the school charges to host these events.

Oh, and a coach's contacts with players that are considered "recruit-able" is extremely limited and doubtless precludes free clinics around the state.
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Coaches and players from The Shore want nothing to do with the present staff. Notre Dame says thank you. The style of play is boring and will not bring in the average sports fan. Rutgers can give a thousand Free clinics and other events from Sussex to Cape May for early high school kids all the way to kids in Kindergarten if we want. Trying to turn kids into Rutgers fans needs to start as early as possible , not when they are 16. This applies to all academics and athletics with New Jersey parents and youngsters.
Coaches and players from The Shore want nothing to do with the present staff. Notre Dame says thank you. The style of play is boring and will not bring in the average sports fan. Rutgers can give a thousand Free clinics and other events from Sussex to Cape May for early high school kids all the way to kids in Kindergarten if we want. Trying to turn kids into Rutgers fans needs to start as early as possible , not when they are 16. This applies to all academics and athletics with New Jersey parents and youngsters.
It's not that the players and coaches from the shore want nothing to do with the present staff. It's that the staff for some time wants nothing to do with the shore or much of the in state talent. I know many people involved in the shore basketball scene. They have been treated poorly to say the least since the early 2000's. As one of the more established high school coaches (multiple high level D1 players) told me. "The next time Rutgers steps in this gym will be one of their first times."

It's not only the high school scene. Rutgers could fill out their roster with a top 20 class every year without traveling further than 30 miles from campus. HOOP group in Neptune is a gold mine for recruiting that is right in their backyard and the staff is very rarely present.
She's leaving this program in the dust and in shambles BUT still taking its money. Sorry, but in my book, that's criminal. Take care of your family, Viv, wouldn't expect anything less....BUT enough.

And, NO, many of us WOULDN'T take the "accrued sick leave" and the $$$$ after already making millions. Sorry, MAD, but you're just wrong here sir. I would actually be ASHAMED of myself to even think about doing what she's doing to this program. My parents would never speak to me again if I pulled this nonsense.
She's leaving this program in the dust and in shambles BUT still taking its money. Sorry, but in my book, that's criminal. Take care of your family, Viv, wouldn't expect anything less....BUT enough.

And, NO, many of us WOULDN'T take the "accrued sick leave" and the $$$$ after already making millions. Sorry, MAD, but you're just wrong here sir. I would actually be ASHAMED of myself to even think about doing what she's doing to this program. My parents would never speak to me again if I pulled this nonsense.
Nuts if proven wrong , and so far this season I look far from being right, you will see me admit it on here.
As for leaving the cash on table, I feel many would say the same thing you have, but when they become in the same position it becomes a horse of a different color and they find reasons to take the money and run.

No one knows what Vivian's financial situation is, but if my daughter needed constant care and I worried about how she would survive without me, I'd take every dollar coming to me because that's the right thing to do so her future without me can be as good as possible.

When you say you wouldn't take the money, you're thinking about your own situation.
What if their was someone totally dependent on you and you needed to plan for her care ( the best possible ) when you won't be able to..
Did she not negotiate a new contract and then stop doing her job as soon as the ink was dry?
Hobbs got played and looks like an idiot. She gets paid whether she coaches or not?
Move to an administrative position and get a million a year?
The last Final Four and a spot in the final was in 2007. That is thirteen seasons ago.
How many conference championships has she won since then?
What is the top end of season rank in those thirteen years?
How much effort has she made to promote the product and bring fans to the RAC so to justify her compensation? How much money does women's Bball lose every year?
I agree with Nuts.
She has been a very highly paid person for a very long time.
If she hasn't made arrangements including long term care for her daughter shame on her.

And Madhat: If you would "take every dollar...because that's the right thing to do" you have a very odd concept of right and wrong.
Did she not negotiate a new contract and then stop doing her job as soon as the ink was dry?
Hobbs got played and looks like an idiot. She gets paid whether she coaches or not?
Move to an administrative position and get a million a year?
The last Final Four and a spot in the final was in 2007. That is thirteen seasons ago.
How many conference championships has she won since then?
What is the top end of season rank in those thirteen years?
How much effort has she made to promote the product and bring fans to the RAC so to justify her compensation? How much money does women's Bball lose every year?
I agree with Nuts.
She has been a very highly paid person for a very long time.
If she hasn't made arrangements including long term care for her daughter shame on her.

And Madhat: If you would "take every dollar...because that's the right thing to do" you have a very odd concept of right and wrong.
If you don't do everything and everything you can to make sure your disabled daughter gets the best kind of care when you can't do it anymore , you're not doing the right thing for your daughter's future care after you are no longer able to take care of her.
I pity the family that has someone in need and no one does everything they can to make that family member's future comfort a priority

If you want to partial quote what I said to prove your point, maybe you have a sneaky feeling I was right after reading all of what you only posted a part of > what I said ("No one knows what Vivian's financial situation is, but if my daughter needed constant care and I worried about how she would survive without me, I'd take every dollar coming to me because that's the right thing to do so her future without me can be as good as possible".) isn't what you implied with only a part of what I said has a different meaning when the whole statement is taken into consideration
That wasn't the right thing to do by you, but it seems we might have different moral values when it comes to making sure a family member is cared for in the best way possible when we can no longer care for our disabled daughter.

The rest of what you said makes sense, but also neglects to adress everything CVS had to overcome to keep a winning record in the regular season.
Football & Men's basketball didn't even come close for many years to what the RU WBB was doing. Hell the baseball program went down and needs to work its way back up.
Now they are looking good after both (FB-MBB) being terrible programs.
RU WBB did go down from being a great program to a pretty good one.
So the implication of it being terrible under Stringer is not quite right .
But saying it hasn't been a great program for around 13 years and isn't living up to the fans expectations would be true.
I know her poor daughter is totally disabled as we saw her years ago when CVS brought her to the game. So she is on Medicaid which I am sure picks up her care. But that is not the issue here. CVS signed a contract guaranteeing 5 years pay of $5.5 million whether she works or not. That means the administration has the right to give her a role at the University. Exercise that right and bring in a new coach to replace CVS and she gets all the money she needs to care for her daughter.
She's leaving this program in the dust and in shambles BUT still taking its money. Sorry, but in my book, that's criminal. Take care of your family, Viv, wouldn't expect anything less....BUT enough.
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I know her poor daughter is totally disabled as we saw her years ago when CVS brought her to the game. So she is on Medicaid which I am sure picks up her care. But that is not the issue here. CVS signed a contract guaranteeing 5 years pay of $5.5 million whether she works or not. That means the administration has the right to give her a role at the University. Exercise that right and bring in a new coach to replace CVS and she gets all the money she needs to care for her daughter.
The complaint by some is the money and I expressed my opinion on how Stringer like every parent
needs to provide for disabled child even after the parent might be out of the picture and want to make sure that child gets the best possible care once the parent isn't able to provide that.
As for Medicaid picking up Vivian's daughter's care, that's just the basic care and not the best available. It's mainly relied on by those that can't afford the best care to and those financially able to will use Medicaid , private insurance and saving accounts set up especially to care for a child once the parent isn't able to handle that care.
Any one who feels Medicaid is the answer, better hope that its funding doesn't get cut now or in future.
Seems like there \has been political fights over Medicaid and no matter what side of the fence you are on that issue, no one can trust it being good enough to give the best possible care for a child that has its parents out of making sure of how good the care was being provided for their child

The consensus from what I seen was Vivian shouldn't have accepted the money and the care of her daughter wasn't considered.
You brought up Medicaid like that should be enough, but would you trust it to give your disabled daughter the best possible care if you weren't around to make sure your child get the best care available. Or would you allow the government take care of it and trust them to make sure your child got the best care possible.
Then again, could you cay Medicaid will be funded at a rate that everyone on it got top notch care and every medical facility would accept what Medicaid paid as payment in full or would the best ones require additional payment..

As for taking the money and moving over to administration , I feel that was something CVS should have done and she could have said she's taking a break from being the HC because of her concern over how the NCAA'S cOVID19 policy was and how it might affect her and her child's health.
Shew then could zoom her administration duties while Tim was HC and maybe Stringer could have had contact ( zoom ) with members of team and coaches in an advisory position could help game day strategy and breaking down how the last game went, but not be involved during the game or at. halftime . No contact all all then.
CVS taking the money and not moving over to administration doesn't make me happy and since she didn't do that, leave of absence aside, I place her future as HC directly tied into how the team finishes this season..

If the Team sucks this year Vivian is terminated as HC and given the choice of moving to administration or school cuts ties with her and no position will be saved at RU for her.
She'll be paid in full, but not part of Rutgers anymore and no Coach Emeritus status
If Tim amazes the world after this poor start and makes a great run in the NCAAs, Tim gets extended as HC while Stringer is asked to Retire with Coach Emeritus status along with an administration role that puts her in charge of the WBB program
If she refuses,CVS can take the money and run because RU is moving on without her.

But if Tim has a winning season,(too early to say he won't, just looks that way now,) but doesn't get to the Tourney , Vivian can return as HC next year, but if the team doesn't make the Dance the retirement options are back on the table because the 2023-2024season will be a fresh start with new HC.

I feel Vivian has every right to her money and feel she needs to make sure her daughter gets the best care when Vivian can't oversee it any more.
But the way her leave of absence is set up, Stringer needs to be held accountable, just like Tim,
for the problems the program has because of her LOA.
Also if Tim proves to be a real good one by the time regular and post-season ends, he needs to be rewarded and Vivian needs to step aside or be pushed out.
Tim had to overcome the mess Stringer's LOA caused and doesn't deserve to have to go back to assistant or find another program to be a HC at
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She’s not coming back they are going to move her to a corner office if that a she is going to collect her money till the bitter end.
she backed Hobbs into a corner and in my opinion stole 6 million dollars from the athletic department which I know has made many others in the department very upset!!
In my opinion Tim is a far lesser version of CVS and a new whole staff needs to be brought in with a dynamic head coach. Keeping a HC in her mid 70’s with her best days behind her makes no sense. She is being rewarded for her wonderful service to this university with a $5.5 severance package. Fair and square
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In my opinion Tim is a far lesser version of CVS and a new whole staff needs to be brought in with a dynamic head coach. Keeping a HC in her mid 70’s with her best days behind her makes no sense. She is being rewarded for her wonderful service to this university with a $5.5 severance package. Fair and square
I don’t begrudge her looking out for her family but it’s a bad look to negotiate a new contract and then sit out. Seems a little disingenuous. Maybe Hobbs knew this ahead of time but I doubt it. Regarding a new coach/staff - we should clean house when the time comes. If you want to be a top team the CVS philosophy of defense at the expense of offense doesn’t work anymore - hasn’t for many years. We don’t need any remnants hanging around.
I don’t begrudge her looking out for her family but it’s a bad look to negotiate a new contract and then sit out. Seems a little disingenuous. Maybe Hobbs knew this ahead of time but I doubt it. Regarding a new coach/staff - we should clean house when the time comes. If you want to be a top team the CVS philosophy of defense at the expense of offense doesn’t work anymore - hasn’t for many years. We don’t need any remnants hanging around.
Agreed 100%
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I don’t begrudge her looking out for her family but it’s a bad look to negotiate a new contract and then sit out. Seems a little disingenuous. Maybe Hobbs knew this ahead of time but I doubt it. Regarding a new coach/staff - we should clean house when the time comes. If you want to be a top team the CVS philosophy of defense at the expense of offense doesn’t work anymore - hasn’t for many years. We don’t need any remnants hanging around.
I tend to agree with this and reason why I tie CVS' coming back to how the team does this season and other factors I've already stated about her future at RU.

I tend to defend Stringer , but this time find fault on how her leave of absence could have just been a move to administrative duties by zoom and possibly be allowed to be in contact with the players and coached during her break from being the HC.
Not knowing all the facts can turn supporters into critics and even the bashers need an explanation , which isn't happening
Hobbs needs to step up and explain the whys and wherefores along with CVS putting out a statement
Just curious,........Do you guys also have some inside info on this matter? Do you actually know that Viv signed the contract to care for her daughter and not to try to continue her legacy here at RU? How do you know she signed the contract without any intentions of fulfilling any duties of it?

Did we look at the timeline of decisions made about testing and vaccine policies in WCBB and the RU, in relation to the time she signed? Do we know some or any of the discussion that took place between Hobbs and CVS when the contract was extended?

Is it an actual fact that Hobbs has expressed dissatisfaction with CVS to the point of being 'pissed'?

Now from another angle,.....How do we know that she and Hobbs haven't discussed several different scenarios for her transition from the HC spot? And possibly one of the scenarios being the one that is playing out right now.

She may not have expected that there would be no covid testing this year, and many people not wearing the masks while in close quarters. If I'm her, I'd be worried about contracting covid and the serious effects it could have on a person of her medical history. With this decision to protect herself and her family until further notice(until we don't keep seeing spikes of covid) , she may have talked with Hobbs about giving Tim this tryout.

If you were in CVS' shoes, you too would want your Asst Coach to get a fair shot to be next in line. If you didn't use your position to at least request that, then you are no kind of loyal friend to the people that you call your RU family. All that and the bloodlines, sisterhood amongst the women of the program may be seen as just talk. I don't know this to be the case, I'm just saying, maybe something of the sort could be going on right now with an understanding that if he succeeds he gets a HC contract and if he fails, they both step aside.

I wouldn't conclude that she made a mess for Tim to clean up. She may just be providing him with an opportunity to get where he wants to go.

I can only guess as to what is going on. But the last thing that I would suspect is that CVS was intent on stealing from RU. Does she have that kind of history? What would make someone think that of her?

If you know something that the rest of us don't, please share.

Actually, the numerous awards and positive national press that she creates for RU, in itself, arguably could be seen as worthy of the compensation she receives in this contract extension. Be honest you all! You heard the countless praises for her (with RU attached to it every time) just over the course of the last year. Other schools would love to have that kind of attention.

And I'll say it again. I can't think of any other person or program at RU that has brought more positive press to the university over the years (especially this past year).
Can anyone explain why "Coach Emeritus" status was even necessary?
What was Rutgers afraid of if they did not renew her contract?

Yes, for too many years WBB was our most successful program.
But the failures in football and MBB shouldn't raise her status.
Final fours...great.
1000 wins...fantastic.
A very good but not great overall program.
How often since the final four year 13 seasons ago has Rutgers finished in the top 10? 25?
Why could Hobbs not tell her:
"Congratulations Coach but it is time to retire" and give her all the honors and show her as much love as possible as she made a graceful exit. If she would choose not to exit gracefully that would hurt her reputation more than it would hurt Rutgers. Negotiating a new contract then not coaching is not the class we all thought she would show.

This is an athletic department that gets grief for the $$$$ it loses.
But it has money (is it really $5 million she is guaranteed?) for this?

How many season tickets does WBB sell?
Place looks empty on TV.
And I don't hate women's sports. I have been to more WBB games than MBB games.
Sadly it is easy to get great seats to the WBB games.
It is VERY likely that when she finally drops the hostage act on the RU AD, she will leave the WBB program in worse shape than when she came in. Sorry if that isn’t warm fuzzy enough for some. My loyalty is to RU NOT CVS…the supposed good press attached to her name and RU is not even remotely close the cratering this program is about to take. Bottom Line is, we are not a destination and when absentee HOF coach officially calls it quits, this program is very likely to be a mid-to-bottom big ten dweller. Even before Covid the program was on a decided downward trajectory. Post Covid, it is likely effed. I DGAF if that hurts sensibilities…I’m not a CVS fan I’m an RU fan and that’s where my loyalties lie. If we survive this cluster and thrive, good for RU! Best wishes to coach stringer and her family, but it is clear a 5 year extension was a BAD mistake.
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Look at the facts that we know are true. Her contract of $5+ million is guaranteed. Mr Hobbs can give her any administrative role in the University he chooses. CVS is 73 years CB old and in the twilight of her illustrious career. Her style of offense is and has been in question as outdated. With all of those facts it makes a lot of sense to move on into a new era of WBB.
It is VERY likely that when she finally drops the hostage act on the RU AD, she will leave the WBB program in worse shape than when she came in. Sorry if that isn’t warm fuzzy enough for some. My loyalty is to RU NOT CVS…the supposed good press attached to her name and RU is not even remotely close the cratering this program is about to take. Bottom Line is, we are not a destination and when absentee HOF coach officially calls it quits, this program is very likely to be a mid-to-bottom big ten dweller. Even before Covid the program was on a decided downward trajectory. Post Covid, it is likely effed. I DGAF if that hurts sensibilities…I’m not a CVS fan I’m an RU fan and that’s where my loyalties lie. If we survive this cluster and thrive, good for RU! Best wishes to coach stringer and her family, but it is clear a 5 year extension was a BAD mistake.
A piece of the problem is that firing someone with the record Rutgers had over the last year is a bad look. It has nothing to do with it being Vivian - although that probably would have made it worse. Women's Basketball is at a place where very few coaches who are producing winning programs with NCAA appearances are getting fired. Coaches who have 20 wins are not getting fired.

I'm more than willing to concede that the program has had on-going issues with success, and I would expect a men's team coach with like record to be on the hot seat. But again, Rutgers would have had to defend firing the coach - because things were not "that" bad - and I'm not sure what they were going to be able to say.

Yes, I am very concerned that the program is crashing. To be determined. But here's the thing - I"m at Arizona, you have absolutely no idea how bad this team was when Adia was hired. And in 5 years Arizona is a national runner-up, the best result for Rutgers in the last 25 years. Rutgers is unlikely to be as awful as Arizona was. When they finally let the last coach go, she hadn't even done any recruiting for the next year. None. No files. That will not be Rutgers.
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In my opinion Tim is a far lesser version of CVS and a new whole staff needs to be brought in with a dynamic head coach. Keeping a HC in her mid 70’s with her best days behind her makes no sense. She is being rewarded for her wonderful service to this university with a $5.5 severance package. Fair and square
Has CVS lost her recruiting magic. There were teams (a decade ago) when McDonald's All Americans found RU an attractive destination. It's clear that we don't have the depth of yesteryear?
2008-2009…that’s the last time this program mattered nationally. It has been (and will continue to be) a long and steady decline…
2008-2009…that’s the last time this program mattered nationally. It has been (and will continue to be) a long and steady decline…
I am sorry and not trying to be hostile but you said BEEN in a long steady decline

last four years 85-36 with the 2020 class the number one recruiting class in big

ass as with football we will lose top talent to IConn, South Carolina, Baylor and Miss St but enough good players come through here to keep winning at a 75 percent rate

granted this year may prove to be an anomoly
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